Rēbørn - A Naruto Fanfiction - aaliswalker (2024)

Chapter 1: The girl who loved death

Chapter Text

“It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this judgement.”

Dr. Gilbert’s words remained anchored in her mind. He had been a devout follower, and despite all his words, he was still dead. The girl watched the coffin drop to the floor, her heart filled with complicated emotions. She was bound to a wheelchair, a nurse from the hospital behind her. The funeral was solemn, and the picture of the doctor was hidden from her view. Her brown hair covered her face as she couldn’t look up.

She couldn’t accept this. It wasn’t fair. Was death this easy to obtain? She had chased death multiple times, and not once had he taken her. She had begged and prayed, cried and screamed, and yet nothing. She was still here. She was still alive. The funeral ended, and her wheelchair was moved. Her eyes left the grave as she was taken away. Dr. Gilbert had been the doctor who took care of her for the past five years. He was her crush; she looked up to him and adored him. Her personality could only be described as unpleasant, so a lot of people didn’t talk to her. It didn’t help that she looked like a walking corpse with cracked lips and skin with grey undertones, long uncut hair, and cold eyes. She was an unpleasant-looking woman with an unpleasant personality. She was taken back to her hospital room and lifted onto her bed, where she was left alone. Her eyes were fixed on the ceiling. This was her life. Every day, she could only stare at the outside world through her window. She dreamt of just jumping out of those very same windows and spreading her arms.

“She didn’t even cry. Dr. Gilbert’s affection was wasted on a woman like that.”

“It creeps me out how she just stared at his grave.”

“What did you expect of someone like that? I’m surprised this hospital allows criminals. ugh.”

The noises of the other staff members filtered into her ears, and she clenched her teeth. She wanted to just die. There was no reason her life was tethered to this world. So why must she stay here and listen to all these people talk like they know her? If she could walk, she would immediately fall down the stairs and hope her fragile body couldn’t withstand the blow. If she could bite off her tongue to choke herself, she would. She closed her eyes, slowing her heartbeat. Taking a few deep breaths, she opened her eyes again.

“You’re that desperate, huh?” The girl’s eyes shifted to the voice that had barged into her thoughts unceremoniously. It was that child again. Strange white hair and red eyes—they had always been here in this hospital with her. The girl assumed the child was a figment of her imagination; after all, they were the only one who could understand her. Seeing the child made her feel better. The child was always a sign that she was now daydreaming. She moved her arms, and they could move. She sat herself up on the bed. In this world, she could be whatever she wanted to be. The child appeared to sit on her bed with her, legs crossed, barefoot, only wearing what looked like a really long shirt with bandages over their wrists and neck.

“Dr. Gilbert died before me,” the girl said.

“Do you want to die that badly? You know if you die, you will never see me again,” the child said.

“I am tired of living. Only in my dreams can I speak and move freely. What kind of life is that?” The child remained quiet, looking at the large glass windows.

“Should we leave this place?” the child asked.

“Can we? I’ve not been outside in five years. I don’t know if I could dream of a realistic outside world.” The child looked at her, their blank facial expression something she had gotten used to by now.

“Well, you can imagine anything you want. It doesn’t have to be realistic.” The child stood on the bed, their weight not making a dent on the shabby mattress. They held out their hand to her, and she took it. A pair of beautiful white wings sprouted from her back. As she thought about it, they flapped, lifting her adult body off her bed. The child was the first to leave, their body phasing through the window with ease. She followed, phasing through the window to the outside world. Her eyes were wide as she looked around, taking everything in: people moving, animals running around, so many cars, bicycles. So many trees.

“How is it?” the child asked. The girl had a stupidly big smile on her face.

“If I knew I could daydream this good, I would have done this more often. Next time, we should do this again!” The idea of next time seemed to make the child sad, but they didn’t say anything. They had been through so many adventures together: defeating dragons, taking over kingdoms, and falling in love in a normal high school. Each time she daydreamed; she lived her life to the fullest in an alternate reality with the child. For the past five years, the only thing that had made her life manageable was this imaginary friend, a friend whose name she didn’t know. However, this was the first time she had flown in her own world. It felt amazing—the wind against her skin, her hair in the wind, her body feeling light and free. But no matter how enjoyable it felt, she couldn’t help but feel the child was different today. They both sat on a cloud, with her enjoying how soft it felt against her skin, the child watching her.

“We need to do this again tomorrow,” she said, enjoying this day a lot.

“Today might be the last day…” The child’s words came out of nowhere.

“Shi?” She called their name, confused by his words. Shi looked at her, holding her gaze.

“It’s time for you to die.”

“Ah…” She thought she would be happier hearing the child’s words, but she felt empty inside. “Then, will I never see you again?” The child didn’t answer, but she understood. She looked away, sitting up, her chest felt tight. “I should be happy, right? This is what I wanted,” she said, her eyes stinging. “This is what I wanted… But Shi, why do I feel so sad?”

The child’s heart shattered at the sight of her tears. They had never seen her cry, even with the death of her beloved doctor. But the idea of never seeing the child again was enough to push her over the edge. “Do you not want to die?” the child asked.

“I don’t want to lose you, Shi. You are my only friend.” Her voice shook, and she wiped the tears falling down her face, but they were just replaced by more. “I don’t want to lose you,” she said again. Shi felt conflicted. If they saved her, they would be punished severely. “How do I die?” the girl finally asked, after consoling herself.

“Tomorrow, you will be killed.” “I see… Will it be painful?” “...Yeah.” There was an uncomfortable silence, but then she spoke up.

“I’m alright with that.” They knew she wasn’t alright, but there was nothing they could say. The girl’s eyes opened in the hospital. She was back to the same bed, still paralysed. No winds, no cloud, no child. She sighed, back to reality.

Tomorrow, she would die.

The next day arrived with a bleak, overcast sky. The girl lay in her hospital bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. The sense of finality hung in the air, heavy and suffocating. The staff moved around her with a sense of detachment, their faces void of emotion, as if they were merely going through the motions of their daily routines. She felt invisible, a ghost in her own life.

A nurse entered her room, her expression unreadable. “Good morning,” she said mechanically. “Time for your medication.” The girl obediently opened her mouth, swallowing the pills without resistance. The nurse didn’t linger, quickly leaving the room without another word. The girl’s thoughts drifted to Shi. She wondered if she would see them today, if they would be there in her final moments. The idea of facing death alone was terrifying, but she clung to the hope that Shi would appear, that they wouldn’t abandon her.

Hours passed, the day blending into a monotonous blur. The girl dozed off intermittently, her dreams a chaotic mix of memories and imagined adventures with Shi. Each time she woke, she felt a pang of disappointment, realizing she was still in the sterile confines of her hospital room. As evening approached, a different nurse entered her room, this one accompanied by a man in a white coat. He had a stern expression, his eyes cold and unfeeling. “We need to take you for some tests,” he said curtly. The girl nodded weakly, too tired to question or resist. The nurse wheeled her out of the room, down the long, dimly lit corridors. The hospital seemed eerily quiet, the usual bustle and noise absent. It felt like a different world, a place where time had stopped. They arrived at a small, sterile room filled with medical equipment. The nurse and the doctor worked efficiently, attaching her to various machines, their movements precise and practiced. The girl’s heart raced, a sense of dread building within her.

She felt like a lab rat, a specimen being prepared for an experiment. “Relax,” the doctor said, his tone devoid of empathy. “This won’t take long.”

She closed her eyes, trying to calm her racing thoughts. She pictured Shi, imagined their comforting presence beside her. In her mind, she was back in their dream world, soaring through the sky with white wings, free and unburdened. A sudden sharp pain jolted her back to reality. She gasped, her eyes flying open. The doctor was injecting something into her IV. “This is just a sedative,” he replied, his voice clinical. “It will help you relax.” Her vision began to blur, the room spinning around her. She struggled to stay awake, to fight the pull of the drug coursing through her veins. But it was no use. Darkness enveloped her, pulling her into unconsciousness. When she woke again, she was back in her hospital room. It was dark, the only light coming from the small lamp by her bedside.

She felt disoriented, her mind foggy from the sedative. “Shi?” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “Are you here?” There was no response. The room was silent, the emptiness pressing in on her. Tears welled up in her eyes, the weight of her loneliness crushing her spirit. She had never felt more alone. Just as she was about to give in to despair, a familiar figure appeared at the foot of her bed. Shi’s white hair and red eyes stood out starkly in the dim light.

“I’m here,” they said softly. Relief flooded through her, and she managed a weak smile.

“I was afraid you wouldn’t come.”

“I’ll always be here for you,” Shi said, their expression gentle. “Even in your darkest moments.” She reached out to them, and they took her hand, their touch warm and reassuring.

“Is it time?” she asked, her voice trembling.

Shi nodded. “Do not be afraid.” She took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves.

“I don’t want to leave you,” she confessed.

“You won’t,” Shi replied. With Shi by her side, the fear and anxiety that had gripped her heart began to fade. She felt a strange sense of peace, a calm acceptance of what was to come. The door to her room opened, she could see a man walk in with a hood. A knife in hand, she wondered why someone would come all the way here just to kill her. Her body couldn’t move, so she could only watch him weakly as he plunged the knife in her chest over and over again. She could see the eyes under his hood, tear filled dark eyes ad he muttered to himself.

“You deserved this.. You bitch!” Like he was trying to reassure himself that he was doing the right thing.

She didn’t care, only accepting her fate. He quickly stuffed the knife in his pockets and ran off. No one was going to come to help her in time, this was it. Her breathing grew slower, her grip on Shi’s hand weakening.

At least she was not alone.

She kept her eyes on Shi. Shi’s eyes were calm as ever. “I guess you’ve seen people die before.” She wasn’t sure why she asked them that question.

“Hn.” But they answered. Their hands felt a bit too real in this situation.

“I don’t want to go, Shi” Her bravery fell, as her life slipped away and warm blood pooled on her mattress.

“Don’t say that, If you say that I-“ Their voice cracked—the first ounce of emotion she had seen on their face.

“It’s funny, I was a really bad person in my life; this is what I deserve, but here I am selfishly asking you for something I shouldn’t.” Warm tears from their eyes dropped on her face. Her hand reached out to his face, her dry fingers stroking their cheek; they felt like flesh and blood. She would never see him again. Her eyesight was blurring, so she burned their face into her memories.

“If-“ They tried to say, “If you were reborn, if I let you, what would be your greatest wish?" She paused, wondering if this was their way of making her feel better.

"I have always lived my life escaping my reality, for once - I want to live through my imagination."

"I see, then what you imagine is what you will be."

"I'm sorry, I couldn't stay with you any longer." She said, her voice quiet, as she mustered all her strength.

"Don't apologise... It's ok, just close your eyes, and sleep."

"... I love yo..." And then, with one last, gentle breath, she was gone.

Chapter 2: After Darkness, Light

Chapter Text

“I saw the birth of the world and the end.”

A gasp and a fresh breath awakened the girl. She inhaled water and coughed violently, pushing herself off the ground. She could move.


She could speak. She extended her arms immediately, small pale arms, long white hair, and her reflection in the pond she had awakened in showed she was Shi.

“What happened to me?” she asked herself with her new voice. She was a child again? Not just any child, but her imaginary friend. She tried to stand from the muddy pond, and her legs worked. They felt real. Everything felt real. She looked up to the sky, the sun blinding her. She was alive. Tears fell down her face silently.

“Thank you, thank you…” she said over and over again. “Thank you, Shi…”
An older man dragged himself through the forest, bloodied bandages, reopened wounds, and laboured breathing. He dragged a body behind him, every step he took laboured and heavy.

“f*ck… I need to get out of here…”
His exposed torso was covered in stitches. He eventually dropped the body he was carrying and leaned against a tree in exhaustion. Grabbing his headband off his hair, he ran his hands through it, pushing it out of his face. Long black hair fell across his face and shoulders, red eyes with green irises, a muscular physique, and bloodied hands.

She had seen that man before on one of her adventures with Shi, and here he was, a real person. The blood all over his body made her hesitant to approach him, so she remained hidden amidst the bushes. She shifted her weight from one knee to the other, the bushes rustling very quietly, but that was enough to alert him. A kunai came flying straight at her. She squeaked, closing her eyes and raising her hands in fear, waiting for the pain that would come with the kunai piercing her skin.
If only she had stronger skin, she would have been able to avoid the pain.

“What the f*ck are you?”
She peeled her eyes open. The pain never came. The kunai had stopped at her skin and fallen to the floor. She looked at her skin to see no wounds. She looked up at the man still sitting, leaning against the tree.

“Did you see that?” she asked, making sure she wasn’t going crazy. “I stopped the kunai!”
He looked at her like she was crazy, but that was the least of her problems. “Just now, I stopped a kunai!”

“I saw it, so what are you doing here?”

“Oh, sorry. It was rude of me!” She had decided to at least be a better person in this life. Being polite didn’t cost her anything at all! “I’m Tsukiyomi. It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir!” She picked a new name for her new life.

“What’s a child doing out here? Are you a suicide nin?”

“Oh, no. Sorry, I just kind of fell here. I’m not really sure what I’m doing here.”

“Are you from a merchant’s family?” he asked, assessing her appearance. No matter how he looked at it, she looked poor.

“No, no. Um, what should I call you, sir?”

“Just call me sir. A kid like you has no business knowing my name,” he said coldly.

Her lips twitched. She did look like a kid right now. She remembered how she imagined her skin being strengthened. She imagined her body being older to fit her actual age. Kakuzu watched in horror as her body transformed and she grew into Shi’s oversized shirt.

“What the hell?”

“Sorry about that. I am not actually a child. So what should I call you?”

“What the f*ck are you?”

“Um, I’m human? If you mean how old I am, I’m 15?” His questions were confusing. He literally had stitches all over his body and he was questioning her transformation? She rolled her eyes.

“Why don’t you have chakra?”

“What’s chakra?” she asked, tilting her head in question.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” He sighed dramatically, his head falling into his hands, which rested on his flexed knees. “Do you live under a rock or something? How do you not know what chakra is?”

She frowned at his condescending tone. If she didn’t know, she didn’t know. “Well, sorry for not knowing, I guess. But like, what’s the deal with the dead guy? Did you kill him?”

“I killed him. Are you scared?” he asked.

Yomi shrugged. “I mean, you look scary in general, but I’d smash.”


Yomi felt her face heat up aggressively. “I meant I don’t care either way.” She was chronically online; this is what she got for not speaking to other humans regularly. “Um, are you hurt? There’s a lot of blood on you. Your wounds look quite severe.”

“You got that right, so at least you’re not stupid.”

“I don’t like your tone. If you keep being rude, I won’t help you!”

“Fine, I’m sorry. I’ll pay you back handsomely for helping me,” he said.

“Why would I want your money? Do I look poor to you?”

Her question answered itself. The man only looked at her dirty shirt and bare feet and felt like he was dealing with a weird personality. He tried to heal, but it seemed to be to no avail. She rolled her eyes at his silence. She knew she looked strange right now, but still! She walked up to him and touched his arm. Nothing happened.

“What are you doing?” he asked in a threatening growl.

“Checking something. Don’t worry. Here, drink up!” Her nail cut her palm, and deep red blood slipped through and fell into his mouth.

“Is this some type of ninjutsu?” he asked.

“Right now, what you’re saying is just words. I don’t know what it means.” She had her eyes closed as she placed her hand on his bare chest. After a few seconds, he felt his wounds heal but still couldn’t feel any chakra from her.

“Thank you,” he said quietly.

“It’s no issue. Can you move yet?”

He nodded, standing up. “Where are you heading?” he asked.

“I don’t know. Where are we right now?”

“How are you still alive?”

“Why would I be dead?”

He looked at her like she was crazy. This had to be a trap, right? She had to be some sort of spy. “Just… follow me,” he said with a grunt. If she was a spy, he would just kill her. For now, it didn’t hurt to keep her close. She was a decent healer.

“Can we go buy some clothes first? Walking around with this shirt feels weird…”
His eyes narrowed. They just met and she was asking him to spend money? One glance at her body and he diverted his gaze. “I guess you need better clothes,” he said, clearing his throat.

“You never did tell me your name,” she asked again.

“It’s Kakuzu.”

“What’s with the masks on your back?” Yomi asked, eyeing the strange accessories Kakuzu carried. It fascinated her seeing as they were literally sewn into his skin.

“It’s my ninjutsu.”

“Ninjutsu meaning...?”

“It’s how we use chakra.”

“Okay, so chakra is like energy, kinda like magic?” She asked trying to grasp what he was saying.

“Did you fall from another world or something?”

“Something like that.” Yomi tried to keep the soles of her feet hard enough to walk. It took her a while to get used to it, but there was no choice; both of them were barely clothed. “Where are we going?”

“There’s a neutral village close by, Kusagakure.”

“Village hidden in the grass? What kind of name is that?” she asked with a brow raised. Was it a village of little people? Was she going to meet Thumbelina?

“All hidden villages are named like that.”

“Are the hidden villages actually hidden?”

“They’re meant to be. Ninjas should generally be more inconspicuous.”

“Hold up, ninjas!?”
Her reaction was strong. Kakuzu could vaguely understand she was either really foreign, really sheltered, or faking her ignorance.

“Right, if you’re gonna follow me any further, I need to catch you up to speed.”

The next hour was a long exposition session for her so she could briefly understand the situation. This world was divided into several ninja villages, each hidden and named after elements, like the Village Hidden in the Leaves (Konoha) or the Village Hidden in the Sand (Suna). These villages were home to ninjas, warriors who harnessed energy called chakra to perform ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu. The villages were often in conflict, vying for power, resources, and influence. The world was filled with danger, from rogue ninjas to tailed beasts, and it was crucial to understand these dynamics to survive.

“Oh wow, that’s cool.”

“It’s not cool. It’s dangerous,” Kakuzu emphasized. He really didn’t want her to get them killed before he had his chance to be free.

“Okay, so you escaped from your village because they were being dicks?”

“More or less.”

“Okay, let’s hurry and get out of here before they find us! Oh, and thanks for being cool and teaching me and stuff.”

“I’m just paying you back for saving my life. My expertise isn’t cheap, you know,” he said.
The forest hike was arduous. The dense canopy above cast dappled shadows on the forest floor, the sunlight filtering through the leaves creating a deceptive tranquillity. The ground was uneven, filled with roots and rocks that made walking difficult. Birds chirped overhead, and the occasional rustle in the underbrush hinted at unseen wildlife. The air was thick with humidity, the scent of earth and damp filling their lungs.

Kakuzu moved with purpose, his steps sure and steady despite his injuries. Yomi struggled to keep up, her new body still unfamiliar and awkward, but she was determined. The cool mud beneath her feet was a welcome relief, and the occasional puddle they passed reflected their ragged appearances.

“By chance, do you want to make money?” Yomi asked, breaking the silence.

“Money is the only thing that’s reliable, so naturally.”

“How about I make us some money?”
He looked at her, brow raised. She didn’t know anything about the world, yet she claimed to know how to make money.

“Come on, trust me just this once.”


“Why don’t we hunt bounties?” Yomi asked cheerfully. His lips started to frown, and she hastily explained herself. “Well, you’re dead strong, and I have the skills to keep us alive. I can also change my appearance, so why don’t we team up? You can keep most of the money—I don’t have a use for it.”

Hearing her say he could keep most of the money, his face brightened a bit. “Okay, but if you get into trouble, don’t expect me to save you.”

“Yes, yes, don’t worry. I can take care of myself!”

He looked at her again, contemplating if this was a good idea.

“Fine, after one mission I’ll decide if I want to work with you long-term.”

Yomi’s smile was bright, blindingly so. He had to look away. Why was she so excited to fight? It was like she wasn’t afraid of death. The sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows through the trees, and the air cooled significantly. They would reach Kusagakure by nightfall, Kakuzu had some money to spare and so got them a room at an Inn, before he even got upstairs after paying for the room Yomi had passed out. Her body sprawled on the bed—her first good night sleep in a long time.

‘I had a dream, where I saw the beginning and the end. And shi was there with me.’

Tsukiyomi groaned as she got up from the bed. How long was she out for? It felt like she had slept for a millennium. She looked up to see herself in the simple but clean inn, a desk and chair by the veranda; there was a paper bag on the chair, getting out of bed she walked to it to see new clothes on the inside.

‘Is this for me?’ Bringing out the clothes she held It to the light.

She twirled with it in hands, holding it up to her body. “Thank you..” She lifted her gaze to find the man that had bought her the new clothes, only to see him sprawled out, sitting on the sofa fast asleep.

By the time Kakuzu woke up the girl on the bed was no longer there. Looking around, he found her by the veranda; elegantly draped in a beautifully detailed kimono. The kimono was primarily white, adorned with intricate red, which complemented her delicate features. Her long, white hair was styled neatly, cascading over her shoulders and down her back, with a few loose strands framing her face. A red and black obi cinched at her waist, adding a touch of sophistication to her attire. Her eyes, a striking red, were bright. She smiled brightly at him, “good morning Kakuzu!”

He wanted to say something but stopped himself. He couldn’t help but return the smile.

“The granny downstairs gave me some bread she baked this morning, she’s so lovely!” Immediately, her mouth went off, chattering like she had limited time to speak. He felt a headache coming.

“How come you’re still here? You could have left..” I gave you an opportunity to leave.

Her brows furrowed, confused as if his words made no sense to her, “aren’t we partners now?”

His eyes widened, shock flashed passed his face, but only for a while. “Yeah.”

Chapter 3: If I had a nickel for every time I had a crush on a Sannin, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. Right?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Memento mori.”

Rain dropped down the gutter; a flash of lightening followed by loud thunder.

The world was silent as they watched the rain fall. Kakuzu had a large hat which kept the rain off him; he snuck through the shadows, blending seamlessly with the night. The weather served as a perfect cover for his dark deeds, masking his movements and muffling any sounds he might make.

He approached the traditional Japanese mansion, a grand structure with sloping roofs and wooden walls, surrounded by a meticulously maintained garden. The mansion stood proud amidst the rain, its lights dimmed, and its occupants unsuspecting of the intruder. He moved silently across the wet grass, each step deliberate and cautious.

The rain fell steadily, lulling the mansion into a deeper state of slumber. Kakuzu reached the outer wall, his gloved hands finding purchase on the wet, slippery wood. He hoisted himself up with ease, the muscles in his arms straining silently as he pulled himself over the top and dropped soundlessly into the inner courtyard.

Here, the rain was slightly muted by the overhanging eaves of the roof. He crouched low, his eyes adjusting to the dim light. The courtyard was empty, save for a few carefully placed lanterns that cast long, flickering shadows.

“What do you see?” He asked to seemingly no one, but Yomi- who was casually flipping through a book back at the Inn could see everything.
“Keep your head still for a second.”

Kakuzu obeyed, his eyes suddenly became blurry like a thin film of cells had covered them, it felt freaky but he had seen freakier.

“He’s in the far right room, he’s alone don’t worry.”

Kakuzu nodded after getting the green light.

He moved quickly, hugging the walls and staying out of the light. His footsteps were as silent as the grave, his presence a mere whisper against the backdrop of the storm. Kakuzu reached a sliding shoji door and paused, listening intently for any sounds from within. Hearing none, he slid the door open just enough to slip through. He found himself in a long hallway, lined with tatami mats and decorated with simple but elegant furnishings. The air inside was cool and dry, a stark contrast to the dampness outside.

He knew where he was going. His target, the head of the Hiroshi merchant clan, was known to sleep in the innermost room of the mansion, away from the chill and noise of the outside world.

“He’s asleep, there’s someone in the next room so just keep an eye out.” Yomi’s voice came directly to his ears, just for him to hear.

Moving silently, Kakuzu made his way down the hallway, his senses alert to any changes in his surroundings. The soft rustle of his clothes and the barely perceptible creak of the wooden floorboards were the only sounds that accompanied him. He reached the end of the hallway and turned a corner, finding himself in front of another shoji door.
He slid the door open and stepped into the room. It was spacious and sparsely furnished, with only a low wooden table, a few cushions, and a futon where the old man lay sleeping.
Kakuzu approached the futon, his movements fluid and precise. He knelt beside the sleeping man, his eyes fixed on the peaceful face of his target. He was old and frail, his skin lined with age and his hair white and thin.

Without hesitation, Kakuzu reached into his cloak and pulled out a kunai. The blade gleamed in the dim light, a flash of silver in the darkness. He positioned the blade carefully, his movements deliberate and unhurried. The storm outside continued to rage, the thunder and lightning a fitting accompaniment to the grim task at hand.
With a swift, practiced motion, Kakuzu slit the old man’s throat. Hiroshi’s eyes flew open in shock, a gurgling sound escaping his lips as he tried to cry out. But it was too late. The life drained from his eyes, and his body went limp, the blood soaking into the futon and spreading across the floor.

Kakuzu wiped the blade on the old man’s clothes and returned it to his cloak. He stood up, his eyes scanning the room one last time to ensure there were no witnesses. Satisfied, he reached down and grabbed Hiroshi’s head, severing it from the body with a few quick, efficient cuts. He wrapped the head in a cloth and secured it to his belt before leaving the way he came.
Sneaking through the red district, Kakuzu moved swiftly. The narrow, dimly lit alleyways were bustling with activity, filled with vendors, gamblers, and those seeking entertainment. Bright red lanterns hung from every building, casting a warm, deceptive glow over the district. He avoided the main streets, slipping through back alleys and side passages, always alert for any signs of trouble. The air was thick with the scent of incense and food, mingling with the occasional whiff of something more illicit.

The bounty outpost was hidden behind a pub deep within the red district. Here, the bounty was collected by the underworld families. Kakuzu had no interest in getting involved, so he quietly asked for the secret drink and was taken to the back.

The back office was dimly lit, the air heavy with the scent of old paper and ink. Shelves lined the walls, filled with scrolls and books detailing countless bounties and transactions. A single, small window provided the only source of natural light, casting a weak beam across the cluttered desk. The desk itself was covered in ledgers, ink pots, and various writing instruments, with a small oil lamp flickering nearby.

He came to a young man who sat at the desk. Kakuzu didn’t care much for decorum and placed the head on the table. The man looked up, a brow raised.

“The Hiroshi head.”

“That was quick,” said the man, simply known as the district boss. He was young for his position, but in this world, there were numerous jutsu; youth was just superficial. A hidden guard jumped out of hiding, unwrapping the head of the man before nodding and bringing out a bag of money. Kakuzu weighed it in his hand before attaching it to his belt.

“Are you looking for another job?” the district boss asked, he had a striking appearance. Long, fiery red hair tied back in a high ponytail, and his intense yellow eyes, highlighted by green irises, gave him a fierce, almost predatory look. Despite his youthful appearance, there was a cold, calculating air about him, suggesting a depth of experience and ruthlessness.
“He’s pretty cute isn’t he?” Yomi’s voice came through.

Kakuzu ignored her, if he hadn’t gotten used to her thirst by now he would’ve been a sh*t ninja. “What is it about?” he asked.

The district boss handed him a piece of paper with a face. “This is quite a high rank for a newbie. But it’s you. We’ll set everything up; you just have to kill him.”

Kakuzu’s eyes greyed out again, and after a moment, Yomi spoke up. “Take it.”

Kakuzu returned the piece of paper. “We’ll take it, but we’re taking a week off first.”

The man at the desk smirked. “You guys are my talented newbies. One week is nothing. I’ll send updates in a week.” Kakuzu nodded before leaving through the noisy pub.

Life as a bounty hunter was surprisingly peaceful for Yomi; all she had to do was assist Kakuzu when he was away and make sure to heal him if he got injured. Part of her felt like a life like this was sustainable as long as they didn’t try to go after anyone crazily powerful. When Kakuzu came back from the job, his cloak was soaked. He peeled it off, revealing his sleeveless vest underneath. Yomi eyed his arms and welcomed him with a smile.

“Welcome back! How was it?” She was belly down on the bed, her legs leisurely swinging as she enjoyed the book she was reading.

“Fine,” Kakuzu said, going to the table to get some water.

Yomi’s eyes stalked him. He looked fine. “How does it feel? Your body isn’t rejecting it, right?”

“No, it still feels weird. You could take it out.”

Yomi nodded, closing her eyes to concentrate. Blood dripped from Kakuzu’s nose, which he wiped immediately.

“Isn’t there a nicer way of doing that?” he asked, reaching out for a tissue.

“You talk like controlling cells is easy. You’re lucky I’m a genius.”

“What kind of genius reads trashy books?” Kakuzu muttered, rolling his eyes.

“Well, geniuses need hobbies too. Right, Shi?”

“Who is Shi?” Kakuzu asked.

“Don’t worry about it, force of habit.”

He didn’t push for more information. Instead, he decided to go to the public bath downstairs while she refocused on her book. After Kakuzu left, she closed her book and turned over on the bed, her head hanging off the edge.

“Should I go outside?”

“Yeah, but I don’t know where to go.”

“I’ll just go talk to the granny downstairs.”

She had kept herself locked in the inn for days, sleeping, eating, and reading quite dramatic books. Despite being free, she enjoyed spending her time doing nothing. Walking down the stairs, she got to the reception where the old lady was taking care of the desk as usual.

“Good evening, granny!” she said cheerfully, sitting on one of the high chairs.

“Ah, Yomi, where have you been? I haven’t seen you for two days!”

Yomi flushed. She couldn’t possibly say she had been in bed for two days. “I haven’t been feeling well, so I had to rest for a bit.”

“Oh dear, are you feeling better now? Let me make you some tea!”

She felt guilty for lying, but the truth was too embarrassing. The announcing bell rang, and a group of people walked in. They looked like shinobi.

The three kids who entered first were an unusual trio. The first was a girl with striking blue hair styled with a flower accessory and a calm, composed expression. She wore a traditional black and green kimono, cinched with a white belt, and carried a small bag at her side. Her golden eyes were sharp and observant, taking in her surroundings with quiet intensity.

Next to her stood a boy with spiky orange hair and a confident demeanor. His orange hair stood out in sharp contrast to his companions, and his brown eyes held a determined look. He wore a similar kimono, but the way he carried himself suggested he was the leader of the group. His posture was straight, and his eyes scanned the room, constantly on alert. His eyes saw Yomi and his face reddened considerably.

The third member was a tall, lanky boy with long red hair that fell over one eye, giving him a slightly mysterious air. His pale skin and red hair made him look sickly, and his green eyes had a haunted look. He wore the same kimono as the others, but his presence was quieter, more reserved. He seemed to prefer staying in the background, watching and listening and so he noticed his friend’s awestruck stare and could only sigh.

Behind the trio, an older man entered. He had spiky white hair and a stern expression. His face was marked with bilateral red just under his eyes. He wore a simple, functional robe, adorned with various beads and earrings that jingled softly as he moved. He had a strong, imposing presence that commanded respect. His hands were calloused, and a faint scar ran across his cheek, adding to his rugged appearance.

Yomi couldn’t take her eyes off him.

“He’s cute, right shi?”

“Hm?” The granny asked, thinking the girl was talking to her.

“Um, it’s nothing!” She instantly said, reminding herself to talk to Shi in her mind.

The older man approached the reception desk, his eyes briefly meeting Yomi’s before he addressed the granny. “We need rooms for the night,” he said, his voice firm but polite.
Yomi blushed fiercely at his glance, he had only merely looked at her and that was enough.

The granny nodded, her hands moving deftly as she fetched the keys. “Of course, we have a few rooms available. Please, make yourselves comfortable.”

“Thank you, we’re hoping to get a bath, could you point out the way to the baths?”

“The baths? It’s-“

“I volunteer!” Yomi said standing up immediately shocking the granny who stood opposite her behind the reception. The mans’s brow raised as he saw her looking up at him with big eager eyes.
“Thank you, could you show us the way?”

She nodded enthusiastically instantly jumping off her chair. “My name is Yomi by the way! It’s a pleasure to meet you sir!” She said respectfully. He laughed at her eagerness, finding it endearing.
“I’m Jiraiya, these are my students.” He motioned to the trio behind him and they introduced themselves.

“I’m Konan, nice to meet you” The blue haired girl said with a soft smile, extending her hand which Yomi shook.

“you’re really pretty!” Yomi exclaimed making the girl beam.

“I’m nagato.” The red haired said calmly.

“I-I-m Y-Yahiko! Nice to meet you, Yomi-chan!” The orange kid stuttered extending his hand awkwardly, his face flustered. “N-Nice to meet you!”

“Um.. yeah, you too.” Yomi said taking his hand, before turning to Jiraiya. “Follow me upstairs!”

As they climbed the stairs to the upper floor, Yahiko tried to muster the courage to speak to Yomi. “Uh, Y-Yomi? How old are you?” he stammered, his hands twitching nervously.

Yomi glanced back at him, her eyes bright and her smile genuine. “Oh, I’m 15, well I’m about to turn 15 so I’m basically 15”

“W-When is your birthday?” Yahiko replied, his heart pounding. He quickly looked away, his cheeks flushing even more.

Nagato chuckled softly, giving Yahiko a gentle nudge. “You’re doing great, Yahiko,” he whispered teasingly.

Yahiko shot him a flustered look but didn’t respond. Instead, he focused on following Yomi, determined not to make a fool of himself.

“Hm now that I think about it…. In four days? I haven’t really been keeping track of the dates.”

As they reached the top of the stairs, Yomi turned her attention to Jiraiya. “So, Jiraiya-sensei,” she began, her tone sly, “have you been on a lot of adventures?”

Jiraiya smiled, his eyes twinkling with amusem*nt. “I’ve had my fair share of adventures. Being a ninja tends to take you to many interesting places.”

Yomi’s eyes widened with admiration. “That’s so cool! I bet you have a lot of exciting stories to tell, experiences to share...”

Jiraiya chuckled softly. “Maybe if you were five years older. For now, we should focus on getting everyone settled in.”

Yomi’s expression fell, but she didn’t give up. “I’d love to hear them someday,” she said, her voice laced with sincerity. “You must have so much…wisdom to share.”

Jiraiya’s mouth twitched, she was persistent. “Wisdom comes with experience. But remember, it’s important to learn from your own journey as well.”

Yomi’s eyes sparkled. “I hope to gain as much wisdom as you have one day.”

Yahiko, watching this interaction, couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy, he couldn’t quite understand Yomi’s obsession with wisdom all of a sudden. He balled his fists slightly, trying to keep his emotions in check. “Jiraiya-sensei is really impressive, isn’t he?” he said, attempting to join the conversation.

Yomi turned to Yahiko and smiled warmly. “He really is. You’re lucky to have such an amazing sensei.”

Yahiko nodded, swallowing his nerves. “He’s the worst, he reads trashy magazines on the regular!”

Nagato’s smile widened, and he gave Yahiko another encouraging nudge. “See? You’re doing fine,” he whispered.

“Hey! It’s a genuine work of literature!” Jiraiya tried to defend himself, Konan’s laughter erupted and the others laughed too, Yomi wasn’t sure what they were talking about so she could only smile awkwardly.

Yomi pointed out the rooms as they walked down the hallway. “These are your rooms. The baths are just down the hall to the right. I can show you if you’d like.”
“That would be helpful,” Jiraiya said, smiling.

As they approached the baths, Yomi turned to Konan. “Would you like to go to the baths with me?”

Konan’s eyes lit up. “Sure, I’d love that.”

Yomi felt bad for Konan, no matter how cute boys were, being the only girl in a group must be hard.

They changed and got in the baths they both talked casually. After settling down in the blissfully warm water, Yomi turned to Konan. “So, Konan, tell me about your sensei -Jiraiya. What’s he like?”

Konan raised an eyebrow. “Do you actually like him?”

Yomi grinned. “He looks so cool and gangster with the piercings and everything, which is just my type.” She explained.

Konan laughed. “He’s definitely….something. But I like energetic, optimistic men.”

Yomi teased her playfully. “Ooh, someone like Yahiko?”

Konan blushed slightly but smiled. “Maybe.” It was a shot in the dark but she was actually right? Yomi patted herself on the back.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the bath, the men settled in. Yahiko was dismayed at hearing Yomi’s interest in his sensei. “She likes Jiraiya-sensei…”

Jiraiya patted Yahiko on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, Yahiko. It’s just a childish crush.”

Nagato laughed at Yahiko’s predicament. “Maybe you should act like a gangster, Yahiko. She might like you then.”

Yahiko groaned. “Nagato, stop making fun of me.”

Jiraiya chuckled, enjoying the lively banter among his students. “Come on, Yahiko. Don’t take it to heart. You’ll find someone who likes you for who you are.”

Yahiko sighed. “I guess you’re right, sensei. It’s just... she’s really cute.”

Nagato smirked. “Just be yourself, Yahiko.”

Back in the women’s bath, Yomi and Konan continued their conversation, unaware of the boys listening on the other side.

“So, Konan, if you like energetic and optimistic men, does that mean you have a crush on Yahiko?” Yomi teased her voice hushed in a whisper.

Konan blushed deeper. “Maybe a little. He’s always so positive and determined. It’s inspiring.”

Yomi nodded. “Ambiguous men are pretty sexy.”

Konan smiled shyly. “What about you? Apart from the piercings what else do you like about Jiraiya?”

Yomi shrugged. “He just seems really cool and… experienced. I’ve always been drawn to that type.”

“Yeah he is a really good Ninja, experience is attractive.”

That was not what Yomi was referencing, but seeing Konan’s serious face she could only agree with her.

The two talked idly, their conversation shifting from the boys to ninja life. By the time the boys were done, Yomi and Konan were still in the bath. Jiraiya handed his students a small glass of milk.

“Why do women always take so long to get things done?” Nagato muttered, as they changed and waited for Konan in the hallway.

“They tend to be more meticulous; they don’t let things slide,” Jiraiya said, his hand behind his head as he rested his back against the wall. “On the bright side, doesn’t it feel good to be out of Amegakure? It’s always raining there. At least tomorrow we’ll be able to see the sun, and Nagato can actually get a tan.”

“I’m not that pale,” Nagato said, looking at his hands. “... Maybe I do need some colour. I can literally see all my veins.”

“You’re so pale you’re transparent,” Yahiko said, rolling his eyes.

“Translucent,” Nagato corrected.

“Yeah, whatever... Should I get piercings? It does look cool, doesn’t it?”

Jiraiya looked at him like he was crazy. Was he still on that idea? He sighed, remembering how aggressive teen crushes were. “At least on the bright side, we’re pretty safe here since Kusa is neutral… eh?”

A man walking past stopped to look at Jiraiya as he ended his sentence. His mouth was stitched, his red and green eyes were piercing, and he had long black hair.

“sh*t!” Jiraiya jumped back just in time, a burn mark left on the wooden wall.

“What the heck!?” Yahiko screamed as he and Nagato jumped back in the opposite direction.

“Well, well, if it isn’t the Sannin Jiraiya. Today is my lucky day.”

“Kakuzu of the Four Masks. I didn’t think I’d see you here,” Jiraiya said, his muscles tensed as he prepared for battle.

“Bounty hunting isn’t a bad way to pass the time, and once I have your head I can take a long holiday.”

“Yahiko! Nagato!” Jiraiya called, and the two nodded and attacked.

Meanwhile, Yomi dried her hair with a spare towel. She had changed back into her white shirt and leggings, her bed-rot uniform.

“We probably kept the boys waiting too long. They must be starving,” Konan said. She was very caring and empathetic; Yomi, not so much.

“Let them wait. They won’t die—!” Her senses screamed at her, she received a severe warning of a rush of adrenaline in Kakuzu’s system. He was in danger.

“sh*t!” she said as she bolted out of the changing room.

“Yomi!?” Konan called in confusion.

Yomi ran as far as her weak legs could carry her to the entrance of the bath. Opening the door, she found Kakuzu mid-hand sign, about to cast. “Stop!” she shouted immediately, and the four men stilled to look at her.

“Yomi! Get away from here! He’s dangerous!” Yahiko shouted, alarmed at her appearance. Yomi noticed the bruises on his arms and the bloodstains at the corner of his lips, and her face became dark. Meanwhile, Yahiko was freaking out. She had barely any chakra, so to him, she was just a civilian, and Kakuzu was a ruthless bounty hunter. With the flick of a finger, he could squash her like an ant!

“Girl, listen to Yahiko! Go find Konan! I’ll take care of this!” Jiraiya said again, getting ready to keep fighting.

She looked at Kakuzu with anger. “What do you think you’re doing!?” Yomi didn’t condone violence, but sometimes men needed discipline. She whacked Kakuzu at the back of his head, and he released his jutsu in shock. Taking the back of his head in her right hand, she forced him to bow. “We are so sorry for this! Please forgive him! He’s still a bit wild.”

Jiraiya’s eye twitched. What was this scene? A kid forcing a deadly ninja to apologize?

Yahiko’s soul had practically left his body. What the hell was happening right now?

Konan finally made her way to the entrance, her still damp hair covered with a towel. “Oh, it’s Kakuzu-san!”

“So Kakuzu is your…” Yahiko asked, unsure whether to say father, uncle, or lover.

“He’s my partner. We’re bounty hunters! I’m still single.” She emphasized the last part while looking at Jiraiya. He, however, was weirded out by the entire situation. “Sorry again about this, dinner is on us!”

“They don’t deserve our money...” Kakuzu began, but she cut him off, glaring a hole through his head.

“Dinner is on us.” He frowned, looking away with a pout.

Konan looked at her team members, seeing their clothes were messy. “Oh, were you guys fighting?”

‘YES!’ Everyone screamed in their heads.


The timeline stresses me out, I will be adding OCs and ageing up characters. And this is rewrite of an older fanfic haha.

Chapter 4: Yomi and Yahiko sitting in a tree

Chapter Text

"Ad astra per aspera."

The room was tense. Jiraiya, his students, and even Kakuzu were stunned by the unexpected turn of events. Yomi's confident handling of Kakuzu was something none of them had anticipated. The group sat around the table in Yomi's inn room, a steaming hot pot on the table with various side dishes around.

"I really hope this doesn't happen again," Yomi said, her tone firm. "We're here to relax, not cause trouble."

Jiraiya nodded, finally relaxing a bit. "Agreed. Let's put this behind us and enjoy the evening." He opened a can of beer and handed it to Kakuzu, who took it and drank a large gulp before clinking it with Jiraiya's.

"Give me a can too—" Yomi started to ask.

"No," Kakuzu and Jiraiya said in unison. She looked at both of them, one second they were fighting and now they were joining hands to parent her? What?

"Having kids is hard, isn't it? I wonder how you cope," Kakuzu said like some old man who had actually raised a kid.

"It gets easier, just hang in there."

"We're still here, you know," Yahiko said, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah! I'm his partner, not his kid!" Yomi clarified.

"What's with that anyway? You don't have any chakra. How are you a bounty hunter?" Yahiko asked, his nervousness now gone after the adrenaline of the fight.

"I'm curious too. Are you really good at combat?" Konan asked, taking some food onto her plate.

"Hmm, well... I can't use Jutsu at all, but I have my own abilities. I'm just blessed by god~"

Nagato scoffed, "Yeah right, he probably just takes you on missions."

"That's not true!" Yomi said, "I am blessed by god!"

"Guys, calm down," Konan said. "It doesn't matter either way. Kakuzu-san can protect her."

"Konan, not you too... Why don't you believe me?" She feigned tears, holding her heart dramatically like she had been shot.

"I believe you! Someone this beautiful has to be blessed by god; it only makes sense!" Yahiko said, stuffing his face. Of course, he would say the most romantic line she had ever heard and didn't even realize.

Her heart skipped a beat.

"Wow, you're actually good at this?" Nagato said, referring to his flirting.

"Good at what?" Yahiko asked, looking up from his food, talking with his mouth full, putting Nagato off.

"Never mind."

Jiraiya was cheering for Yahiko internally; having a kid chasing him was damn uncomfortable.

"How long will you guys be in Kusa then?" Kakuzu asked Jiraiya.

"We're just here for the week. Wanted to train somewhere with sunshine for once."

"If you guys are training, take Yomi with you. She needs it."

"Wait, why can't you train me?" she asked Kakuzu, wondering why he was passing her around like a parcel.

"I'm afraid I might kill you by accident," he said casually before taking another drink.

Yomi didn't know whether to laugh or cry; she fully believed he would actually kill her on accident.

"Yay! Yomi, you can join us tomorrow!" Konan said, taking Yomi's arm in hers. Yomi felt better.

"Konan... you're so cute!" Yomi said, giving the girl a hug. Having female friends was the best after all. She failed to notice the blush on the girl's face.

The next morning, the sun rose bright and early, casting a warm glow over the inn. Yomi woke up feeling refreshed but also a bit nervous to see Jiraiya. She didn't have any specific training clothes so she did what she could with chest binding and her leggings from yesterday with a jacket and made her way to the common area where Jiraiya and his students were waiting.

"Good morning!" Yomi greeted cheerfully, trying to mask her anxiety.

"Good morning, Yomi!" Konan replied, equally enthusiastic.

Jiraiya smiled at the sight of their eager faces. "Alright, let's head out. We'll be training in the forest nearby. It's a perfect spot with plenty of open space."

As they walked to the training ground, Yahiko kept glancing at Yomi, trying to muster up the courage to talk to her. Nagato noticed and gave him a nudge. "Go on, talk to her," he whispered.

Yahiko took a deep breath and walked up to Yomi. "Um, Yomi, are you excited about training today?"

Yomi turned to him with a bright smile. "Yes, I am! But, to be honest, I've never done anything like this before."

Yahiko's face lit up. "Don't worry, we'll help you out. Jiraiya-sensei's training sessions are always intense but he'll go easy on you."

As they reached the forest, Jiraiya clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. "Alright, everyone, let's start with some basic exercises to warm up. Then we'll move on to more advanced techniques."

Yomi followed along, doing her best to keep up with the others. However, it quickly became apparent that she was struggling. Her movements were awkward, and she was out of breath within minutes. Konan noticed and smiled encouragingly at her.

"Yomi, you're doing great! Just take it slow and pace yourself," Konan said.

"Why is my chest hurting" Yomi gasped a weak reply, her muscles were killing her, her chest stung with every breath and she felt like she was genuinely going to die. What the f*ck was this? If this was exercise she never want to do this again!

After the warm-up, Jiraiya paired everyone up for sparring. Yahiko eagerly volunteered to spar with Yomi, while Nagato and Konan paired up.

"Ready, Yomi?" Yahiko asked, trying to hide his excitement.

"Ready!" Yomi replied, taking a stance that was more hopeful than confident. Truthfully all she knew about fighting was through YouTube, so you can imagine how this turned out.

On her back flat on the floor.

"How did you survive this long?" Nagato asked genuinely shocked, she was awful. She couldn't fight, she had the physical prowess of a chicken, and didn't have any chakra.

"I made god my bestie." She said between pants. Nagato rolled his eyes. Yahiko helped her up and let her rest leaning next to a tree.

"You can rest while we finish," he offered.

"I just need a few seconds and I'll be ready again." She said before closing her eyes, she had a better idea of what her body was meant to be like now so she got to work.

"Hey it takes some time to recover from stuff like that don't rush-"

"I'm ready." She said opening her eyes.

Her jacket hi her physic, if the others saw her change in stature they would be weirded out so she kept her body shape mostly the same, she took down her boobs a few sizes, as much as she enjoyed having them big she really could not fight with them in the way.

"Are you sure?" Yahiko asked. "Um, I don't want you to get hurt you know."

"Thanks but I'm sure, let's do this!"

Jiraiya watched the both of them come back out. He noticed something different, he frowned and watched intently.

Yomi took her stance which felt more natural this time around, taking a deep breath she focused, increasing her circulation to her newly formed muscles, increasing lung capacity forcing her pupils to dilate as she watched his movements intensely. As he moved his movements felt slower, and her body was now faster. She blocked a kick, strengthening her bones so they could withstand the force. Yahiko looked shocked, retreating he punched trying to keep to her limbs but no matter what he did or where he punched she managed to block and remained standing.

"What the hell.." He muttered and raised his onslaught a notch. Still nothing.

"Ho h oho, look at that, It seemed like you're not that strong." She taunted flicking her ponytail. "Or I am indeed blessed by god!"

The taunt worked, and Yahiko started to utilise his chakra.

Jiraiya's eyes narrowed as he watched, seeing Yahiko get riled up he interrupted. "Let's take a short break, everyone," he said. And Yahiko snapped out of it.

"Aw, but we were just getting started" Yomi whined.

"Well, It's better to stop here, I probably have a few questions for you Yomi." He said, his tone serious. "I didn't take you seriously before but now I'm curious, what is your ability?"

She smirked, it was finally her time to shine.


She spelt it out for him, but they looked at her blankly, "Look if you don't want to tell us it's fine-"

"Oh my god why can't you guys just accept my words for once!"

"Yomi we-"

"Look, I've been saying the truth this entire time, believe it or not. You make me feel like I'm talking sh*t; it's not cool." Yomi snapped, truthfully, she didn't know why it angered her that they kept questioning her words. She could have been nicer, she didn't need to snap like that.

She staled off not giving them time to react and no one had the confidence to go after her.

But Yahiko.

The three team members stood looking at the two leaving. "I need to talk to Kakuzu. You kids just go back inside." Jiraiya finally said before vanishing.

"Should we go after them too?" Konan asked Nagato.

"No, it's Yahiko's chance, if he f*cks this up he's truly hopeless." Nagato said with a shrug.

"Ugh, I overreacted, didn't I?" Yomi, who had followed Yahiko, heard her voice from above a large tree. "I know, but still! They should have at least given me the benefit of the doubt. I hate it... They act like I don't know what I'm talking about. I hate it."

"Yomi?" Yahiko's voice caused Yomi, who was sitting on a branch, to almost fall off.

"Yahiko?" she said, looking down to see Yahiko at the base of the tree.

"Um, who were you talking to?" he asked, looking around to see no one.

"No one," she said immediately. "What are you doing here?"

"I was worried. You ran off like that. How did you get up there?" He asked, curious about how she had gotten so high up without any chakra.

"I flew," she said casually.

"What—" he was about to react but, seeing her frown, he stopped himself. He took a deep breath and smiled. "Oh, I see. That makes sense."

Yomi listened for any signs of sarcasm, and since she heard none, her face lightened up.

"Can I come up?" he asked, his voice shaky as if he was asking for something more significant.

"Yeah, of course," she said with a giggle.

He jumped up, landing on the tree bark and walking the rest of the way.

"You look so cool," she said absentmindedly. She had to admit she hated not having chakra, but she was happy with this life right now. She could speak, she could walk, she had freedom. What else could she want?

Yahiko got up to her branch and sat next to her, falling into an awkward silence.

"I'm sorry for snapping like that," she said, breaking the silence.

"I'm sorry for not believing you," he replied. He still didn't believe her, but he wasn't going to say that. He was slow but not stupid. She gave him a small smile before asking him,

"You know, Yahiko, sometimes I wonder if I'm dreaming."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I can feel the sun on my skin, the wind in my hair. I can feel pain, I can feel joy, I feel alive. Sometimes I can't sleep because I'm afraid this feeling will be gone."

Yahiko wondered what she had gone through to feel that way, but he had to admit he could understand. The days he spent training with Jiraiya were some of his best years. "I suppose we just live every moment with no regrets, face the future with courage."

"You're surprisingly wise for a kid," she hummed.

"I'm literally older than you."


"I'm 16."

She blushed aggressively. How old did she think he was?

"How old did you think I was?" he asked, almost hurt. This entire time she didn't see him like a man?

"I don't really know. I just never registered you were my age," she confessed, feeling a bit guilty.

"Ugh, I can't wait till I grow up. I'll get piercings like Jiraiya and be a super cool ninja. I'm gonna collect all the strong shinobi and stop any more wars," he said.

"Well, to be fair, Jiraiya is a Sannin. You shouldn't compare yourself to him."

He sighed. "You're right. How can I compete against a Sannin? I was destined to lose."

She looked at him, confused. They were competing? Huh?

'He likes you, idiot.'

Her eyes widened. He looked up to meet her gaze, and they stared at each other for a few seconds before diverting their gazes.

"Um, so uh... do you feel better?" Yahiko asked, flustered.

"Yeah, I do!" she replied in a fake high-pitched voice and regretted it immediately after.

'This is too embarrassing to watch. Talk to you later.'

The two sat in silence, looking in opposite directions. Yahiko finally mustered his courage to confess to her.

"Okay, so I know I'm not as cool as Jiraiya-sensei, but if you wait for me, I'll be a man that surpasses him. I'll look badass and have my own piercings and everything!" Despite having the courage to speak, he still didn't have the courage to look at her.

"I don't understand... Why me?" She turned to face him, his ears obviously bright red.

"Well, you said it yourself... you're blessed by god..."

She paused for a second, but then a beautiful smile blossomed on her lips.

"You're pretty, confident, and you're surprisingly alive despite having no chakra or training. That takes some skill, right? So you are very talented in being unskilled. I know it sounds weird, but I think that's really cool... Also, like the way you made Kakuzu-san apologize? You gotta admit that's cool—"

"Baka," her soft voice interrupted his rambling. "Look at me."

Yahiko took a deep breath and swiftly turned his head only to be met with her lips meeting his.

His eyes widened, refusing to close in case he was dreaming. She kissed him. His body relaxed, leaning in to kiss her back. As he slowly closed his eyes, he noticed a large pair of beautiful white wings on her back. He reached out tentatively, his hand trembling as he touched the feathers. They felt soft and real under his fingertips, sending a shiver down his spine.

Yomi looked at him with smile that could destroy nations. "I told you, I'm blessed by god."

Meanwhile at the Inn Jiraiya looked at Kakuzu with a serious expression on his face; he felt conflicted, could he ignore her existence? Did he have to report this to Konoha?

"I thought she was crazy when I first met her, but the more time I spend with her I realise she was probably telling the truth." Kakuzu said, he had a beer in hand, his arms resting on his knees.

"So what you're saying is.."

"She's not from out world, she doesn't exist here. It's like she's another reality parallel to ours." He expression was casual, but truly he knew this was a big deal. "The first time I took a mission it lasted for quite a few days, It was an easy mission so we didn't talk much, I hadn't realised it but by the time I came back and saw her I realised I had completely forgotten about her existence, like she was never hear in the first place."

Jiray's brows furrowed. "Then we will also.."

Kakuzu nodded. "Once you guys leave, you'll probably forget she ever existed."

"...Does she know that?" Jiraiya asked. Kakuzu merely shook his head. He would prefer she never had to find out.

Chapter 5: Starless Night

Chapter Text

"Fugit inreparabile tempus."

Yomi lay sprawled across her bed, sighing dramatically. Her hair was scattered on the bed and Kakuzu casually flipped through his bingo book with a cup of coffee by the veranda. "I'm so bored!" she exclaimed, her voice echoing in the room.

Kakuzu glanced up from his book, an eyebrow raised. "Why aren't you training with Jiraiya and his team today?" He had sent her to him specifically so she would be out of his hair for the week.

Yomi rolled over to face him. "They're on a break today since it's their last day here. And besides, it's not like I can keep up with their pace," she said, pouting. She could barely keep up but enhancing her body, but once they started using chakra it was an impossible situation for her.

"Why aren't you hanging out with them then? You're not going to see Yahiko for a while after this," Kakuzu remarked nonchalantly.

Yomi flushed, sitting up quickly. "Why are you bringing up Yahiko?" she asked, her voice higher than usual.

Kakuzu gave her a knowing look but said nothing more, returning to his book. Yomi was about to press him further when there was a knock on the door. She jumped up and opened it to find Konan standing there. She was wearing a pretty dress with a paper rose and a black belt.

"Konan!" Yomi exclaimed, throwing her arms around her friend in a warm hug.

"Morning Yomi! Wanna go shopping with me?" Konan asked, smiling.

"Yes! Absolutely! Just one second!" Yomi agreed immediately.

She quickly put on her shoes and stumbled back to the door; as she was about to leave, Kakuzu threw her a bag of coins. Which she caught on instinct. "Have fun," he said gruffly.

Yomi caught the bag and looked at him in shock, he was actually giving her free money? "Thanks, Kakuzu!" she said, beaming – leaving quickly before he changed his mind. He merely grunted in response.

The two girls set off, walking through the bustling streets of the village. Shops lined the streets, filled with colourful displays and enticing aromas. Yomi and Konan chatted and laughed as they browsed through various stores.

"How about this one?" Konan suggested, holding up a simple yet elegant dress.

"It's cute, but I'm looking for something more... ninja-like?" Yomi replied, scanning the racks. If she dressed the part, people wouldn't treat her like a normal civilian all the time.

They wandered into a shop that specialized in ninja attire. Yomi's eyes widened as she spotted the perfect outfit. It was a unique set, as shown in the picture she had envisioned: an off-shoulder beige top, matching shorts, and a long red rope belt. The outfit also included black sandals and thigh bandages, giving it a practical yet stylish look.

"This is it," Yomi said, holding up the outfit with a huge grin.

Konan smiled. "It suits you perfectly." Truthfully It wasn't a conventional shinobi outfit but she wasn't going to ruin her mood for no reason.

After purchasing the outfit, the girls decided to stop for some dango at a nearby stall. Yomi's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she looked at the colourful skewers.

"This is my first time trying dango," Yomi confessed, picking up a skewer.

Konan smiled warmly. "You're in for a treat. They're delicious."

Yomi took a bite, wincing.

Konan laughed softly. "Too sweet?" She asked. Yomi nodded before putting the rest down.

"That's a shame, I quite like them." Konan said as she finished hers.

"Then you can have mine, my teeth feel fuzzy.."

Konan laughed and took Yomi's dango.

They continued to chat, the conversation flowing easily between them. Konan shared stories of her past, and Yomi listened intently, she loved that they were like family, despite everything they still had each other's backs.

As the day came to an end, they made their way back to the inn, their bags filled with purchases and their hearts light with happiness.

The both of them walked up to the top floor where Yomi's room was. As she pushed open the door to her room, she was greeted by popping sounds and a chorus of "Surprise!"

Yomi stood in shock as she took in the scene. The room was decorated with streamers and balloons, and a small cake sat on the table. Jiraiya, Yahiko, Nagato, and even Kakuzu were there, smiling at her.

"Happy birthday, Yomi!" Konan said, hugging her friend tightly.

Yomi felt tears well up in her eyes. She had completely forgotten it was her birthday. "This is... this is amazing," she said, her voice choked with emotion.

Yahiko stepped forward, handing her a small gift. "I hope you like it," he said, his cheeks tinged with pink.

Yomi opened the gift to find a beautiful hairpin shaped like a pair of wings. She looked up at Yahiko, her eyes shining. "Yahiko..."

"Don't cry on us. Come on, there are more presents! And cake!" Nagato said, dragging her to the cake. He had been waiting for her to show up so they could cut it and he could taste it.

"You guys..." Her eyes flooded with tears as she looked at the cake, clearly homemade. "Who made the cake?"

"Oh, when we told the granny at the reception that it was your birthday, she did it for free!" Yahiko said, sitting next to her.

"How did you plan all this?"

"Well, Kakuzu helped a lot."

Yomi looked up at Kakuzu, who had a neutral face. "Kakuzu..." So that's why he gave her so much money earlier.

"Stop being so sappy," he said, struggling to stop himself from smiling. "It's your day, enjoy it."

Yomi looked down at the cake. It had her name on it, made specially for her.

"Wait, before we cut the cake, I hired a camera! Everyone, gather around Yomi!" Jiraiya instructed. They all gathered, sitting next to each other. Yomi, who had been mostly unable to move, looked up to see Jiraiya's clone behind the camera.

Yahiko took her hand in his, and she looked at him. He had a big, stupid grin on his face, like he knew her heart was full to the brim.

"Alright, everyone say cheese!"

She held onto his hand tightly, like she was afraid all this would disappear. Her lips spread widely as she smiled at the camera.

The next day, the sun was obscured by clouds. Yomi stood on the balcony, watching Jiraiya and his team leave. Kakuzu watched her look at them.

"Are you sure you don't want to say goodbye?" he asked. Since last night, she had been listless. This morning, she didn't want to say goodbye to them. He knew it hurt her, but if she ran away from her feelings, it would hurt more. She held the hairpin in her hands, clenched tightly in her fists.

"He promised he would train hard and get stronger... Hey, Kakuzu... why do people want to get stronger?"

"Hm... In this world, the only way to achieve your dreams is to get stronger."

"I don't have a dream..." she said quietly.

"That's not true... You see him as your dream, don't you?"

She turned to face him, her face in anguish. Tears streamed down her cheeks. "Kakuzu, I don't think he's going to come back."

He was startled at her outburst. She was talking like he would die. Her eyes were desperate, and for a moment, he was speechless.

"Yomi, if you are strong enough, death cannot stand in the way of your dream."

Yomi's eyes widened. It had never occurred to her that in this world, death wasn't inevitable. She moved, placing her feet on the balcony's railing as a pair of beautiful white wings spread out behind her and she took off.

Meanwhile, the trio with Jiraiya walked through the forest.

"So she didn't come to the very end, huh?" Nagato said before receiving a fierce jab to the rib by Konan. Yahiko was walking behind them, as if wanting to move slower so she would catch up to them.

"Yahiko, maybe she's not—"

"She will come!" he said. They hadn't started jumping through the trees because he was dragging his feet. His hair covered his eyes. "I know she will..." No matter what, he believed she would.

"Face it, kid, I don't think she will," Jiraiya said with a sigh.

Yahiko didn't say anything, his heart sinking.


Her voice echoed through the forest. He looked up, searching around for her.

"What the hell?" Jiraiya muttered, his eyes wide.

Yomi flew in between the trees, desperately trying to reach them.

"Is that..." Nagato started.

"Wings!" Konan exclaimed in excitement.

Yomi descended upon them, the rain drenching her clothes completely, her hair sticking to her face. She looked like an angel.


"Yomi—" She hugged him, taking this moment to feel him once more. He held her, his arms tightening around her waist. And then she kissed him, deeply.

"Come back to me, okay?" she said with a smile on her face. Despite the rain on her face, he could tell she had been crying. Her eyes were puffy, and in her hair was the hairpin he gave her. His body softened, his eyes starting to sting too.

"I promise, I will come back to you."

Yomi watched the group leave, standing on a tree branch. The branch lowered as someone else's weight lowered onto it.

"You got me worried, try not to fly off without telling me where you're going." Kakuzu growled, unhappy he had to chase after her in the rain, now he was soaking wet. "Did you manage to say goodbye?"

She nodded.

"That's good, we should get back, we need to leave tomorrow."

"To Kirigakure?" She asked,

"To Kirigakure."

Chapter 6: The monster hidden in the mist

Chapter Text

"Aut vincere aut mori"

The grand hall of the traditional estate was bustling with life, glowing lanterns hung from the ceiling, casting a warm glow over the polished wooden floors. The walls were lined with delicate silk embroidery, their vibrant colours enhanced by the flickering candlelight. In one corner, a group of musicians played soft, melodious tunes, their music blending seamlessly with the murmur of voices and the clinking of porcelain cups.

Wealthy merchants and their families, dressed in the finest silks and adorned with precious jewels, gathered to discuss business, politics, and social affairs under the hospitality of the second Mizukage. The men wore elaborate kimonos and haori jackets, while the women displayed a stunning array of colourful kimonos, their hair styled into intricate updos decorated with combs and pins. The air was filled with the delicate scent of incense, mingling with the aroma of exquisite food laid out on low tables, inviting guests to indulge.

Amidst the grandeur, Yomi walked through the groups of people talking. Her white hair and red eyes turned into luxurious black. She wore a beautiful white and gold robe with floral patterns flowing gracefully as she moved. She had to admit Kakuzu had an high for sophisticated Kimonos, she wondered if he was the son of a rich family or something. Her demeanour was poised and elegant, every step taken with the grace of someone born into high society, she played her part well blending into the scenery.

Trailing behind her was Kakuzu, his imposing figure hidden beneath an elaborate oni mask, his presence was both intimidating and protective, a silent guardian who ensured no harm would come to his lady. The red and black kimono he wore accentuated his muscular frame, his menacing aura kept lecherous eyes at bay.

As Yomi moved through the crowd, she drew the attention of many guests. Her beauty and poise, combined with the enigmatic figure of Kakuzu behind her, created a sense of mystery that intrigued those around her. Conversations paused and heads turned, whispers spreading like wildfire as the guests speculated about the identity of the striking young woman and her fearsome companion.

Yomi maintained her composure, gracefully acknowledging the respectful bows and curious glances sent her way. She approached a duo who seemed open to conversation. With a subtle nod from Kakuzu, she stepped forward, her voice soft yet commanding as she introduced herself.

"Good evening, this is quite a well arranged gathering isn't it?"

"Yes It is, and I dare say- the gathering just became much more enjoyable.." The man who spoke had a cold voice. Straight black hair that falls past his shoulders, adorned with small decorative beads. He had a calm and composed demeanour, almost stoic. He was their employer; so Yomi was courteous.

"I could say the same to you.." She said bring her gold fan to her face, only her dark eyes could be seen and they looked quite sensual. "Sozo Amatsu"

The black-haired man raised his bow at her name, "Arakawa Yuma."

"I am Uzumaki Ikue" The other woman said. She was a beautiful red haired with a traditional hair ornament featuring white flowers and golden hairpins sitting gracefully on her hair. She was wearning a red kimono adorned with subtle, flame-like patterns, complemented by a white inner layer and an intricately tied obi. She was beautiful. She reminded her of Nagato.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, I have never seen such beautiful red hair before, are you from a clan per chance?" Yomi asked.

"Yes I am, I wonder how popular the Uzumaki clan is on the other side."

"Unfortunately my country is quite isolated, If I knew there was a clan of beautiful women I would have come to Kirigakure sooner."

"You're such a smooth talker; Arakawa, where have you been hiding her?"

Yuma laughed, "If I had hid her I would never have let her out, lease you eat her whole."

Yomi kept polite conversation with them before moving to another group. Kakuzu remained a silent sentinel. As the evening progressed, Yomi and Kakuzu navigated the intricate social web of the wealthy elite, gathering information and making valuable connections. Introduce the kage's party, he mentions an up and coming merchant is attending.

"Announcing, the second Mizukage, Gengetsu Hōzuki!"

The second Mizukage walked into the room with his head held high. He had silly blond, slicked-back hair. A tall and imposing stature, with a confident and slightly arrogant demeanour. Dressed in a distinctive grey striped coat with a high collar, layered over a black shirt and green pants.

"Please everyone, do not let me interrupt you, enjoy the festivities!"

'If you wanted us to not to be interrupted why interrupt us?'

Yomi's smile widened in amusem*nt but she carried on as instructed. The night came to an end a few hours later, Kakuzu and Yomi left in a carriage they came with. The district boss spared no expense in making sure this job was done perfectly, he had even prepared a place to stay so they could keep up their façade.

"So, what do you think?" she asked Kakuzu once they were alone in the carriage. Kakuzu performed a few hand signs, placing a seal around them.

"He's not as scary as the first Hokage. I could kill him if the assassination doesn't work."

Yomi nodded. "I only had a second to pass him, so I could only drop a few on him. It'll take a few days for the cells to cross the skin barrier since I couldn't get it in his wine."

"What are the chances he'll find out?" Kakuzu asked.

"You said it yourself, I have no identifiable chakra, unless someone can separate my cells from his and identify them as mine."

"Then how many days?"

Yomi closed her eyes, concentrating. "About three days should be long enough."

The carriage jolted suddenly. Kakuzu released his seal and stuck his head out the window. "What's going on out there!?"

"My apologies, it seems there's a thug fight happening. We'll get rid of them," the driver said.

"Thug fight? Let me see this," Yomi said. Kakuzu opened the carriage door for her.

"You brat! Just you wait! We'll beat you up properly this time!"

As she approached the group of kids, she heard shouting.

"Let me go! Fight me one on one, cowards!"

She peeked through the scruffy heads to see who was being cornered.

'Is that a shark?'

Spiky dark blue hair and odd-looking blue skin with gills, he looked absolutely feral with sharp canines, all beat and bruised. Yomi was intrigued—a shark person was new to her.

"What you gonna do? No one's gonna stand up for you!" one of the kids taunted.

"I'll kill you!" the shark kid screamed before attacking.

"Kakuzu," Yomi said, and he moved, incapacitating the kids. The fish boy looked up at the tall man in the oni mask with fear in his eyes.

"What do you want from me? Don't come closer!"

"Just knock him out."

Kakuzu obeyed and knocked the kid out.

'Kidnapping is still a crime, you know?'

Yomi rolled her eyes. "Let's go," she said to Kakuzu, who picked up the boy by his shirt and dragged him along.

The small shark kid woke up suddenly, anxiously looking around. His heart pounded as his eyes darted from one corner of the room to the other, taking in his unfamiliar surroundings. The room was clean and tastefully decorated, with tatami mats on the floor and shoji screens casting a soft light. He noticed he was bandaged up and lying on a soft futon, a far cry from the rough streets where he had been before.

He struggled to sit up, wincing at the pain from his bruises. As he did, a servant entered the room, bowing politely.

"Good morning. How are you feeling?" the servant asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

The shark kid eyed him warily, ready to fight if necessary. "Where am I? Who are you people?" he demanded, his voice hoarse.

"You are safe here. Our lady took you in and had you treated. She wishes to see you now. Please, follow me," the servant replied gently, gesturing for him to follow.

The boy hesitated but curiosity got the better of him. He got to his feet, feeling the tenderness of his wounds, and followed the servant down a corridor. They walked in silence, the only sound being the soft padding of their footsteps on the wooden floor.

The servant slid open a door, revealing an open room overlooking a traditional Japanese garden with a koi pond, meticulously pruned trees, and a small stone bridge. In the room, Yomi sat gracefully, arranging flowers. She was still in her disguise, her hair a sleek black in a low ponytail with a simple hairpin sporting a pair of wings.

"Lady Sozo, the young man is here," the servant announced, bowing before stepping aside.

Yomi looked up from her arrangement, her expression warm and inviting. "Thank you. You may leave us," she said softly, dismissing the servant. She then turned her attention to the shark boy, her eyes scanning his features with a hint of curiosity.

"Come, sit," she gestured to a cushion opposite her.

The boy approached cautiously, his eyes never leaving hers as he sat down. "Why did you save me?" he asked bluntly, his voice filled with suspicion.

Yomi continued to work on her floral arrangement, her movements fluid and serene. "You were in trouble, and I couldn't just stand by and do nothing. What's your name?" she asked, looking at him with genuine interest.

He hesitated for a moment before answering, "My name is Kisame."

"Kisame," Yomi repeated, smiling. "I was curious; I had never seen a shark person before."

"Well, I'm not some toy for you to gawk at," he said with a glare. Yomi laughed at his reaction.

"Naturally. Tell me how to contact your parents; I'll send you home."

His eyes seemed to sadden. "I don't have any," he said sharply, still in defense mode.

"Oh really? Then would you like to stay with me? At least until I leave Kirigakure."

Kisame frowned. "What do you want from me?" he asked, his guard still up.

Yomi placed the final flower in the arrangement and sat back, admiring her work for a moment before focusing on him. "What could you possibly give me that I would want?" she scoffed, which angered him.

"I have plenty!"

"Like what?"

He choked on his words; she was right, he had nothing.

"Now, you can choose to leave or to stay here. I really don't care. If you stay here, I'll give you food, shelter, and clothing. If you leave, I will give you some money and send you off."

Kisame looked at her, confused. "Why would you help someone like me? I'm just a street kid."

Yomi's gaze softened. "I guess you're just lucky." There was no special reason; he was just lucky. Somehow, that was comforting to Kisame, who could finally relax a little.

Kisame looked down, processing her words. No one had ever spoken to him like this before. "I want to be a Shinobi," he admitted quietly.

Yomi looked at him, confused. Why was he telling her? Was it her business?

"I want to go to the academy. I—" he picked up the courage to ask. "If you send me to the academy, I will forever be in your debt!" He bowed his head until it hit the table.

Yomi was silent for a moment, watching him. The will to live and survive—she admired that.


He shot up, his wide eyes looking at her. "Really!?" he asked, as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Would she really send him to the academy just like that?

"If I didn't agree, you would have found a way to go. You are that kind of person," she said with a sigh.

For the first time, a smile spread across his face. "Thank you! Thank you, Sozo-sama!"

Part of her felt displeasure. Giving him an education was enough to make him so happy? She forced a smile on her face. This was the first time meeting someone from genuine poverty. The idea that something just handed over to her in her past life was enough to make him this happy was upsetting.

"Ask, and you shall receive. Since it is within my capabilities, why not?"

Reaching out to a cup of water, her skin split open, and blood dripped into the cup. "Drink this. You'll get better quicker. I'll ask Kakuzu to train you."

He nodded and drank without a second thought.

"Do you even know what you're drinking?" Yomi asked, perplexed. Who drinks blood just because someone tells them to?

He gulped down his drink and dropped his cup on the table. "I trust you. Since you said you would help me, I will trust you," he beamed.

'You like him after all.'

'Shut up, he's just a brat.'

'Hehehe. A brat you're fond of.'

"There is something I will always appreciate Kisame, someone who pushes past death. Have you heard of the saying 'Momento Mori'?"

Kisame shook his head listening intently.

"Remember that you must die." She said, her voice engraving itself into his memory. "Either way, death will come for all of us so don't hold back and surpass it."

That afternoon, Yomi found Kakuzu who had been training.

"No," he said.

"Please, I promise he's a good student! Just teach him the basics! Just the very basics!" she begged.

"Are you the one with Jutsu? I think not. What do you know about teaching?" he said. "Taking care of one pipsqueak is enough. I cannot deal with another."

"Please, I promise to earn us more money!"

He paused. "Go on." He was always all ears when it came to earning money.

"I've been thinking about it since Yahiko left. I want to get stronger in my own way to protect him when the time comes. Yesterday I realized that the best way I could do that right now was money. So I want to start a family."

He looked confused. "Like a clan?" She shook her head.

"A family. I want us to join the underworld."

He looked at her like she was crazy. The underworld wasn't a place for a shinobi, much less a child like her. She knew he didn't think she could handle it, but she had made up her mind.

"After this gig, I will start a family—the Sozo family."

"You're crazy," he said.

"I know."

He looked into her determined eyes and couldn't help but feel... proud? "Fine, where's the kid?"

She jumped up, hugging his sweaty body. "Thank you, Kakuzu!" He froze, but eventually, he hugged her back.

Chapter 7: Shinigami

Chapter Text

Kisame, drenched in sweat, executed a series of precise movements under Kakuzu's stern gaze. His young face was etched with determination, every muscle straining as he pushed himself to the limit. Despite his age, there was a ferocity in his eyes—a reflection of his resolve to transcend his past and forge a new path as a shinobi.

"Keep your stance firm, Kisame," Kakuzu instructed, his voice carrying the weight of experience. "Your enemy will exploit any weakness."

Kisame grunted in acknowledgment, adjusting his posture and continuing his exercises. Yomi watched from the side, her thoughts a swirl of plans and strategies. The Sozo family was more than just an idea now; it was becoming her reality. She had delayed the assassination of the second Mizukage since she knew once he died they would have to leave. She wanted to give Kisame time, and so their three day stay had stretched to two weeks, but she couldn't postpone this much longer.

As Kisame completed his drills, Kakuzu called for a break. The boy collapsed onto the ground, breathing heavily but with a look of satisfaction on his face. Yomi approached, offering him a water bottle.

"You're improving quickly," she said, her voice filled with encouragement.

Kisame took the bottle, nodding as he drank. "Thank you, Sozo-sama. I won't let you down."

"I know you won't," Yomi replied with a smile. "Rest for a while."

Leaving Kisame to recuperate, Yomi and Kakuzu stepped aside. The air between them was charged with the weight of their shared mission. Kakuzu's eyes, though hidden behind his oni mask, bore into her.

"We need to move forward with the Sozo family plans," Yomi said, her voice steady. "Ikue will be coming today, she'll be out backing financially."

Kakuzu nodded. "The underworld is a dangerous place, Yomi. It's not just about power and influence. It's about survival."

Yomi met his gaze, unwavering. "I've faced death before, Kakuzu. I am not afraid."

Kakuzu considered her words, his expression unreadable. "Very well."

Post mortem nihil est.

After death, there is nothing. But for Yomi, the path forward was clear.

"Lady Sozo, Uzumaki Ikue is seeking your presence." The voice of one of the servants came out softly interrupting the both of them.

Yomi nodded, "lead the way."

As she walked through the halls of the building her black hair faded to white and her eyes reverted back to red. As she entered the room with lady Ikue the woman looked at her with shocked eyes. "Amatsu?" She called out unsure of if she was talking to the right person.

"Please, call me Yomi."

Ikue understand, she was smart and caught on quickly, her smile stretched into something beautiful and sly. "Lovely to meet you then, Yomi."

Yomi sat down across from Ikue, who had her fan raised to her lips. A tea set was placed in front of them, and Yomi started to make tea. The process of the tea ceremony was intricate and elegant, a dance of precise movements.

Yomi began by carefully unfolding a silk cloth, which she used to cleanse the tea bowl, the scoop, and the whisk.

"Have you hear back from Arakawa-San?" Yomi asked as she scooped a measured amount of matcha powder into the bowl.

"Yes, I've come to deliver the good news." Ikue replied, her eyes glistening in the sunrays.

"I'm happy to hear that." Yomi replied, using bamboo whisk, she began to mix the tea. The sound of the whisking filled the room as neither lady talked while Yomi finished the tea ceremony, after all – they had said all they needed to. With this Yomi felt a bit relieved, they would be able to stay here for a bit longer.

Once the tea was ready, Yomi carefully presented the bowl to Ikue with both hands, bowing slightly. "Please, Uzumaki-sama, enjoy."

Ikue accepted the bowl with a nod, her eyes twinkling with appreciation. She took a moment to admire the tea before taking a sip, her face reflecting her cup.

"It's exquisite, Yomi," Ikue said, her voice warm. "You are a woman of many talents."

Yomi smiled, to an onlooker it was an exquisite smile, but to Ikue it was sinister. "Thank you."

That night, Kakuzu prepared himself to leave.

"I will go collect the bounty; will you be alright here while I'm gone?" Kakuzu asked, fixing his oni mask on.

"Yes, this is my responsibility to fulfil," Yomi said with a smile. She sat on her knees with a cup of tea in hand in the same room she had met with Ikue, the room that overlooked the garden. The moon was out, beautiful and full. Kakuzu nodded and swiftly left, leaving her alone. In the entire mansion, she was the only one there; the servants had retired, belonging to the Kusu-district boss. Well, her and Kisame.

The young shark was sound asleep in his room. Yomi watched the moonlight silently.

Kisame woke up to the sound of creaking. His eyes shot open. It was just one creak, but it was enough to put him on high alert. Immediately, he got up, jumping to the ceiling to conceal himself. He waited for a few minutes before his door slid open silently.

"Where's the kid?"

"If he's not here, let's leave. We need to get rid of the merchant."

Kisame's blood lust surged. Who were they trying to get rid of? Sozo-sama?

"Let's go!"

Before the shinobi could leave, he attacked, stabbing the one who had his guard down with a kunai.

"sh*t." The other one got ready to fight. Kisame was like a beast, attacking with all his might. He only had his strength, and it almost wasn't enough. He was knocked back, a kunai going through his chest. He gasped, feeling the metal pierce his heart. The shinobi dropped his body to the floor.

"f*cking brat," he muttered as he turned to leave.

But Kisame wasn't dead. Somehow, he was still moving. He attacked again with the same kunai that had pierced his heart, piercing the side of the shinobi.

"What the—!" The shinobi immediately realized something was wrong. Kisame watched him fall to his knees with bulging eyes, gasping for air, reaching out for help. But Kisame was ruthless, stabbing his head over and over and over until the room was covered in blood.


Remembering his true aim, he dashed out of his room down the dark, silent hallways, fearing the worst. She was just a civilian; she couldn't protect herself! He was terrified of what he would see when he arrived at the parlour she loved to stay in.

As he arrived, he smelled blood. He didn't have the courage to see what had happened, but he forced his feet to keep moving. One step, and then another.

Kakuzu arrived at the Kusu-district Boss's office. Once again dropping another head on his desk.

"Wow you guys actually pulled it off? It seems like our resources weren't wasted." He placed several bags of money on the table. "The customer was satisfied. So for the next job.."

"This was the last job." Kakuzu cut him off. "We're venturing into a different business now, but I'm sure you were aware of that.. Ikue."

The man smirked, his body seemingly disappearing as a haze in Kakuzu's eyes. "I knew she'd be able to guess, cleaver girl." Now the voice of a woman came forth, Ikue Uzumaki sat, the Kusu-district Boss. "Shouldn't you be with her? She might not survive the night."

"Then you do not know her well." Kakuzu replied. "She does not waver in the face of death."


Her voice echoed through the house.

The sliding door was open, Kisame stood at the entrance, his eyes landing on her figure standing in the middle of the room, blood splattered on the walls and bodies surrounding her. Her clothes were stained with blood, and in the moonlight, her red eyes gleamed. The large moon in the background illuminated her body, which was wrapped in white light.

In that moment, to him, she was a goddess.

Ikue Uzumaki raised a brow curiously, "I'm assuming she's not just a civilian girl you drag around then."

Kakuzu laughed. What an absurd take. "On the contrary, she is a death god."

Ikue looked at him as if he were exaggerating. "A Shinigami? Really?"

Kakuzu only smirked, no one would believe his words, so they just had to f*ck around and find out.

Yomi smiled at Kisame who was looking up at her, he fell to his knees, she knew he had been scared. But he was here, trying to protect her.

'How cute.'

She knelt down, her fingers lifting his chin up. "Kisame you did well today, I saw you fight."

"H-How?" He managed to stutter. She only laughed, her voice beautiful and melodic.

"Remember the first thing I taught you Kisame?"

"Momento Mori."

Remember that you must die.

"That reminder isn't for us, It is for anyone standing in our way."

Her eyes were like blood, and his like water.

When Kisame looked back on his life – as a sword pierced through his skin, he wondered when it all started? When did he realise he wanted to stand on top of the world? When it when he became one of the seven swordsmen of the mist? Was it when he joined he graduated the academy? No, It was at that moment, when he gave his soul to the goddess of death, Tsukiyomi.

That night, the second Mizukage was murdered, and Yuma Arakawa took his place as the third Mizukage.

Chapter 8: Fortune Favours the Brave

Chapter Text

Tsukiyomi stood in the grand hall, watching the official coronation of the third Mizukage, Yuma Arakawa.

The scent of fresh flowers permeated the air, blending with the incense that burned in honour of the Mizukage's ancestors.

At the centre of the hall stood a raised platform, draped in deep blue silk, where Yuma Arakawa was to be crowned. The elders of the village, clad in their ceremonial robes, stood on either side, ready to bestow the mantle of leadership upon the new Mizukage.
Yomi was dressed in an exquisite kimono, white and lavender embroidered with delicate. Her long, white hair was tastefully styled, and her striking red eyes captivating whoever caught her glance. She held a fan in her hand, its delicate movements adding to her ambience.

As the ceremony began, a hush fell over the hall. The eldest among the council stepped forward, holding the Mizukage’s hat. Yuma Arakawa, dressed in resplendent robes of deep blue and silver, knelt before the elders.

“Today, we witness the ascension of Yuma Arakawa to the esteemed position of Mizukage,” the elder intoned, his voice resonating through the hall. “May he lead Kirigakure with wisdom and strength.”

With great solemnity, the hat was placed upon Yuma’s head. He rose, turning to face the assembled crowd. Applause erupted, filling the hall with a sound of hope and renewal.
Yomi’s gaze met Yuma’s for a fleeting moment, and she gave a small, approving nod.

After the ascension, Yomi was invited to have some tea with the Mizukage. They sat in a gazebo surrounded by flowers and an extensive pond. Yomi watched koi fish swim freely beneath her, the gazebo connected via a network of bridges adorned with overgrown climbing leaves.

The tranquility of being surrounded by water was inexplicable, a stark contrast to the events that had led them here.
Yuma poured her a cup of tea, his movements deliberate and calm.

“About your request for the position in the academy,” he began, placing the teapot down, “I received news last week that he should be able to start next week.”

Yomi placed down her fan and picked up her cup, using her sleeves to block her face as she drank. The tea was warm and soothing, a perfect complement to the serene environment. She appreciated the traditional gesture, understanding it was a means to smooth over any lingering tensions.

“I assume you are here because of what happened that night...” Yuma referred to the ANBU assassination attempt that had taken place not long ago.
Yomi's expression remained serene, though her eyes gleamed with a hint of amusem*nt.

“My dear Kage, I do not hold any grudges. If I could not handle something that easily, I wouldn’t be suited to be the family head,” she spoke calmly, her tone unwavering. She sensed his nervousness, but she had no intention of making an enemy out of the Mizukage, even though he had tried to silence them after the death of the last Mizukage.

Yuma sipped his tea, gathering his thoughts. “I heard from Ikue. I have a job for you personally.”

Yomi smirked, her interest piqued. “Naturally, Mizukage-sama.”
Every leader needed their less-than-legal enforcer, someone who could handle tasks no one else would support, with no strings attached. It seemed Yuma was already settling into his role, understanding the darker necessities of leadership.

The week rolled on quickly, and Yomi found herself packing a bag for an excited Kisame, who was going to start at the academy. The young shark was almost bouncing with anticipation, his fierce demeanour softened by the thrill of new opportunities. Kakuzu had laid back leisurely on the floor his book close to his face while Yomi fuss over the kid.

“You’ve got everything you need?” Yomi asked, double-checking the contents of the bag. “Kunai, shuriken, scrolls...”
Kisame nodded enthusiastically.

“Yes, Sozo-sama. I’m ready.”
Yomi smiled, her heart warmed by his eagerness.

“Remember, Kisame, you’re representing me, don’t be afraid to be a menace.”

“I will!” Kisame promised, his eyes burning with determination.
It was weird; sending a child to school made her realise she wouldn’t mind having her own children. She watched the child leave absentmindedly.

“Kakuzu, if I had a kid what should I name it?”

Kakuzu who had his head buried in a bingo book looked up concerned. “I do not support teen pregnancy, wait until you’re 18 at the very least.”

Yomi glared at him, “get your mind out of the gutter, what do you take me for? I’m talking hypothetical! Hypothetical”

“Hmm.. I mean your name is Tuki Yomi, what kind of name is that anyway?”

“I picked It out myself.”

“That makes sense, a kid picking out her own name. You’d probably name your kid Amaterasu.” He grumbled.

“I hate how I actually like that name? What if I have a boy?” She asked imagining. “Hm.. Susanoo? I think that would be an ok name for a boy.”
Yomi nodded pleased with herself, Kakuzu just watched her and wondered if she was right in the head.

“Have you heard from Yahiko yet?” He asked.

“Not yet.” She muttered, being reminded of him caused her mood to shift.

“I need to go back to the Inn and check if he sent any letters.”

“If you can fly why can’t you teleport? It’ll be so much easier for you.”

“You think I don’t want to? I asked Shi and they said I can’t use abilities to change the world around me, I can only change and control myself.”

Kakuzu recognised that name again, Shi. Whenever he pointed it out she deflected, it seemed like even the most naïve had their own secrets.

“Are you going to start the Mizukage’s mission?” Kakuzu asked, since the week after she hadn’t budged, he wondered if she had forgotten that she was meant to be a crime boss.

“Oh you of so little faith, I was just hoping to get Kisame ready for school first.”

“Should I ask?”

“I love Kiri, this place is completely surrounded by water.”

Kakuzu paused, he didn’t know if he should be amazed or creeped out. “You tagged the water didn’t you?”

She confirmed his suspicions; no one was safe. Her abilities were drastically limited based on how much of her blood had been diluted. But it was enough to find one person. When Kakuzu went on mission she always gave him a cup of blood to make sure she could communicate with him at all times. That did way more than just tracking.

It did occur to Kakuzu that if he ever betrayed her he would probably die.
The scariest part of her ability was no one knew about it. If they did an antidote could be easily created.

“You should practice your abilities more, it could be way more useful than tracking.” He said before focusing back on his book. “You can take care of the mission alone right?”

“Yes! Don’t worry~”

Her cheerful attitude worried him, did she really understand that assassination wasn’t as easy as it seemed? Kakuzu groaned feeling a headache starting. She was definitely gonna get herself in trouble. He wouldn’t be able to sleep that night.
Yomi stood up humming to herself.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Kakuzu asked pinching the bridge of his nose.

“I’m going to complete the mission?” She said rolling her eyes like he was stupid.

“In broad daylight?”


“…” He was speechless, she didn’t give him time to process her words and just left the room.

“She’s f*cking crazy.” Kakuzu said to himself as he quickly stood up and rushed out of the room to catch up to her.

Yomi didn’t bother to change into more practical clothes, her usual Kimono was good enough, she didn’t know sh*t about Jutsu or combat so why pretend.

“Are you really doing this?” Kakuzu joined her putting on his oni mask.

Yomi raised her brow looking at him curiously, “you want to join me Kakuzu?”

“Not like I have a choice.” He said with a growl. She merely shrugged and reached up hugging his neck. He carried her up and jumped up to the roof and followed her directions.

In a secluded clearing deep within the forest of Amegakure, Yahiko, Nagato, Konan, and Jiraiya trained rigorously despite the pouring rain. The dense canopy overhead provided some shelter, but the raindrops still managed to filter through, creating a steady rhythm against the leaves and ground.
“Yahiko, your form is getting better, but don’t forget to maintain your guard,” Jiraiya called out, his voice firm but encouraging, carrying over the sound of the rain.

Yahiko, drenched not only in sweat but also in rainwater, nodded. The clearing was filled with the sounds of their exertion, punctuated by the steady patter of rain.

During a break, the group gathered under a large tree for some respite from the downpour. Jiraiya handed out water bottles, his gaze lingering on Yahiko, who seemed lost in thought.
“Yahiko,” Jiraiya began, breaking the silence, “have you sent a message to Yomi yet?”

Yahiko’s face twisted in confusion, as if he were trying to recall a distant memory. “Yomi?” he repeated, his brow furrowing. “Who is Yomi?”

Nagato and Konan exchanged puzzled glances, but Jiraiya’s expression grew serious.

“You don’t remember Yomi? The girl who joined us during our training in Kusa? The one you...” he trailed off, searching for the right words.

Suddenly, recognition dawned on Yahiko’s face. “Oh, Yomi! How could I forget?” He looked horrified at his lapse. “I haven’t written to her yet. I’ll do it right now!” He scrambled to his feet.

Jiraiya watched him with a concerned frown. As Yahiko rushed to write his letter, Jiraiya turned to his other two students.

“Konan, Nagato, do you remember Yomi clearly?” he asked, his tone probing.

Konan nodded slowly. “Yes, sensei. But now that you mention it, it feels like her memory was... fading.”

Nagato added, “I remember her, but it’s strange. It’s like trying to grasp smoke. I didn’t realize it until now.”

Jiraiya’s unease grew. “Stay here for a moment,” he said, leaving the clearing. He made his way back to their temporary camp, where he rummaged through his belongings until he found the photograph they had taken on Yomi’s birthday. The picture showed them all smiling, with Yomi in the centre, holding Yahiko’s hand.

He studied the photograph, a strange chill running down his spine. He made copies of the picture, one for each of his students.

Returning to the clearing, he handed each student a copy of the photograph. “Keep these with you,” he instructed. “I don’t know what’s happening, we can't forget her.” The world seemed to reject the idea of her existing, but hard evidence proved otherwise.

Yomi appeared in broad daylight at the entrance of the Kanetsugu Clan's compound, her presence causing quite a stir among the guards. It was unconventional for an assassin to show up so openly, but Yomi was not a conventional assassin, much less an actual assasin. No one would actually suspect she was hear to kill the clan leader.

Her white hair and red eyes were striking against the backdrop of Kirigakure’s misty streets, and she walked with an air of confidence.
Kakuzu followed close behind, his oni mask concealing his apprehension. The guards, though wary, were too stunned to react immediately. They had heard of Yomi and the rumours that she was the Mizukage’s mistress had spread like fire after he invited her to his courtyard, but to see her here, in broad daylight, was something entirely different.

"We need to speak to the clan head," Yomi announced, her voice calm but authoritative.

The guards exchanged uneasy glances before one of them nodded and led them to the main hall. The compound was large, with traditional architecture that spoke of the clan's long history and significance within Kirigakure. They were promptly escorted to the main hall, where they were greeted by Kanetsugu Raiden, the clan leader. Raiden was a tall man with silver hair and piercing blue eyes, dressed in robes that indicated his status. He welcomed them with a cautious smile, unsure of the reason for their visit.

"Lady Sozo, it is an unexpected honour to have you here. To what do I owe this visit?" Raiden asked, his voice steady, unphased by her sudden intrusion.

Yomi looked at him directly, her expression unreadable. "I have been asked to kill you," she said bluntly.
Kakuzu's eyes widened behind his mask. He had not expected her to be so straightforward. Raiden, however, did not react with the disbelief she had anticipated. Instead, he nodded solemnly.

"I understand." he said. "

Yomi tilted her head, intrigued. "You understand?"

Raiden sighed, gesturing for them to sit. Servants brought tea, but the atmosphere remained tense.

"Kirigakure has always been averse to clans with Kekkei Genkai. The Kanetsugu Clan possesses such abilities, and our existence has always been precarious. It is only natural that the Mizukage would want us eradicated."
Yomi frowned, her ignorance showing.

"What is a Kekkei Genkai?

Raiden looked surprised, then explained patiently. "Kekkei Genkai are unique bloodline abilities passed down within certain clans. They grant us powers that others do not possess. My clan’s ability is the manipulation of magnetism, which makes us both valuable and feared."

Yomi listened intently, “that’s so cool!” It had never occurred to her people would have eye powers.

“I’m glad you think so Lady Sozo.” He said with a small smile. Seeing a child hold his life in her hands made him feel conflicted. Power didn't rely on age, but someone this clueless?

"Are you willing to die then?" Yomi asked, this is the first time she had seem someone so calm in the face of generational extermination.

Raiden shook his head, a sad smile on his face. "No, I do not want to die. But if the Kage wishes it, I have no choice but to hand over my head. Resistance would only lead to more suffering for my clan."

His words affected Yomi deeply. If you wanted to live, you should fight to live. She would never hand over her life so easily. "Why don't you fight? You can choose to live.”

Raiden's eyes hardened. "Why are you on your high horse, Lady Sozo? Even if I fight, I will die. Sometimes, choosing how you die is the only choice you have left."

Yomi sat in silence, pondering his words. He was right , she had always wanted to die, and now with her new life she couldn’t understand perfectly able people wanting to die too. The idea that some didn’t have a choice wasn’t new to her after all she has killed before, but it was the first time seeing someone so resigned. She glanced at Kakuzu, who remained silent but observant. Finally, she spoke, "Then, I will decide your fate."

Kakuzu interjected with a warning, "Yomi, it is not in your place to choose who lives or dies." This was a mission by the mizukage, he was destined to die.

Yomi turned to him, her eyes menacing. "I am the death god. I alone have the qualification to do so."

Kakuzu paused, his growing smile hidden by his mask. Right, he had forgotten. She wasn’t bound to such an ideology like his, after all she hadn’t been brought up and indoctrinated in the hidden village. She was free.

She produced a small vial of her blood and poured it into her cup, handing it to Raiden. "If you dare to live, drink this.”

Raiden took the cup without hesitation and drank the contents. Yomi watched intently, monitoring his body as the blood took effect. She could feel his heartbeat, the truth in his words resonating through the connection.

"I will ask you three questions. Answer truthfully, or you will die.” she said.
Raiden nodded.

"I am prepared Lady Sozo."

"Do you truly wish to die?" Yomi asked, her voice steady.

Raiden shook his head. "No. I wish to live."


"Do you believe that your clan deserves to be eradicated?" she continued, her eyes locked on his.

Raiden's voice was firm. "No. We have done nothing to deserve this."


She couldn't help but pause, he had done something, but that something wasn't enough in his eyes for death.

"Will you fight for your clan if given the chance?" Yomi's final question hung in the air, the most crucial of all.

Raiden took a deep breath. "Yes. I will fight for my clan with all my strength."

Raiden looked at her determined for mercy, or death. Yomi wondered how much hate a clan needed to recive to deserve extermination. Raiden had a good head on his head, it would be a shame to end his life this quickly.

After a long pause, she spoke. Her words were quiet, almost silent, with the only people hearing her being Kakuzu and Raiden.

As they left the compound, the rain began to fall. Yomi looked up at the sky, feeling the cool drops on her face, and her smile twisted into something unbelievably beautiful.

Kakuzu, still processing the day’s events, spoke up. "Do you realize the weight of what you've done today? You've essentially challenged the Mizukage's orders."

He struggled to hide his amusem*nt, if he didn’t have his mask on she would see his smile.

Yomi nodded, closing her eyes, the rain against her cool skin giving her life. "I know, But if I am to be a death god, then I must be able to do this much? No?”

Kakuzu sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "You’re playing a dangerous game, Yomi."

She smiled, a hint of mischief in her eyes. "When have we ever played it safe?"

Chapter 9: Chikagakure

Chapter Text

Yomi stared at the map on the low table below her; her fingers tracing the boarders of the hidden villages. Kisame sat in front of her engrossed in homework. Yomi picked up a book and flicked through, she hadn’t left that desk all day, since Kisame went to school and came back she had been engrossed in studying.

“I’m back.” Kakuzu’s voice resonated through the halls.

“Welcome back Kakuzu!”

“Welcome back Kakuzu-san!”

“Yeah yeah.” He said dismissing the two, he collapsed to the floor sitting on the other side of the table. “What did you decide on?” He asked Yomi.

“Chikagakure” She replied pointing to the little village in the land of mountains. “It’s small, unknown and we should be able to take over it.”

Kakuzu looked at the map and nodded. “The only issue now is money.”

“That’s not an issue, you forget we have the Kanetsugu clan. And we have Ikue.”

Kakuzu’s curiosity was piqued “Ikue agreed to help?” He asked.

“Not yet, but I have a sneaking suspicion she might.” Yomi placed her finger on the land of mountain. “The main trade route between Konoha and Kumo is through the land of mountain, if we make it a formidable hidden village she will appreciate having majority monopoly over trade.”

Kakuzu listened, pleasantly surprised that she actually thought this true. “Part of me expected you to pick a random village and kill the kage.”

“I considered that too, but I figured I might as well use the brain I Was given.” Yomi stood up stretching her back. “I’ll go have a conversation with Arakawa.”

“Wait, have a conversation with him? You’re not planning on telling him your plans are you?” Kakuzu asked shocked.

“Why not? I mean he doesn’t want them so I can just take the entire clan.”

“It’s not that easy” Kakuzu groaned, every time he had a conversation with Yomi he got a headache.

“Well, if he insists they die it just means we have to leave this place prematurely.”

“What about Kisame! He just started in the academy!”

Kisame who heard his name scratched the back of his head “I don’t mind following Sozo-sama if she wants me too.”

“See? Just wait I’ll be back soon!”
Kakuzu felt his head pound, he laid down on the cold wooden floor.

“Kakuzu-san, are you ok?” Kisame asked worried.

“Let me just rest, I am getting too old for this.”

The guards to the Kage mansion didn’t stop her come going in, they were aware of who she was. Despite only visiting once everyone assumed there was something between them, Yomi found it odd considering they didn’t speak on a regular basis.

Yuma Arakawa's office was a stark contrast to the bustling streets of Kirigakure. The room was decorated with austere elegance—dark wooden panels, a large window overlooking the misty village, and shelves filled with scrolls and ancient tomes. Yuma Arakawa himself sat behind a large desk, his piercing eyes observing Yomi as she entered.

"Lady Sozo," he greeted, his voice cold but polite. "To what do I owe this unexpected visit?"

Yomi smiled, a playful glint in her eyes. "I thought it was time we had a proper conversation, Mizukage-sama."

Yuma's eyes narrowed slightly. "Indeed. Please, have a seat."

She sat gracefully. "I hope I am not intruding." Small talk was a skill she knew well enough.

"Not at all," Yuma replied, his voice smooth. "I must admit, I am curious about the purpose of your visit."

Yomi leaned forward slightly, her gaze never leaving his. "I have a proposition."

"Oh?" Yuma raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "Do tell."

"You are aware of the Kanetsugu clan's predicament," Yomi began. "The embezzlement and civilian unrest.”

Yuma nodded, his expression guarded. "So you found him. Kanetsugu Raiden? Hah..” He let out a laugh. “Only a young clan head like him would be this bold to try something like that. Is that why you went to see him?”

“Yes I had a conversation with him. I propose instead of extermination, you allow me to take them under my protection. With the Kanetsugu clan and others like them, we can create a powerful ally for Kirigakure In time of need. A back up other nations won’t see coming."

Yuma's eyes flickered with interest. But he was cautious, how could a child possibly control something as powerful as a clan with a Kekkei Genkkai. "And why should I agree to this?"

Yomi smiled, sensing the shift in his demeanor. "Because it benefits Kirigakure. By supporting this new village, you gain a strategic ally on the trade route between Konoha and Kumo. It strengthens our position without costing you resources."

Yuma leaned back in his chair, contemplating her words. Another war was brewing under the surface, she might not know that but he was painfully aware. "And what do you gain from this, Lady Sozo?"

"Power, influence, and the satisfaction of saving lives," Yomi replied candidly. "I believe in giving those with unique abilities a chance to thrive."

Yuma studied her for a moment before speaking. "You speak with conviction, Lady Sozo. But creating a hidden village is no small feat. It requires more than just determination. How will you control them? The issue with this clans is they’re insatiable. It’s not something you can handle alone.”

“Are you aware of my abilities Yuma-san?” This was the first she had called him by his first name, he didn’t hate it.

“Would you tell me if I asked?” Shinobi didn’t often disclose such details.

“Ask and it shall be given to you. My abilities allow me to tag and track. So I’m confident in having eyes everywhere.”

She meant that literally.

“I guess that suits you, I look forward to seeing you in the Bingo book one day.” Yuma said with a laugh.

"It’ll be so cool! I already have a nickname in mind!” wanna hear it? Her eyes shone with excitement. He found it endearing, if he had a daughter would she be like her?

“Go on, tell me.”


“Death God? Really?” He looked at her, no matter how he thought about it, no one would seriously call her a death God. Maybe a moon goddess?

"Of course," Yomi said, “it’s a super cool name reserved only for me!”

Yuma couldn’t help but laugh.He eventually steered the conversation back to issue of the Kanetsugu clan.
"Very well. You have my permission to take the Kanetsugu clan and any others willing to join you. But remember, Lady Sozo, their loyalty must remain with Kirigakure, at least while I am alive."

Yomi stood, bowing slightly. "As long as you don’t try to murder me again I have no reason to stand against Kiri.”

Yuma turned to face her, his eyes locking onto hers. "I trust you will make good on your promises, Lady Sozo. Kirigakure will be watching."

Yomi's gaze held steady, a subtle challenge dancing in her eyes. "I never break my promises, Yuma. You will find me true to my word."

Yuma nodded, a silent acknowledgment of her resolve. "Good. Then let us discuss the logistics. Establishing a hidden village is no small endeavor, and while you have my blessing, you will need more than just support from Ikue."

"Of course," Yomi agreed. "We will need supplies, manpower, and most importantly, the cooperation of the clans willing to relocate. I have already begun negotiations with several smaller clans who have expressed interest in joining us."

Yuma returned to his seat, his fingers steepled thoughtfully. "And what of village? How will you secure your seat as the kage?"

"Easily~ Just wait for good news, within a year, I will have Chikagakure under my control.”

"And what of your own ambitions?" Yuma asked, his tone probing. "What do you seek to gain from this, beyond the altruistic goal of saving lives?" He didn’t believe that was her actual reason for all this.

Yomi's smile widened, though it did not reach her eyes. “Just because.”


Was she serious?

Yuma coughed clearing his throat. Her reply caught him off guard, he almost lost composure. "Very well. I will support your endeavor, Lady Sozo. But remember, Kirigakure's interests must always come first."

"Of course," Yomi agreed. "Our alliance will strengthen Kirigakure, not weaken it."

The Mizukage nodded, satisfied for the moment. "I will have the necessary documents prepared. You will need to present your case to the council, but with my backing, they should be inclined to approve."

"Thank you, Yuma-san," Yomi said, standing and bowing once more. "I will not disappoint you."

As she turned to leave, Yuma's voice stopped her. "One more thing, Lady Sozo."

She paused, looking back at him. "Yes?"

"Be careful," he said, his tone softer but no less serious. "Don't underestimate the challenges you will face."

Yomi's expression softened, a rare moment of vulnerability showing through. "I appreciate your concern, but even death cannot phase me."

With that, she exited the room.

“Even death huh? But there are things worst that death...” Yuma muttered to himself.

Chapter 10: King of Nothing


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

vivamus moriendum est

‘Dear Yomi,

Sorry it took so long to write to you. Things have been pretty hectic here, but I’ve finally found a quiet moment to sit down and write. I hope you’re doing ok? I haven’t heard anything about you so I assume you’re doing well.

We’ve been training really hard, and it seems likeJiraiya-senseiwill have to leave soon. I think he’s got some important business to attend to. The good news is, once he leaves, I’ll be able to come visit you. I’m really looking forward to seeing you again. It’s been too long.

Konan misses you a lot. She talks about you all the time and says she will visit you as soon as she can. I think she really misses spending money with you. I guess I should start saving up huh.

I can’t wait to see you; should I take you on a date? That felt embarrassing to write… but I mean it. What kind of date should we go on? I want it to be special. Nagato suggested we visit the other villages. What village do you want to visit? I don’t wanna go to konoha though, it’s always unsettled there.

Also, I sent a chakra ring with this letter. It’ll tell me when you’re in danger. I want to make sure you’re safe, even when I’m not there. Just wear it, and I’ll be able to know if something’s wrong.

Write back soon. I’m counting the days until I can see you again.

Take care, Yomi.’

Yomi read Yahiko’s letter with a faint blush on her cheeks. It had been a month since the meeting with Yuma; Kakuzu had shortly left on a mission to Chikagakure, leaving Yomi with not much to do but train and raise Kisame meticulously. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem like she was doing a good job.

“Sorry to bother you, Lady Sozo, but the academy sent word for you to go get Lord Kisame.”

Yomi groaned, this was the third time this month. Kisame had a stubborn personality, but he was a good kid, and yet he kept getting into fights. He always won, obviously, but she couldn’t congratulate him for it. The academy normally didn’t interfere with student fights unless it led to significant bodily harm. However, this time the significant bodily harm was done to Kisame.

“Wow, they really did a number on you, huh?” Her words made the kid wince. He knew she didn’t like his fights, but this time it was unavoidable. Yomi checked Kisame’s vitals; she wasn’t alerted when he fought, so she figured he wasn’t gravely injured in any way. She felt more comfortable mocking him, maybe now he’d focus on school rather than picking fights.

“I’m so sorry, Lady Sozo! My daughter didn’t mean those words!” The offender who had beat up Kisame was a Kanetsugu girl. She had an equally stubborn look in her blue eyes, and her silver hair was messy with bits of dirt and twigs stuck in her locks. She had no intention of apologizing, but her mother had forced her head down in an apologetic bow.

“I don’t hold it against her, Kisame was at fault too. Please forgive him.” Yomi bowed briefly. Whatever the girl said didn’t bother her; she was just a child. Yomi took Kisame home. He was mostly healed by the time they got back. The ride back was silent as Yomi didn’t want him to think she was lenient. Kisame’s bloodlust was understandable considering his upbringing and goals, but it should be redirected to something better than petty fights.

Yomi remained silent till she got to her favourite spot overlooking the garden.

“Kneel down.” Kisame knelt, clenching his shorts in his fists. He looked at the floor, unwilling to look up.

“You think I’m being harsh, right?” Seeing his stubbornness pissed her off. “Alright, explain yourself. If you don’t explain yourself, don’t blame me for jumping to my own conclusion!”

Kisame hesitated, then took a deep breath. "They insulted you, Sozo-sama”.

Her anger cooled down. “What did they say?”

“They said you were weak, only relying on the Kage’s grace. I- I couldn't let them talk about you like that." His words began to tremble.

Yomi's expression softened slightly, but she kept her tone firm. "And you think fighting them will change their minds? That proving your strength with violence will make them respect me?"

Kisame's head dropped lower. "No, but I couldn't just stand there and let them say those things. I had to defend your honour."

“Do you really believe I need you to defend my honour Kisame?”

He didn’t reply, seeing him stubbornly hold on to his beliefs was endearing.

If I had a son, he’d be a bit like you wouldn’t he?’

Yomi sighed, her frustration giving way to endearment. "Kisame, strength isn't just about fighting. It's about knowing when to fight and when to walk away. Your strength should be used to protect and build, not to give in to every provocation."

"But they need to know that they can't just say whatever they want!" Kisame argued, his voice betraying his inner turmoil.

"And they will," Yomi replied, her voice softening further. "But through your actions and your character. Kisame, I want you to become a genin next year, can you do it? "

Kisame finally looked up, Yomi continued “I don’t know how long I’ll be able to take care of you for; so I want you to be a genin, stand on your own two feet.”

Kisame nodded, "I will, Sozo-sama."

“Also, you know you can call me elder sister?”

“But Sozo-sama! That’s disrespectful!”

“Fine, fine.”

She stood up, signalling the end of the conversation. "Now, go wash up and rest. Continue your training tomorrow."

Kisame stood and bowed deeply. "Thank you, Sozo-sama."

As he walked away, Yomi turned back to the garden, her thoughts drifting back to Yahiko's letter.

“One year.”

Yuma Arakawa inhaled deeply, his feet moving gracefully across the training ground. His stance was relaxed, yet his eyes were sharp and focused. The Mizukage stood topless, wearing only wide trousers and a belt. His body was a canvas of scars, each one telling a story of battles fought and survived.

Yomi faced him, her white hair flowing freely as she moved. She wore a sleek, white wrap top with crimson accents. The fabric hugged her figure, but its design provided ample room for her swift movements. Her red eyes gleamed with determination, reflecting the resolve to hold her own against Yuma.

With a swift motion, Yuma began weaving hand signs, the air around him growing heavy with moisture. “Hidden Mist Jutsu!” he called out, and a thick fog enveloped the training ground. The mist was disorienting, designed to obscure vision and mask his movements.

Yomi closed her eyes for a brief moment, her senses sharpening. She could feel the blood coursing through her veins. With a quick flick of her wrist, she cut her wrists to draw blood. The thick liquid seemed to come alive, swirling around her like a protective aura.

“Blood Art..” Yomi whispered. The blood formed a barrier around her, pulsating with energy. She could sense Yuma’s movements within the mist, each step causing a ripple in the air.

Yuma moved swiftly, his figure a blur within the fog. He launched a series of shuriken towards Yomi, the weapons cutting through the mist with deadly precision. Yomi’s blood shield deflected the shuriken, each impact sending a shockwave through the protective barrier.

“Impressive,” Yuma’s voice echoed through the mist, “but let’s see how you handle this.”

The Mizukage’s hands moved again, faster this time. “Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!” A massive dragon made of water surged from the mist, its eyes gleaming as it charged towards Yomi.

Yomi’s eyes narrowed, her concentration unbroken. She manipulated her blood, forming tendrils that lashed out at the water dragon. The crimson and blue forces clashed violently, the impact sending shockwaves through the mist. Despite the ferocity of the water dragon, Yomi’s control over her blood art held firm, the tendrils pushing back against the attack.

“You’ve got skill,” Yuma acknowledged, his voice calm. “But is it exhaustive?”

He disappeared into the mist, his movements silent and deadly. Yomi remained still, her senses on high alert. She felt a sudden shift in the air behind her and spun around, her blood forming a blade in her hand just in time to parry Yuma’s sword strike.

The clash of their weapons echoed through the mist, sparks flying from the impact. Yuma’s strength was immense, but Yomi’s agility and precision matched his power. They moved in tandem, each strike countered with equal force.

“Blood Art.” Her voice remained steady. Her blood blade elongated, pushing Yuma back. She followed up with a swift kick, aiming for his ribs, but he blocked it with his arm, the impact reverberating through his scarred body.

Yuma smirked, admiration in his eyes. “Not bad.”

With a swift motion, he summoned a torrent of water, aiming to engulf Yomi. She responded instantly, her blood formed a barrier, splitting the water, redirecting its flow.

Yomi’s eyes flashed with determination. Manipulating the blood around her, she created a series of whips that lashed out at Yuma. He dodged each one, his movements fluid and precise.

As the mist began to dissipate, the intensity of their battle became clear. The ground was soaked with water and blood, the air thick with the energy of their clashing jutsus. Both fighters were breathing heavily, yet their eyes remained locked, neither willing to concede.

“Enough,” Yuma finally said, raising a hand. The mist cleared completely, revealing the both of them standing in the aftermath of their clash. “You’ve proven your point, Yomi.”

Yomi lowered her blood blades, her blood returning to her body. She bowed slightly, a gesture of respect. “Thank you, Yuma. You’re not half bad yourself.”

Yuma scoffed, he was holding back and she knew it, after all who would actually try to kill a kid. As he picked up his robes to wear he felt her eyes follow him. “The scars bother you don’t they? They’re quite scary.” He knew all too well how civilians reacted to his scars.

“Scary? Really? I think they’re pretty cool. At least I know you won’t the single for long.”

Yuma sighed, “what would you know about relationships?”

She wanted to say that she had a boyfriend, but she didn’t ? He never asked her. Seeing her dark expression he patted her head sympathetically. “Don’t worry we’re still young”

“Don’t compare us! We’re different! I could have a boyfriend by tomorrow! She insisted.”

“Hah.. it’s ok, there there.”

She shook his hands off her hair. So what if he didn’t believe her, why would she care?

“I’ll be going on a trip soon, take care of Kisame when I’m gone.”

“Naturally. When will you be back?” He asked.

“In a few months.”

“Alright, stay safe.”

Yomi headed back, meeting Kisame briefly before she got ready to leave. And once she was done, she set off.

Yomi soared through the treetops, her white hair streaming behind her as she moved effortlessly. The dense canopy of the forest below looked like an endless green carpet that stretched as far as the eye could see. Her wings beat rhythmically, propelling her forward at a steady pace.

Suddenly, a strange sensation washed over her—a tingling feeling, like an electric current running through her body. Before she could react, an invisible force struck her, disrupting her flight and sending her tumbling through the air. Her wings folded instinctively, and she crashed into the trees, branches snapping and leaves scattering in her wake.

Yomi hit the ground hard, the force of impact driving the breath from her lungs. She tried to stand, but the invisible force pressed her down, dragging her across the forest floor. Dirt and debris flew up around her as she was pulled along, unable to resist the powerful pull.

"What the...?" she managed to gasp, her voice muffled by the soil being pushed into her face.

The force continued to drag her, deeper and deeper into the earth. She felt herself being buried, the weight of the soil pressing down on her from all sides. Panic began to set in as darkness enveloped her, but she fought to stay calm, focusing on her breathing and trying to assess the situation.

Then, as suddenly as it had begun, the movement stopped. The weight lifted, and Yomi found herself lying on a cold, hard surface. She pushed herself up, blinking in the dim light. She was in an underground cave, surrounded by nothing but darkness.

“What kind of bird are you?”

A deep, feeble voice called out from within the cave. Her eyes adjusted to the darkness and she could finally see. Dark grey spikey hair, a hunched sitting position attached to large tendrils running on the floor. An old man on an abandoned throne.

Madara Uchiha.


I had to age everyone up a bit because I can't deal with how everyone is 10 years old, no one makes sensible decisions at 10 years old. What's that about anyway?

Anyway, I'm still sailing ships, it's still up to debate what will happen to Yahiko. Do you want to save him? Should he be end game?

Chapter 11: The boy who saved me


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Yomi looked at the man sitting on the decrepit throne. "Who the f*ck are you?"

He wasn't shocked by her words, or rather—he didn't have the energy to be shocked.

"Why did you come here? To kill me?"

"If I wanted to kill you, I would've taken the front door. Why would I almost kill myself by drowning in dirt?" she grumbled as she dusted her robes to the best of her ability. "I won't ask again. Who are you?"

"I am..." he paused as if waiting for dramatic effect. "Madara Uchiha."


This time he was shocked. "What do you mean, who? Don't they teach you about me in history class?"

"Oh... I'm not from around here, so I don't really know."

"So you're not here to kill me. For a second, I thought they found out about me."

"I get it, you must have been an asshole to get hunted down enough to hide here. Well, since I'm here, you might as well tell me your story. It doesn't seem like you meet people often; you're so awkward..."

Her words made him laugh. When was the last time he laughed? "If I tell you that, I'd have to kill you."

Yomi shrugged, sitting down with her legs crossed. "I've never been afraid of death, and I won't start now because some decrepit old man said so."

"Decrepit... Old..." Like two arrows piercing his heart, she was ruthless. "Alright, fine."

She knew he never had plans of letting her go; after all, nobody hides underground for no reason.

Madara told his story, from the formation of Konoha to his current predicament. The only thing Yomi could think of was why he was so hell-bent on gaining power. Was the world ever this interesting to want world peace?

"I don't get it. You want a successor to start a war to bring peace?"

"Don't say it like that. You make it sound stupid."

"Oh, my bad then."

"So, are you going to try and stop me?" he asked.

"Why would I?" Yomi crossed her arms. "I don't really care whether or not you get world peace. It has nothing to do with me."

This was his first time meeting someone so... lax? Especially when it came to the end of free will, it seemed like he forgot not everyone gives a sh*t.

"You're dying anyway. I doubt you could do much harm."

Another laugh escaped his lips. "I'm looking for my successor. Someone who can take my place."

"For someone so powerful, I guess even you can't escape death."

"You make it sound easy."

"Should I help you?"

He scoffed; her words were becoming more absurd. "How can you help? You barely even knew who I was, and you have the worst chakra stores I've seen."

"My lack of knowledge doesn't mean I am incompetent."

"That's exactly what it means. Knowledge is power. You, who knows nothing, will step on a bomb one day which will destroy you. Even if you are not afraid of death, your family is."


When did she ever have something like that? She was a murderer in her past life; there is no way anyone would step up and claim her as family.

"I am a very selfish person, Madara. Caring for others isn't something I'm capable of."

Her words were genuine. Behind all her choices are selfish reasons; she has never made a choice with another person in mind.

"You... If you offer to help me, what is your selfish reason?"

"Oh, isn't it simple? I want you to live."

"... That's it?"

Yomi shrugged. "I was brought here for a reason, so I might as well see what's up in this corner of the world."

"How will you help me?"

"I can give you youth."


"Is that really the question you should be asking."

He was silent, pondering. If she had any ulterior motives, he would be able to just kill her.

"What do you want me to do?"


Kisame snapped out of his trance, looking at his teacher who seemed angry. Why was she mad?

"Are you even paying attention? Your genin exams are coming soon! Do not forget only one of you will survive."

He knew that. Who didn't know? This place wasn't called the Bloody Mist for nothing. They were all children, yet they would be forced to battle brutally with one another till there was only one man standing.

The other children snickered, talking amongst themselves. Kisame scrunched up the paper on his desk, his heart full of turmoil.

After school, he walked home alone.

"I'm home," he said out of habit.

"Welcome home, young master." The servants greeted him. Kisame nodded and went to the parlor as he always did. She was normally sitting there by the low table, working on one thing or another. Some days she did flower arranging, other days she studied, and sometimes she practiced her blood art. But today, her spot was empty.

Kisame dragged himself to his room and changed into his training uniform. Kakuzu wasn't there to teach him, but he had a set of exercises to do daily. He picked up the sword and trained till evening, then ended his day with dinner.

Normally, his days were like this—dull and monotone when she wasn't around. Today was different.

"Wow, you're very disciplined. I'm sure she would be very happy."

Yuma's presence didn't startle Kisame. He wiped the sweat off his brow and turned to the Mizukage who had dropped in unannounced.

"Kage-sama, what brings you here?"

"Just call me Yuma. I came to check up on you. The genin exams are coming up, and I wanted to make sure you were ready."

Kisame nodded. "Then would you mind sparring with me?"


In a secluded training ground within the Uchiha district, a young boy stood, sweat on his brow, his hands held up in a hand sign.


He tried again, his hands moving quickly as he tried to summon the Great Fireball Jutsu, but to no avail.

He collapsed to the floor in frustration, his hands grabbing his hair. He wanted to give up; this wasn't working.

At fourteen years old, Obito was tired of always being one step behind. His dark eyes swirled with dissatisfaction. This wasn't enough for him. His unruly black hair framed his face, the red and white Uchiha crest on the back of his training shirt stood out boldly, a reminder of his obvious shortcomings.

Obito's breath came in heavy bursts as he repeated the hand seals for the Great Fireball Jutsu. Sweat dripped down his forehead, his brow furrowed in concentration. His young muscles ached from the effort, but he refused to give up. If he gave up now, it would prove them all right.

He gritted his teeth, channelling his chakra with all his might.

Before he could release his jutsu, a large splash interrupted his concentration. Startled, he inspected the pond before him and, to his alarm, saw a girl's body floating to shore.

At first, he thought it was a dead body, but she was obviously breathing. Her kimono was drenched, and her skin was so pale she looked almost dead. Her body shivered in the cold, and he immediately tried to warm her up.

He flinched; her skin was cold, like a block of ice.

"Just hang on!" he whispered in panic as he rushed her out of the training grounds.

Yomi opened her eyes to see darkness. She was in an endless void of nothing.

"Why did you think that was a good idea?" Shi asked, looking at her like she was crazy.

"Well, I needed an easier way to get around, though I'm not sure where I ended up."

Shi sighed in exasperation. "Don't do that again unless absolutely necessary. What happened if something went wrong?"

Yomi shrugged. "What's the worst that could happen? I don't care about dying."

Shi looked at her, unsure of what to say. Her nonchalance for human life was something she had always expressed.

"You're not afraid of anything, are you?"

In fact, Shi knew her death would have no consequences in this world. She would just be forgotten to time, and people would move on without her. "Just try not to do anything stupid..." When Yomi teleports, she erases her existence and rewrites it, effectively dying and coming back to life. But if one day something went wrong, then she would just cease to exist.

"Fine, I won't do that often. You can release me now," she said, rolling her eyes. Shi didn't know how to reply. She had always been this way.

"$-#&#+$, when will you stop this?" This time Shi's voice trembled. "I told you I'm sorry, so why can't you just live like a normal person?" They felt her disregard for life was simply too much.

"Do you remember when we were little?" Yomi began.

Shi nodded.

"The feeling of fresh blood on my hands. At that point in time, I didn't realize how fragile human life was. I killed somebody, and funny enough, it meant nothing."


"My name is Yomi now. Let it go."

"It wasn't your fault."

Wake up.

Her eyes opened slowly, revealing a grey ceiling above her. Where was she?

"You're awake!"

Her attention shifted to the boy next to her. She slowly sat up, groaning in pain. She had a splitting headache.

"Thank you for saving me," she said quietly, bowing her head slightly in gratitude. His cheeks brightened as he scratched the back of his head nervously.

"It's alright! I was just surprised to see a girl in the pond, ya know? Especially a civilian. What are you doing in the Uchiha district?"

"It was an accident," she replied, offering a half-truth. "Who are you anyway?"

"Well, I'm Obito Uchiha! I'm the man that's gonna be the next Hokage!"

Yomi sweat-dropped, what kind of introduction was that?

"Uchiha, huh? So you guys still exist?" When she met Madara, she thought he was the last Uchiha or something dramatic, but there was a whole clan of them.

"Why wouldn't we?" he asked, confused.

"Ugh, never mind... My name is Yomi. Nice to meet you."

A huge grin appeared on his face. "Nice to meet you!" He was so bright, it was blinding.

Like Yahiko.

Yomi tried to get out of bed, but stepping on the floor met with a wave of dizzy spells, so she sat her ass back down.

"Hey, careful. You were really cold; you probably haven't fully recovered yet... If you don't mind, you can stay as long as you want. I need to go join my team for a training session."

"You're a shinobi?" Yomi asked, a bit shocked that someone this young was a full-fledged shinobi. Was that even safe?

"Yup! I'm a chunin too!" He said that with so much pride, it made her lip twitch.

"Are people allowed to watch your training sessions?"

"I don't see why not! But you can't walk?"

Like that, she ended up staying in a stranger's apartment alone. Obito had quite a lot of books, so she was able to look through them. This was Konoha, one land away from her destination. When she left the underground cave, she had tried to just get out of there but instead ended up here. It begged to reason that Madara's cage was close enough in the vicinity.

Stepping into the kitchen, Yomi was taken aback. It was so messy. She considered just leaving, but then realized she could pay him back easily by cleaning up the house.

Yomi wondered if it was normal in this world for children to live alone. Evenshedidn't live alone; her trusted adult was Kakuzu... though unwillingly.

"There. Spotless."

The entire house was so clean, it was literally shining. Yomi went to the fridge to get some food only to find it empty. How the heck did this kid live??

She sighed and put on her now dried kimono and slipped out to look for a grocery store.

By the time she came back, she wondered if she should cook for him.

Somehow, in the process of repaying her debt, she became a... housewife?

Taking the hot lunch, she went to the balcony, spreading her wings to fly.


Obito looked up to see Yomi flying towards him with a basket.

"Yomi? How did you find me?"

How indeed. This village was bloody huge; it took her 30 minutes to pinpoint him.

"I brought you lunch, Obito," she said, putting down the basket and pulling out flasks and bowls. "For your team too."

He began to blush as he scratched his head nervously.

"Hn, the idiot got a girlfriend? What?" His teammate, a silver-haired shinobi, asked.

Yomi laughed awkwardly. She barely knew the guy, and besides, she was loyal to Yahiko, probably.

"Obito, why not introduce us?" The adult asked. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. He was completely Yomi's type!

Obito introduced her to his team. Yomi's eyes were glued to Minato the entire time. So she had a thing for older men. She wondered if he was single.

Her afternoon was spent with the team, and after training, she got to walk back with Obito who had a grin on his face like he was completely satisfied. She found it all amusing. She had never met a shinobi team before, and truthfully, it was nice being with others her age.

"Hey, Obito, I have a question... Is your sensei single?"

Her words stopped him in his track. "Eh!?"

"Well, you see... He's completely my type!" Her eyes were so wide they had stars in them.

Obito felt his world clash. "Ah... I don't know," he said, dejected. So her type was older guys, huh?

"He was so handsome and strong, and tall. OMG!" She said with hearts in her eyes.

At least she wasn't into Kakashi. A win is a win, right?

Obito burst out laughing. "Thank you for getting me food, Yomi-chan."

Yomi pulled out her hand and instinctively patted his head. "Anytime."

He flushed under her touch, his heart racing.

"I'll have to go now," she said.

"Right now? But it's late," he said, urging her to stay.

"Be a good boy, Obito.."

Obito's eyes widened in shock as she spread her wings. As she unfurled them, they caught the light, revealing a magnificent span of pristine white feathers that shimmered in the fading sunlight.

For a moment, Obito felt like he was in the presence of a celestial being, an angel descended from the heavens.

Her wings extended fully, creating a gentle breeze that rustled the leaves around them. The sheer majesty of the sight left Obito speechless, his mouth agape.

"I'll see you again soon."

He was speechless and stood shocked as she flew away, her wings cutting through the air with grace and power.

Holy sh*t! She was an angel!

He was so shocked he walked the rest of the way home in silence, his mind fried from the vision of her wings. Each step felt surreal as he replayed the moment over and over, she definitely wasn't a civilian.

When he finally unlocked his door, he was greeted by the soothing scent of lavender. The sight that met his eyes was equally surprising—his apartment was spotless, every surface gleaming, and his usually empty fridge was now fully stocked. A small note was stuck to the fridge door:

'Try not to live like a pig! Here is some food for the week!'

Obito's heart shook as he read the note. He silently sat down at the table, feeling an unfamiliar warmth spread through him. He opened one of the containers she had left and took a bite of the food inside.

The moment the taste hit his tongue, a wave of emotion crashed over him. Tears welled up in his eyes, spilling down his cheeks. The food was delicious.

"Thanks for the food..." he whispered, his voice choked with emotion.

Tears streamed down his face as he continued to eat.

Yomi didn't know it, but that was the first time he had come home to a homemade meal. The first time his heart had felt so full, and it made all the difference in his world.


Author: You're actually crying over food??

Obito: you don't understand, it was literally the most delicious rice I'vehad ever!

Yomi: are you sure it's not just because you can't cook for sh*t??

Obito: Yomi T_Tdon't be mean

Author: Yes Yomi, don't be mean!

Yomi: You started it!?? ತ_ತ

Chapter 12: Kamikage


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Tsukiyomi arrived at the meeting place, her steps hurried as she navigated the winding paths of Chikagakure. She was greeted by Kakuzu's stern expression as she entered the room where the council meeting was about to commence.

"You're late," Kakuzu said, his voice laced with impatience.

"Sorry, sorry, I got lost," Yomi apologised, attempting to defuse the tension with a smile. Kakuzu remained unimpressed.

"I don't get paid enough for this," he muttered, shaking his head.

"Yes, you get paid way more," Yomi retorted with a grin. "So tell me the situation."

Kakuzu sighed, clearly exasperated but also somewhat amused by her antics. "The council members are divided. Some support your proposition, while others are fiercely opposed. You'll need to convince the skeptics if you want to become the Kamikage."

Yomi nodded, her expression growing serious. "Let's do this."

They entered the council chamber, which was carved deep into the heart of the underground village, with walls made of polished stone that reflected the soft glow of lanterns hanging from the ceiling. The centerpiece was a large, circular stone table surrounded by intricately carved chairs, each representing the different clans and factions within the village. The council members were already seated, their faces serious and stoic as they turned to look at Yomi.

The reason Yomi was even allowed to present her case was due to the dire situation of the hidden village; they lacked capable Shinobi. Chikagakure was in desperate need of strong leadership to navigate their way through the upcoming wars. They had almost been wiped out in the Second Shinobi War, and now, with a third on the horizon, they realised that Chikagakure would soon cease to exist without intervention. The promise of new clans, alliances, and power under her guidance was too tempting to ignore. However, most of the clans here had been established for centuries and were unwilling to give up their power on the council to a more powerful, but unknown, clan. Chikagakure might not have been powerful, but in this village, they were royalty.

Yomi took a deep breath and addressed the room. "Thank you all for coming. I understand that my candidacy for Kamikage might come as a surprise to some of you, but I assure you, I have the best interests of Chikagakure at heart."

A murmur of discontent rippled through the room. One of the council members, an elderly man with a stern expression, stood up. "Why should we trust an outsider? What do you know about our village and its needs?"

Yomi met his gaze, her expression unwavering. "I may be an outsider, but I have spent considerable time learning about Chikagakure and its people. I also have the skills and connections you lack to lead this village to prosperity."

Another council member, a woman with sharp features, spoke up. "Skills? What skills do you possess that make you think you can lead us? You are but a mere child boasting of skill. It is an insult that we are all here listening to this joke."

Yomi smiled softly. "If you doubt my capabilities, I welcome anyone to challenge me to a death match."

The room fell silent. A death match was all well and good, but who was going to give up their life in the name of proving a child was weak? What if she was indeed powerful?

The council members exchanged uneasy glances, unsure of how to proceed. The woman, who had spoken earlier, sneered. "You think we're afraid of a child? This is ludicrous."

Kakuzu's eyes narrowed, he felt irrationally angry, Yomi felt his bloodlust. She stopped him with a gentle touch on his arm, her calm heart unwavering.

Yomi only smiled and asked, "Do you think you will come out of this alive?"

The council members were taken aback by her audacity. One of the men, a burly figure with a thick beard, stood up angrily. "How dare you threaten us in our own council chamber!" he roared, his hand reaching for a weapon.

Before he could draw his weapon, Yomi's eyes glowed with a fierce light. She extended her hand, and her blood shot out from her fingertips, slicing his arm off swiftly.

"Argh!" The man screamed in shock, clutching his wrist as blood poured out.

"You are noisy. Shut up," Yomi's words were cold and low, sending shivers down the spines of the council members. Her blood reached out again, forcing its way into the man's mouth, silencing his screams. He tried to cry out but could only manage muffled gurgles.

"How dare you—!" Another council member started, but before anyone could react, a single drop of blood appeared in front of their faces. They stilled immediately, paralyzed by fear.

Yomi sat back, sighing in disbelief. "I will be blunt. This village is a sh*thole. Despite existing for just as long as the Great Five, you have nothing to show for it. Where is your Shinobi Academy? Why are you all so pathetically weak? I am being nice by asking you to hand over this village to me. You can keep your seats on the council for all I care. All I ask for is the position of Kage. Would that kill you?"

Her rant echoed through the chamber; her anger palpable. "What's wrong with all of you? Cat got your tongue?"

The council members remained silent, unable to speak. The drop of blood had stretched into a thin, barely visible needle that had pierced the forehead of each council member. One wrong move and they would lose brain function.

"I said speak!" Yomi demanded, her voice cutting through the silence like a knife.


The feeling of overwhelming fear enveloped the room.

The only thing worse than a crazy motherf*cker was a crazy motherf*cker who was unreasonable.

She was too unreasonable!

"I'm sure you're thinking, 'Why should we give up all we've worked hard for to this kid?' How stupid. So what if I ask you for your heads? You should just give them to me!" Her eyes were bloodshot, revealing a side of her that Kakuzu had never seen before. Who was this? Was it the same person who only read smut and liked flower arranging?

He felt as if cold water had been poured over him. He found that he too was... afraid?

Was it fear?

"Do not mistake my calm for weakness," Yomi said, her voice cold and commanding. "I will resume this meeting, so let us all use our common sense and decide who will be the Kage."

She withdrew her blood, and the members collapsed back into their seats, cold sweat drenching their backs. They looked at the monster at the end of the table and realised they had no choice.

The elderly man who had spoken earlier cleared his throat; his voice shaky. "It seems... we have no choice but to accept your leadership, Lady Yomi."

Yomi's eyes softened slightly, but her demeanour remained firm. "Good. How easy was that? I'm not an unreasonable person. You can all remain part of the council. I trust that you love this village. I don't plan to run it into the ground, but I will run it."

She turned to the sharp-featured woman, who had been avoiding her gaze. "You."

"M-Me?" the woman stammered, clearly taken aback.

"Yes, you. Serve us tea."

"Ah, yes!" The woman hurriedly got up from her seat and moved to a side table where a tea set was placed. Her hands shook slightly as she prepared the tea, but she managed to compose herself enough to serve it with a semblance of grace.

The blood drops that hung above the heads of the council fell into their cups, creating ripples on the surface of the tea.

"Now, if you want to live, drink," Yomi commanded, her voice cold and authoritative.

Hands trembled as one after the other, the council members lifted their cups. The question lingered in their minds: was it poison? Was it a bind? Fear and uncertainty etched their faces, but they had no choice.

They drank.

Yomi watched them intently, her eyes sharp and unyielding. "I want you to understand one thing. Do not mistake my kindness for weakness ever again. From this second, every breath you take is with my grace. Every child in your clan remains alive due to my grace. Your existence is only possible due to my grace. Do we have an understanding?"

A murmur of assent spread through the room, the council members nodded their heads in reluctant agreement. "Yes, Chikakage."

"Chikakage? Oh no." Her lips spread into that breath-taking smile that made Kakuzu momentarily speechless. "Kamikage. I am the Shinigami, and by my grace, this village flourishes. Without my grace, this village dies."

The declaration hung in the air, a stark reminder of the power shift that had just occurred. The council members were visibly shaken, their earlier defiance and pride completely shattered. But in the face of a death god, what other choice did they have but to submit?

Kakuzu, standing by her side, couldn't help but be shaken. Yomi's ruthless efficiency was beautiful; she was a tyrant, unreasonable, and unbearable, but that, to him, was beautiful. The way she spoke and commanded respect, her words, her smile, her every action to him was perfect.

"I love that we have come to an agreement.. Now the first Issue that we need to fix." Yomi continued, setting her tea cup down, "I don't plan to stay here and micromanage all of you, you're all grown. You can rule this place in my stead, but do not think your every action isn't being seen by me. So if you embezzle, if you accept bribes, or if you decide to do something illegal, make sure it is of little consequence because the day it clashes with Chikagakure's interests is the day you die ."

Yomi smiled, leaning forward slightly. "First things first, we need to solidify our internal structure."

"Internal structure?" another council member echoed, confusion evident in his voice.

"Yes," Yomi replied, her tone confident. "We will start accepting unwanted clans with Kekkei Genkai. We need to build new houses and set up a Shinobi system good enough for them to fit into. This way, we will be able to set up a Shinobi academy and nurture our own talented warriors."

A murmur of interest and skepticism rippled through the room. One of the older council members, a man with a weathered face, spoke up. "And how do you propose we attract these clans? They have no reason to trust us."

"We offer them safety, respect, and a place to belong. Many of these clans have been persecuted and driven out. If we can provide a sanctuary, they will come."

"But won't this attract unwanted attention from the larger villages?" a woman with a stern expression asked.

Yomi nodded. "It might, but strength comes in numbers. If we have enough powerful clans allied with us, we will be a force to be reckoned with. Our goal is to create a village that others will think twice about attacking."

Another council member leaned forward, intrigued. "And what of our current Shinobi? How do you plan to integrate these new clans without causing internal strife?"

Yomi smiled. "We will establish a council where each clan has representation. This ensures everyone has a voice and a stake in our village's future. We will also set up a merit-based system for our Shinobi, where skills and contributions to the village are rewarded, regardless of their clan."

The room fell silent as the council members digested her words. Slowly, nods of agreement and understanding began to appear. Throwing aside self interest, it was objectively a good idea. Protecting your clan meant nothing if she was just going to kill them, so they were able to focus on the situation objectively.

"It is an ambitious plan," the elderly man conceded. "But it has merit. We are willing to support this initiative, Kamikage."

With the council's tentative approval, Yomi and Kakuzu left the hall, the ocuncil members standing to see them off. As they faced the vast expanse of Chikagakure, Yomi felt a weight lift off her shoulders. This was going to be her home from now on, and until her death, these people would be her responsibility.

"What? You won't congratulate me?" Yomi asked cheekily, glancing at Kakuzu.

Kakuzu, usually always grumpy, surprised her with his next actions. He knelt, his fists to the ground, and took off his Oni mask, his hand falling down his shoulders. "Congratulations, Kamikage-sama."

Her smile bloomed sweetly, a smile that made his heart swell with an unfamiliar warmth. This was a smile he would die to protect, in this lifeand the next.

'Dear Yahiko,

I realised something today; violence is the solution to most problems. Sometimes, when you don't have the energy to talk too much, just threaten whoever it is a bit—it works wonders.

Also, do you want to visit Chikagakure? I have a fun surprise for you <3.'

Yahiko stared at the letter, confusion etched across his face. Nagato peeked over his shoulder and burst out laughing.

"What the hell did she do?" Nagato asked between bouts of laughter. "Knowing her, she probably made someone carry all her shopping home for her." He wiped the tears from his eyes, still chuckling.

"Really? Hmmm, do you think Jiraiya-sensei will let us send a toad to her? That way she won't need to carry all her shopping," Yahiko mused, genuinely concerned.

Nagato patted Yahiko on the shoulder. "This is Yomi we're talking about. She'll be fine."


I defo added a mary sue tag so please, mercy.

Chapter 13: The Reunion


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Yomi read another letter from Yahiko, the latest in their continuous correspondence over the last eighteen months. This one, sent a month ago, carried thrilling news—he was coming to Chikagakure.

She was giddy with excitement, eager for him to see what she had accomplished in the short span of a year. She wanted him to be proud of her, to see that she was also achieving something significant in this world like he was. He had formed a group called the Akatsuki with the sole aim of protecting people, and she was incredibly proud of him.

His letters, she kept safe in her bedroom, often going over them, rereading them over and over. Today was no different. She found these letters precious, for who knew how long his feelings for her would last?

The pieces of paper were scattered all over her giant bed, and she was at the edge, her back hanging off the bed as she read the letters upside down. She was facing the door of her bedroom, so she knew when Kakuzu walked in. Seeing the state of her bed, he sighed.

"You guys are still together?"

"Right? He's so cute! I need to enjoy this before he gets tired of me."

"What?" Kakuzu's eyebrow twitched, his patience wearing thin.

Yomi's body slid onto the cold stone floor, her room having large windows from ceiling to floor to allow as much natural light as possible. She didn't suit the darkness of Chika, so the first thing she did as Kage was to blow a hole through the ceiling and expand the village around the hole, with some families on the surface and others deeper in.

"What are you doing here? It's my day off today."

"A day off for you means a day of work for me. I brought good news, if you don't want to hear it, fine." He turned to leave.

"Wait. Stop right there!" She scrambled to her feet. Her hair had grown a lot over the year, and she hadn't decided whether she should cut it or not. She didn't have healthy hair in her past life, so she was unwilling to part with it. But because of that, she slipped and fell back to the stone floor, looking like a pathetic sight in front of Kakuzu.

"What kind of Kage are you? Not an ounce of grace."

"Just tell me the good news." She had gotten used to him seeing her in embarrassing situations; she had grown very thick skin.

"Before that, I got the family crest ready for you as you required. I've distributed it to the ANBU."

She was thrown a beautiful black cloak with a yin-yang symbol. She ran her fingers through the cloak in excitement. This was it, this was hers. Something she was making that would be remembered for centuries—the Sozo clan.

And under the sign, 'Memento Mori.'

"No need to thank me or anything," he said sarcastically.

"Thank you so much, Kakuzu!" She ran to hug him. He acted grumpy, but he let her hug him.

"Also, I should probably tell you a group visited today—"

"So? Why is that good news?"

"If you interrupt me, you'll never find out, brat."

She shut up immediately.

"...It's the Akatsuki."

"The Akatsuki...?... !!!"

Her eyes widened. "Yahiko is here!?"


The sound of gears whirling drifted through the port as three young shinobi climbed into the metal box used to take people down into Chika. Their IDs were checked, and they soon descended into the gigantic hole in the ground.

Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato made their way into Chikagakure, the underground village, a stark contrast to the open skies they were used to.

"Holy sh*t," Nagato whispered in awe.

A large village sprawled out beneath them, illuminated by countless glowing crystals embedded in the rocky walls and the sunlight from above. Their eyes were immediately drawn to the central feature of the village—a grand glass dome, strong pillars standing next to it with banners cascading down, adorned with strong gold calligraphy.

"Excuse me, sir, what do those words say? They don't look usual," Yahiko asked another passenger.

"You must be new to Chika? Welcome, young lad. Those banners were erected by the Kamikage, representing the four pillars of the village," the man began to explain. "The first one is 'Ad astra per aspera'—to the stars through difficulties. The Kamikage dedicated it to the Shinobi academy."

He then pointed at the next. "The second—'Aut vincere aut mori'—to conquer or to die. She dedicated it to the great ninja clans of Chika. The third—'Fortes fortuna adiuvat'—fortune favors the bold, she dedicated to the civilian faction. And finally; 'Memento Mori.'"

"Remember you must die," Yahiko said. That was one he recognized.

"Yes! She dedicates this to the Sozo clan."

Yahiko looked at the banners, his heart filled with pure, unadulterated pride.

Once they arrived, they thanked the elderly man and faced the bustling village.

The architecture of Chikagakure was a blend of natural rock formations and elegant structures. Buildings were carved into the walls of the cavern, adorned with intricate carvings and lush greenery. Wooden bridges and walkways, draped with flowering vines, spanned across the open spaces, creating a network of pathways that crisscrossed the village.

Waterfalls cascaded from the heights of the cavern, their soothing sounds echoing through the air and adding to the serene ambiance.

The village was alive with activity. Children laughed and played along the paths, while vendors sold their goods at bustling market stalls.

"She really did it, huh?" Yahiko said.

Konan wore a strained smile, her blue hair catching the dim light. "Of course she did. Yomi has always been... different." The last word was a struggle for her.

Nagato nodded in agreement, his eyes scanning the surroundings with curiosity. "Chika was barely on the map, but in the span of a few months, it's become a tourist attraction of such magnitude. That's hard to pull off."

"I'm 100% sure Kakuzu-san was the one doing all the work," Yahiko said, laughing. "Should we get something to eat?"

"You don't want to find Yomi?" Nagato asked, confused. He expected him to rush to the Kage building immediately.

"Well, she might be busy... She probably knows we're here, so if we wait, someone will come get us."

He was right. Within the hour, a shinobi was there to get them. He wore a vest with a yin and yang sign with the words 'Memento Mori' underneath. He had a sword attached to his back and seemed younger than them.

"You must be the visitors Sozo-sama mentioned. Please, follow me."

The three nodded and finished their food quickly before leaving with the shinobi.

The Kage building was grander than expected, the architecture not like something they had ever seen before. Large paintings hung on the walls—realistic, lifelike paintings of humans.

"This is amazing. It's so big. How did they make this?" Yahiko asked, looking at the large canvas.

"Sozo-sama invests a lot in the civilians. We have some of the most talented civilians on the continent," the ANBU escort said proudly. Despite the mask and headwear, he was obviously very proud.

"How did she manage that? The money needed."

"The trade route through Chika is run by Madam Ikue. The civilian faction also generates a lot of money considering our art is sought after by daimyo everywhere."

"How did she manage that?" Nagato asked, genuinely impressed.

The ANBU guard took on the role of a tour guide, showing them the busy building. Shinobi from various clans walked around casually.

But finally, they came to their last stop.

"Is this where she is?" Yahiko asked nervously. The more the tour went on, the more he realised how out of her league he felt—what kind of 17-year-old was this accomplished? Yahiko was a normal person. He was not by any means a genius, and now he began to realise how much he was lacking.

Nagato felt his anxiety and placed his hand on the boy's shoulder.

"She chose you, right?" he asked.

Yahiko's beating heart settled. That's right.

She chose him.

The ANBU member opened the doors, and light filtered from the room, and he saw her.

His heart very nearly stopped.

She was beautiful.

Yomi stood by the windows, bathed in the soft glow of the village. Her pale skin and red eyes stood out strikingly against the rich fabrics of her 'Memento Mori' cloak, draped elegantly over her shimmering outfit adorned with intricate pearls and golden ornaments. Her long, flowing white hair cascaded down her back, adding an ethereal quality to her appearance.


She shot off from her spot by the windows, and like a bullet, her cloak falling off her shoulders, she found herself in Yahiko's arms. If he was any weaker, he would be thrown to the floor, but he held her like she was a precious item that had returned to him.

"I missed you so much, Yahiko!" Her words were music to his ears, he grinned and a faint blush brushed his features. Feeling her warm body in his arms made him feel like his heart was on fire.

"I missed you too, Yomi."

"It seems like you didn't miss us at all," Nagato said with a fake scowl.

Yomi pushed off Yahiko and hugged Nagato immediately, then turned to Konan, pulling her into a tight embrace. Konan stiffened slightly, her discomfort clear, but she hugged Yomi back.

"I missed you all so much! It's been terribly boring without you! We have so much to catch up on! Kisame, do you mind asking for some tea?" Yomi said to the ANBU member, who nodded and left.

"It's been so long, guys!" Yomi began chattering excitedly. Yahiko was stunned the entire time, his eyes away from her. He didn't know where to look; everything was everywhere, and she was so jumpy and excited that he didn't know what to do.

Nagato leaned back with a smirk on his face. "You really went all out, huh? This place is incredible."

Yahiko nodded, his hand never leaving Yomi's arm or shoulder. "Yeah, it's amazing. You've done so much, Yomi."

Yomi beamed at them. "Thank you! Thank you ! I'm amazing, I know ~ How about you all? Tell me everything!"

Konan looked away, "We've been busy with the Akatsuki. There's always something that needs our attention."

Yomi nodded, her excitement dimming slightly as she noticed Konan's cold reaction. "I see. It must be hard work. I'm really happy for all of you."

Nagato chuckled. "It's nothing compared to what you've done here, Yomi. This place is a masterpiece."

Yahiko squeezed Yomi's hand, his excitement bubbling over. "Yeah! I mean, look at this place! It's so... beautiful."

Kisame returned with the tea, serving each of them. "Sozo-sama, there's been an unexpected guest—Suna shinobi."

Yomi's expression shifted to one of seriousness. "Thank you, Kisame. I'll go deal with the situation. Make sure our guests are comfortable."

Yahiko frowned, concern in his eyes. "Do you need help?"

Yomi shook her head, giving him a reassuring smile. "No, I can handle it. You three catch up and relax. I'll be back soon."

As Yomi left, the room fell into a comfortable silence. Yahiko couldn't help but feel a pang of longing as she walked away.

Nagato broke the silence, his voice calm and teasing. "If you stare too long your eyes will fall out."

Yahiko blushed fiercely, immediately looking away.

Konan looked down at her tea, not saying anything.

"Ah, you're Kisame right?" Yahiko asked, recognizing the name from Yomi's letters.

Kisame wasn't expecting to be addressed directly. "Yes, Yahiko-san, did Sozo-sama tell you about me?"

"Every other letter was 'Kisame this, Kisame that.' Yahiko was jealous of you until he realized you were just a child," Nagato said, exposing his friend who did not appreciate it at all.

"Don't listen to him, Kisame! That's not true!" Yahiko interjected, flustered.

Kisame responded coldly, "I'll be honest, Yahiko-san, you don't deserve to stand by Sozo-sama's side."

"Huh?" Yahiko felt a bit shocked by the change in demeanour.

"I had heard of you from Sozo-sama, but she never mentioned you were her lover. I do not think you are good enough for her."

"Hey, watch your mouth. What do you know about Yomi and Yahiko? You're just a kid she picked up on the side of the street," Nagato snapped.

"I have been with Sozo-sama since my graduation. I have been by her side and helped her to the best of my abilities. What have you done?" Kisame retorted.

"This brat—"

"You're right," Yahiko's words broke up the fight.

"Yahiko..." Nagato didn't know how to respond to that.

"He's right, I haven't been of any use to Yomi. I was only focused on getting stronger... Even now, she is dealing with other shinobi and is definitely out of my league..."

"Exactly, you don't deserve her. When she mothers the Sozo clan's heir, it cannot be you who stands by her side. You are nobody."

"That's it—I've had enough of this!" Nagato was about to lunge, and Kisame drew his sword, ready to fight, but Yahiko stepped in between them.

"Look, Kisame, you are right, I don't deserve her. But I know I don't deserve her, so I will always try my best to protect her. To me, she is a goddess, and some days I have to wonder what she saw in me." His voice was low but determined. He wasn't foolish enough to think he deserved her, but he wasn't going to let her belong to others either. "That's why, till my last breath, I will protect her. As long as she has not given up on me, I will stand by her side."

His words were moving, and Konan's cup cracked in her hands, but she remained silent.

Kisame sheathed his sword. "Fine, as long as you understand your place. Sozo-sama is not someone just anyone can love. The moment you decide to take her grace for granted, I will kill you myself to save her hands from spilling blood.... You have not seen Sozo-sama since you were away. If you ever betray her, she will kill you." His words were dark, but Nagato remained unphased. Yahiko, however, realised a new feeling in him he hadn't felt in a long time, but now this feeling grew towards a woman he cherished above all -fear.

Meanwhile, Yomi made her way to the meeting room where the Suna shinobi waited. She straightened her cloak, preparing herself for whatever news they brought. She knew that her duties as Kamikage were never-ending, even now that Yahiko was here.

Pushing open the door, she came upon a group of Suna shinobi unconscious on the floor, tied up.

Sitting at the end of the council table, she asked Kakuzu, who was the only other conscious person there, "What happened?"

"They tried to spy. They got caught," Kakuzu replied tersely.

She laughed, "How audacious. Does Suna think of us as a joke?"

Kakuzu didn't reply. Suna hadn't batted an eye at the rise of Chika. He had expected this sooner or later, but today Yomi was in a bad mood since her reunion was interrupted for something so trivial.

"I guess I will have to find out myself where the Kazekage gets his confidence from." Her eyes were dark, and Kakuzu could only sigh. Bad timing was a sin—angering someone you aren't meant to was another sin—and the third sin was being unlucky.


I'm curious if anyone is reading this, hope you're having fun ~

Chapter 14: Kiri - Chika - Suna


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The warm, aromatic steam filled the spacious, dimly lit bathroom, creating a relaxing atmosphere. The gentle sound of water splashing against the porcelain tub echoed softly, enhancing the sense of tranquility. Rose petals floated lazily on the surface, their delicate fragrance mingling with the scent of lavender and sandalwood.

The man reclined in the tub, his head of blue hair resting against a plush bath pillow, eyes closed as he savoured the rare moment of peace. The soft glow of candlelight danced across his features, casting a warm, soothing light over his surroundings. His muscles, usually tense and battle-hardened, were relaxed, almost melting into the warm embrace of the water.

The calm was abruptly shattered as the water began to bubble violently. His eyes shot open. Alarm spread across his face as he sat up abruptly, splashing water over the edges of the tub. Before he could react further, a figure emerged from the turbulent waters.

Yomi rose from the depths like a vengeful spirit, her movements fluid and deadly. Her pale hair clung to her face and shoulders, water streaming down her body as she lifted herself effortlessly from the tub. In her hand, a blood blade gleamed menacingly, its edge pressed firmly against the man's neck.

The man's breath caught in his throat, his eyes wide with a mix of shock and fear. The blade was impossibly sharp, its crimson hue reflecting the candlelight ominously. He dared not move, knowing that even the slightest twitch could end his life in an instant.

Yomi's eyes, a fiery red that seemed to pierce through his very soul, bore into him with a fierce intensity. "Do not move, Akito of the black sand," she commanded, her voice low and deadly calm.

The man nodded imperceptibly, his heart pounding in his chest. He could feel the cold edge of the blade against his skin, a stark reminder of how precarious his situation had become. The water continued to ripple around them, the rose petals now displaced and scattered.

"Who are you?" he managed to whisper, his voice cold.

"I am the Shinigami," Yomi replied, her lips curling into a dangerous smile. "But you may call me Kamikage."

The title hung in the air, heavy with meaning. The man's mind raced, trying to piece together how he had come to be in this situation. He had heard rumours of the Kamikage's ruthless efficiency and her unparalleled skill with blood arts. But he had never imagined he would find himself at her mercy, especially not in such an intimate and vulnerable setting with her between his legs.

Yomi leaned closer, her blade never wavering. "Tell me, Kazekage-sama" she said softly, her tone almost cordial. "What were Suna-shibobi doing in my territory, hmm?"

He swallowed hard, feeling the blade press just a bit tighter. "I sent them," he said, desperation creeping into his voice.

"Did you? Now why the f*ck would you do that?" Yomi asked, her smile widening despite her growing anger. "Do I owe you money?"

"It is standard practice to send spies; don't take it personally." He was brave; she gave him that, and she found him funny enough to release her blood knife.

"Then Kazekage-sama, did you see anything you like?" Her tone was dubious; throwing him off guard for a second. He struggled to realise what was happening. Right now, there was a woman in his tub, in between his legs, while he was naked.

She looked down.. "That's not very big."





Yomi backed off swiftly as a mass of black sand chased her out of the bathtub, immediately forcing her back to slam against the wall. Seeing the sand coming straight for her, she dodged, scrambling to her feet and running away.

"Calm down! I'm here in the name of peace!" She screamed, running for her life. He grabbed a towel to retain some of his dignity.

"You damned brat, come back here!" he screamed, chasing her. "Your mother is small! Your whole lineage is small! I am not small!"

Yomi's laughter echoed through the halls of the kage's home and by the time the ANBU had arrived, they weren't sure if this was a fight or a game.

By the time they both calmed down, Akito had changed into a robe, and a beautiful scowl graced his face as she tapped his feet impatiently, watching the girl sit across from him. Who's kid was this? Why didn't she learn any manners? Thinking about what she said pissed him off so much he felt he'd have a stroke.

"I'm sorry, ok! If you didn't send spies, I wouldn't have to resort to violence!" She defended herself, but he wasn't having it.

"If you're pissed, go to war or kill the Shinobi. Why bring my manhood into this!? That is taking it too far!"

She rolled her eyes, it wasn't her problem if he was insecure.

Seeing her blatant disrespect, he picked up his porcelain cup and dashed it at her, but she dodged, and so it shattered into pieces against his back wall. She seemed unphased and instead relaxed into her chair, crossing her legs.

"So, did you come here just to bitch about the spies?" He asked, throwing away all sense of formality. She had seen him at his most shameful; it was too late now.

She shrugged, "I came to make you beg a bit your spies interrupted something important, it was my day off."

"That's not a valid reason!"

"Calm down, it's not my fault Suna doesn't have much water, I just happened to teleport to your bathtub, accidents happen."

He held his head in pain. What was this bullsh*t? He wasn't even married yet and this brat had taken his innocence.

"Anyway, I am here on behalf of Chika, It's about time we form an alliance, right?"

He really didn't want to listen to her, but right now he had to put aside his personal grievances.

"And why would I agree to that?" He asked. If glares could silence her; she would have been silenced a million times.

"I have a question for you.." Who answers a question with a question? "Right now, are you safe?"


"Are you safe right now? If I poisoned you in the bath, can you be sure to live? If I attack you, will my blood reach you before your ANBU? Between your black sand and my blood, which is quicker, do you want to find out?"

What kind of stupid sh*t is this brat spouting?

"I-!" As he spoke, he realised a thin needle sat against his forehead, pressing ever so gently against his skin. How did he not notice? She did not move an inch, there was no fluctuation in chakra—actually, why didn't she have chakra?

"So you've realised, there's something about me the world doesn't know. I'll let you in on the secret since we will be allies, but Akito.. I can't use Jutsu."

His widened in shock, this was information he had no access to till now, she couldn't use Justsu? So this was pure innate skill? What the f*ck?

The needle withdrew without movement on her side. "Do you understand? You know Chika has a habit of sheltering abandoned clans; that is because we can keep them in check due to my innate skill. Untraceable... and infinite."

"What do you want from Suna." He needed to know, there was no way she was coming here with good intentions.

"I want Sasori of the red sand."

"For what?"

"I need him to engineer an antidote to my abilities."

"Now, why would you do something stupid like that?" He asked, confused.

"If I didn't, would you feel comfortable working with me? I am practically a god."

She was co*cky, and he hated how it was backed with ability. Who else dared to call themselves a god?

"I'm shocked this is all you want, part of me thought you were here because..."

"Of the upcoming war? I don't care about that."

Konoha and Iwagakure had started quarrelling, if quarrelling meant bloody deaths. But it wasn't her problem, Kiri and Chika were safe and Konoha hadn't asked for help so Chika minded their business and flourished off the blood money.

"If we go into an alliance and Suna joins the war would Chikagakure back us up?"

"Now why would you do that? Look, don't be unreasonable; we will back you up if you are attacked, but if you go looking for trouble, that's not our business."

"I want this in writing."


The treaty was made and signed with the Kazekage in a bathrobe and the Kamikage in wet clothes.

How anticlimactic.

"See, that's not so hard? Come pick up your shinobi later, I never wanna see them again." Yomi said, flinging the piece of paper to Akito.

"Fine, anything else?"

She thought for a moment and smiled. "If I take in your rouge-nin don't bitch about it."

Yomi reappeared in the beautiful underground pool in Chikagakure, her clothes soaking wet as she emerged from the waters. The soft glow from the bioluminescent crystals illuminated the area, casting a serene light across the water. Kakuzu was waiting for her, leaning against a pillar with a look of mild impatience.

"Did things at Suna go well?" Kakuzu asked, half-expecting her to have started a war, leaving things to her was most probably a very bad idea.

"It's sorted," Yomi replied with exhaustion, stepping out of the pool and shaking off the remaining water.

Kakuzu raised an eyebrow. "That's surprisingly efficient foryou."

Yomi laughed, brushing off his jabs. "How are Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan?"

"They're in the private baths, they're enjoying their holiday," Kakuzu replied, his tone softening slightly.

"Good. Could you ask the kitchen to include dangos for dinner? Konan likes them," Yomi said, her eyes bright with excitement.

"You ask someone else. I'm not your errand boy." Kakuzu shot back.

Yomi pouted, stepping closer to him. "Come on, Kakuzu. You're the only one I can rely on for this. Please?" He always said no the first time.

He grumbled but couldn't resist her request. "Fine. But don't make this a habit."

"Thank you, Kakuzu! You're the best," Yomi said, giving him a quick hug.

"Let. Go."

"Hai, hai." She did as instructed and skipped off to find her friends.

In the private baths on the male side, Yahiko and Nagato were immersed in the water, deep in conversation.

"This place is amazing," Yahiko said, his voice filled with awe. "I can't believe Yomi did all this."

Nagato nodded, enjoying the steam from the water.

Yahiko's expression turned serious, he had been thinking about this for a while. "Nagato, do you think Yomi has killed someone before?"

Nagato glanced at him, why was he asking something so obvious? "Probably. Leading a village like this, dealing with so many clans... It's almost certain."

Yahiko's eyes widened in shock. "I don't believe that. She's so... kind."

Nagato sighed, his gaze steady. "Yahiko, you need to see all of her, not just the parts you want to see. If you love her, you have to accept everything about her, even the parts you don't understand."

"L-Love?" Yahiko said with a fierce blush, Nagato rolled his eyes. What kind of reaction was that? Was he unaware until this very moment that he was in love with her? He was always talking about her, thinking about her, and planning to do things for her. Did he think it was still just a childish crush?

Yahiko was silent for a moment, thinking of Nagato's answer. The truth of it was undeniable, but it was still hard to reconcile with his image of Yomi. Before he could respond, Nagato dropped a bombshell.

"If you don't get a grip, Yahiko, I will take Yomi for myself."

Yahiko didn't react much, he wasn't shocked by the revelation; he had always known Nagato had feelings for her. "I won't let that happen."

Meanwhile, on the female side of the bath, Konan sat alone, listening to their conversation. The heavy heart within her was almost too much to bear.

Later that evening, Yomi was buzzing with excitement as she prepared for the dinner. She wanted everything to be perfect for her friends. The dining hall was beautifully set, with an array of dishes laid out, including the dangos she had requested.

When Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan arrived, Yomi greeted them with open arms. "Welcome! I hope you're hungry."

Konan forced a smile, her earlier melancholy hidden behind a mask of politeness. "Thank you, Yomi. Everything looks wonderful."

As they sat down to eat, the atmosphere was filled with warmth and laughter. Kisame, now a young and confident shinobi, shared some exciting news.

"I have been chosen by the Mizukage to be the next host of Isobu!" Kisame announced proudly.

Everyone congratulated him, excitement and pride evident in their voices. But Yomi, unfamiliar with the term, asked, "Who is Isobu?"

Kakuzu, who had been quietly sipping his wine, sighed and explained. "Isobu is the Three-Tails, a powerful tailed beast. It's a significant honour and responsibility."

Yomi's eyes widened in realisation. "Wow, Kisame, that's incredible! Congratulations!"

Kisame beamed, happy to receive her praise. "Thank you Sozo-sama! I'm glad I could make you proud!"

"Kisame.. I said just call me Onee-san.." She whined.

"No way Sozo-sama! That's too disrespectful!"

"Kakuzu.." She wanted his support, Kisame always listened to him seeing as her sensei.

"He's right Sozo-sama." He said coldly taking another sip of wine.

"Alcoholic." She muttered. He only snickered and ignored her.

The dinner continued with lively conversation and celebration. Konan stared at the dangos on her plate; she was still so nice to her despite everything. Her heart was ripped to pieces by guilt and shame. She took the dango and ate it; the sweetness was too bitter for her.

Konan stared at her cold body, her mingled with the mud as rain poured over her soul like ice dousing her heart. She had no strength to cry or scream.

She regretted it.

She regretted it so much.


What's going on with Konan? :(

Chapter 15: If I had a nickel for every time I had a crush on a Sannin, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. Right?

Chapter Text

Konoha finally caved and sent their Sannin to Chikagakure three weeks later. The alliance with Suna had forced their hand, and Yomi didn't mind; it just meant she got to see Jiraiya again. The three Sannin—Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Tsunade—looked around the Kage building with varying degrees of interest. Jiraiya was indeed impressed by the scale of art found here, while Orochimaru observed with a calculating gaze, and Tsunade remained indifferent but curious.


Yomi's excited voice echoed through the halls as she ran towards them, toppling Jiraiya over in a hug.

"Whoa, Yomi! Easy there!" Jiraiya laughed, hugging her back. "It's great to see you too."

Yomi beamed, pulling away slightly but keeping her arms around his neck. "You finally came! I missed you so much!"

Orochimaru's eyes narrowed slightly, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "My, my, Jiraiya. You seem to have quite the admirer."

Tsunade chuckled, crossing her arms. "He always was a soft spot for kids."

Yomi turned her attention to them, her eyes widening with recognition and awe. "Orochimaru-sama, Tsunade-sama! It's such an honor to meet you both!"

Orochimaru's smile widened, a glint of curiosity in his eyes. "The pleasure is mine, Kamikage."

Tsunade gave a nod of acknowledgment. "You've done quite a job here. The village is impressive."

Yomi blushed slightly at the praise. "Thank you, Tsunade-sama. It's been a lot of work, but it's worth it."

Jiraiya chuckled, ruffling Yomi's hair. "Well, you've certainly grown since I last saw you. And you've done amazing things here."

Yomi grinned up at him. "Thank you, Jiraiya-san. How was the journey?"

They moved to a more comfortable sitting area, where refreshments were served. Yomi couldn't help but steal glances at Orochimaru, he was kinda cute in a snakey way.

"So, Yomi," Orochimaru began, his voice smooth and almost hypnotic, "I hear you've mastered some rather unique abilities."

Yomi nodded slyly. "Yes, why? Interested?"

Orochimaru's eyes gleamed with interest. "Fascinating. Perhaps you could show me sometime."

Tsunade rolled her eyes. "Don't go corrupting the poor girl, Orochimaru."

Yomi laughed nervously. "I'd love to show you, Orochimaru-sama."

"Yeah no, not on my watch." Jiraiya said immediately getting in between them. Yomi burst into laughter. Ok, so she had tendencies, but she was with Yahiko she wouldn't act on them.


After a while, Tsunade suggested they take a tour of the village. Yomi was eager to show them around, leading the way with enthusiasm. She pointed out the various landmarks, including the newly established Shinobi Academy and the beautiful gardens that flourished underground.

When they arrived at the medical facility, Tsunade's interest was piqued. "I'd like to see how your medical ninjutsu practices are developing," she said.

Yomi nodded eagerly. "Of course, Tsunade-sama. We've made some advancements recently, and I'd love to get your opinion."

Inside the facility, Tsunade watched as Yomi demonstrated some of the techniques she had developed. Yomi's proficiency and innovative approach impressed Tsunade, who couldn't help but offer some pointers and advice.

"You've got a natural talent for this, Yomi," Tsunade said with a rare smile. "With a bit more training, you could become a top-notch medical ninja."

Yomi's eyes sparkled with gratitude. "Thank you, Tsunade-sama." In her past life her parents were obsessed with making her graduate college early, of course she knew all this miscellaneous sh*t.

"You have a unique perspective, Yomi," Orochimaru said, his eyes never leaving hers. "I look forward to seeing how you develop your abilities."

Yomi blushed. "Thank you, Orochimaru-sama. I hope I can live up to your expectations."

"We have a present from the Hokage, for you." Orochimaru handed her a small scroll wrapped up beautifully.

"Thank you~" she said gleefully, accepting the scroll with both hands. She couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and excitement. "We should better head back! Yahiko and the others must want to see you!"

The Sannin followed Yomi back to the main hall, where Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan were waiting. The moment Yahiko spotted Jiraiya, his face lit up with pure joy.

"Jiraiya-sensei!" Yahiko called out, rushing over to embrace his mentor.

Jiraiya laughed heartily, patting Yahiko on the back. "It's good to see you, Yahiko. You've grown stronger, I can tell."

Nagato and Konan joined them, each sharing a moment with their former sensei. "It's been too long, Jiraiya-sensei," Nagato said with a rare smile.

"It really has," Konan added, her usual stoic demeanour softening.

Yomi watched the reunion with a warm smile. "Come, let's have dinner," she suggested, leading them to a grand dining hall where a feast had been prepared.

As they sat down, the atmosphere was lively and filled with conversation. Yahiko stayed close to Yomi, his hand occasionally brushing against hers, a silent reassurance of his presence. Nagato and Konan sat across from them, engaging in light banter with Jiraiya.

"So, Jiraiya-sensei, how's Konoha been?" Yahiko asked, genuinely curious.

Jiraiya leaned back in his chair, a satisfied expression on his face. "Busy, as always. But things are stable. We've been keeping an eye on the brewing tensions, but nothing too alarming yet."

Kakuzu, who had been quietly observing, finally spoke up. "Yomi has been doing well here. Chikagakure is thriving under her leadership."

Jiraiya laughed. "Oh come on, Kakuzu, I know you do all the work secretly."

"Hey! I do my own paperwork! Thank you very much!" She said, pressed. The Sanin burst into laughter and Kakuzu merely sighed. If she did all her own paperwork his life would be so much easier.

As the dinner continued, Yomi excused herself briefly, leaving the group to their conversations. She took some time off to go to her room and have a look at the scroll Orochimaru had given her.

A contract?

She read through it briefly.

A snake summoning contract?

And she just had to sign it.

Using her blood, she wrote her name on the scroll and suddenly a surge of chakra pierced through her body, filling her veins as an insufferable amount of pain split her mind to pieces.

Kakuzu and Jiraiya continued their conversation, their voices low but filled with mutual respect.

"Has it gotten better?" Jiraiya remarked.

Kakuzu took a drink. "It's better now, since people talk about her a lot I am reminded all the time."

Jiraiya looked thoughtful. "So it gets better the more people know and talk about her. All things work out, as long as she doesn't disappear."

Kakuzu's gaze softened, his thoughts unknown to Jiraiya. "As long as she remains on the path she is now, no one will be able to forget her."

"But Kakuzu, I am curious, how did you both meet?"

Kakuzu looked at the wine in his hands. He had asked himself the same question before: how did they meet?


Yomi's scream pierced through the halls, alerting every ninja in the vicinity. Kakuzu immediately vanished, his wine glass shattering as the others took off in the direction of the scream.

"Yomi!" Kakuzu tried to grab her; her body convulsed; he was terrified; he could feel chakra being directly absorbed by her, but her body could not use chakra.

He saw the scroll by her bedside and felt enraged, turning to Orochimaru, who arrived with the other Sannin.

"What did you do to her?" Kakuzu roared, his fury palpable.

Orochimaru's eyes narrowed, but he remained calm. "A snake summoning contract. It should not have caused this reaction."

Tsunade pushed past them, immediately assessing Yomi's condition. "Her body is rejecting the chakra. This is bad."

Jiraiya's expression was grave. "She can't use chakra. Her body isn't built for it."

Kakuzu's fists clenched. "Konoha will pay for this."

Yomi found herself in an alternate dimension, surrounded by fog. Before her stood a figure she did not recognise.

The figure before Yomi was unlike anyone she had ever encountered. He stood tall and imposing, his long white hair cascading down his back. His gaze seemed to pierce through her, seeing not just her, but everything she had been and everything she could be.

Yomi took a step back, her instincts telling her that this man was beyond anything she had faced before. His posture was serene, almost peaceful, yet there was an undeniable intensity to him. He was like shi, but too different, it scared her.

"Who are you?" Yomi managed to ask, her voice trembling slightly.

The figure smiled softly, his expression one of understanding and patience. "I am known by many names, but you may call me the Sage of Six Paths," he replied.

"Tsukiyomi," he spoke, his voice resonating with ancient power. "I have a favour to ask of you."

Yomi's vision blurred, the pain receding slightly as she focused on his words. "What do you want from me?"

The Sage of Six Paths extended his hand, a glow enveloping Yomi. As the power surged through her, she felt a sharp, searing pain. Her sight faded into darkness.

In Yomi's head, Shi was frantic. "Yomi! Where are you? What's happening?"

Shi's voice echoed in the void, desperately trying to hold onto her soul. "You can't leave me! Yomi!"

Back in the room, Yomi's body had stopped convulsing, but she lay still, her eyes open yet unseeing.

Tsunade checked her pulse, her face a mask of concern. "She's stable, but... I don't know what happened to her sight."

Kakuzu knelt beside Yomi, his hand gently brushing her hair back. "Yomi, can you hear me?"

She blinked, her eyes moving but unfocused. "Kakuzu? I... I can't see. Kakuzu!"

Kakuzu's heart clenched. "I'm here, I'm here, It's going to be ok.." He held on to her, she was freaking out but feeling his familiar embrace calmed her heart.

But then Yomi's eyes fluttered closed again, and her breathing became shallow and irregular. Tsunade's brows furrowed as she checked her vitals once more. "She's slipping," she announced gravely. "Her body is drawing in chakra at an alarming rate, but why she's not waking up, I don't know."

Kakuzu's expression darkened, a cold fury radiating from him. "Everyone out. Now."

Orochimaru started to protest, "We need to—"

"Get out!" Kakuzu roared, his voice shaking the room. Yahiko and Nagato stepped forward, trying to mediate.

"Please, Kakuzu, they just want to help," Yahiko pleaded.

Nagato nodded. "It's not their fault, be reasonable."

Kakuzu laughed, "If it's not their fault then who's? Leave. All of you."

Yahiko wanted to say something but was stopped by Nagato.

The Sannin exchanged glances before reluctantly retreating, knowing it was unwise to provoke Kakuzu further in his current state. Yahiko and Nagato followed, worry etched on their faces. Konan was left at the end of the dark room, staring at the girl in Kakuzu's arms.

"Yomi, please stay. Please don't leave me," Shi begged, his voice breaking with emotion.

He tried desperately to hold onto her for a little longer.. Just a little longer.

Meanwhile, deep within a secluded cave, Madara Uchiha felt a strange disturbance. His newly rejuvenated body, acted erratically. He frowned, sensing the disruption in the chakra connection. "Don't tell me... that little girl got herself into trouble?" he muttered, his eyes narrowing.

"You brat, you haven't paid me this week... So come back... Please" he whispered, his voice hoarse.

Chapter 16: The Girl who Needed me

Chapter Text

The heavy oak door creaked open, revealing a small girl with eyes that seemed too large for her face. She clutched a worn teddy bear, her expression a mix of fear and confusion. My father stood behind her, his face unreadable, with the top hat on his head.

"Come here and meet your sister." He said in his firm voice.

I hesitated, looking up from my toys scattered on the floor. My mother stood in the corner, her lips pressed into a thin line, her eyes cold and unforgiving. I felt the tension in the room, a tension I didn't understand at the time.

"Come," my father repeated.

I slowly approached, my eyes locked on the girl who seemed so out of place in our home. I stopped a few feet away, unsure of what to do or say. She looked at me with wide, hopeful eyes.

"This is your sister," my father said. "She'll be living with us from now on."

"Hi," I said softly. My smile was stiff.

"Hi," she whispered, her grip tightening on her teddy bear.

My father gave a curt nod, satisfied with the introduction. He turned to my mother, his voice lowering to a level I couldn't hear. My mother's face remained livid but she did not say anything.

"Come," she said, her voice icy. "I'll show you to your room."

The girl looked back at me as she followed my mother down the hallway. I watched as she disappeared around the corner, her small figure swallowed by the shadows of our home.

A few weeks had passed since Yomi's arrival, and the house felt colder. My mother rarely acknowledged her presence unless it was to scold her. The servants, following my mother's lead, treated her with cold indifference.

One night, I heard a soft sniffle coming from the kitchen. I tiptoed down the hallway, careful not to wake anyone. There, under the dim light of the kitchen, I found her sitting on the floor, hugging her knees.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered, creeping closer.

She looked up, quickly wiping her tears. "Why are you here?"

"I heard you crying," I said, sitting down beside her. "Are you okay?"

She shook her head, fresh tears spilling down her cheeks. "I'm hungry and I can't reach any of the food."

They forgot to feed her again. "Wait here," I said, getting up to rummage through the fridge. I found some bread and cheese and quickly made a sandwich. "Here."

She took the sandwich with trembling hands. "Thank you."

"You're my sister," I said simply. "We have to take care of each other."

That summer, I found her in her room, staring out the window longingly.

"Do you want to go out?" I asked, stepping into her room.

She turned to me, her eyes wide with surprise. "Really? But what if Mother finds out?"

"She won't," I assured her. "She's out for the day. Come on, let's go."

I took her hand, and we sneaked out of the house, I had no money so I could only take her down the winding path to the little creek behind our house.

The time came for me to leave for boarding school, I knew I had to go, but the thought of leaving her behind worried me to no end.

She looked up, tears brimming in her eyes. "Do you have to go?"

I nodded, my heart heavy. I knew that without me here, she would be alone in this big house. "I have to. But I'll be back during the holidays. And I'll write to you every week."

She hugged me tightly, her small body trembling. "Promise?"

"Promise," I said, my voice breaking.

The day I left, she stood at the gate, waving goodbye. I waved back, trying to hide my own tears.

But after I left I never came back.

She had no way of knowing, but I lost my life.

No one told her, so she waited for me.

For years, she waited until I came back.

But by then, it was too late.

The girl who murdered her adoptive parents; the news made headlines.

Tsukiyomi hummed as she floated through nothing, her mind was blank. She didn't know who she was or where she was, she just knew she was at peace where she was.


That was until a voice reached her.

"Shi!" She squealed happily floating over to him.

He stood as she remembered him, white hair and red eyes with the same calm look on his face.

"Shi, where have you been? I've been waiting."


"What are you doing here? You came back for me right?"

"Yomi, I think this is the last time."

Yomi froze, her eyes filling with fear, "Shi?"

He smiled at her, but his eyes remained sad. "This is the last time Yomi, you should come back to my body, or your soul will dissipate."


He took her hand and led her through the hazy space silently.

"Where are we going Shi?" She asked as if she had forgotten what he said.

"You're going back."

"But are you coming with me?"


She stopped walking. He pulled her arm urging her to keep walking, "come on Yomi, don't do this."

"I don't want to go without you Shi." She whispered.

"You're not going without me, I'm still here."

"Liar. You're going away again."

He tried to coax her, "come on Yomi, you have your whole life to live. This is what you wanted right? You're free to fly, you can sing, you cam move, you can do whatever you want, nothing can stop you anymore. You can live your dreams finally."

"But if you're not there, then I don't want to live." Her voice trembled.

Shi couldn't hold up his smile anymore.

He had loved her, and he tried, but in the end, he had to give a soul for a soul.

"Come on." He said dragging her.

"No!" She shook him off. "I don't want to go! I want to stay with you!"

"Stop being so spoilt," He finally snapped. "You have people waiting for you to wake up! You can't be selfish! You can't just do whatever you want anymore Yomi, that's the price of having people who love you!"

The only reason he came back was for her, or else his soul would have moved on.

Tears welled up in her eyes falling down her cheeks.

"Shi... I'll miss you." Her broken voice broke his heart. He had been by her side after the incident even through his death. He was her only family, the only one she trusted on earth.

Shi smiled, "I will miss you too Yomi."

Even if his soul would get destroyed, she would life the rest of her life freely, that was a fair price to pay.

He held her hand again, this time she didn't fight back, and they walked through the haze for what felt like hours. But then they came to a blinding ball of light. Shi stopped and looked back at Yomi.

"This is it." He said, his hand tightening around hers as if he didn't want to let go. "Don't forget to eat vegetables, don't just eat meat."


"Don't read smut all the time, you're still growing, it's not good for you."


"Don't forget me."

"... I won't."

"I love you, Leah."

"I love you too, Shiro."

He watched her step into the light, and only then did he let his tears fall as his soul disintegrated.

Kakuzu sat by Yomi's bedside, the room was dimly lit, the only sound the steady beeping of the medical monitors that kept track of her vitals. He had been sitting there for hours, watching her, willing her to wake up. His mind raced with thoughts, with guilt, with anger-at himself, at Orochimaru, at the circ*mstances that led them here.

Suddenly, he saw it-a faint twitch of her fingers. His heart skipped a beat. He leaned in closer, his eyes widening as he watched her hand move ever so slightly. "Yomi?" he called out, his voice rough with emotion. "Yomi, can you hear me?"

Her eyelids fluttered, and she let out a soft groan. "Kakuzu?" she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper, but it was there. She was there.

Relief washed over him. He reached out, gently taking her hand in his. "I'm here, Yomi. I'm right here."

Tears welled up in her eyes, and she tried to sit up, but her body was too weak. Kakuzu gently pushed her back down, his touch uncharacteristically tender. "Don't try to move too much. You need to rest."

"But I... what happened?" she asked, her voice breaking.

Kakuzu took a deep breath, trying to steady his own emotions. "You signed a summoning contract, and something went wrong. You've been unconscious for days. We didn't know if you were going to wake up."

She nodded weakly, her fingers still trembling. "I was... somewhere else. I saw Shi... He was there."

She mentioned him again. He wanted to ask who he was.

"Who is Shi?"

"Shi.. He's my brother.."

She told him everything. From her birth to her death to now.

He listened.

Eventually, she closed her eyes again, her body relaxing as sleep began to take her. Kakuzu sat back, his own exhaustion catching up to him. But he didn't move from her side. He would stay there, watching over her, protecting her. Because she was his responsibility, and he would never let anything happen to her again.

A figure landed on the window ledge, looking in.

"She's awake?"

"Yes, you can leave now." Kakuzu's voice was cold.

"That's good to hear. I want to see her so I'll wait till she's awake again." The man said with a grin.

Kakuzu glared at him. The man's long, spikey black hair hung down to his waist and his black eyes with the iconic Uchiha Sharingan. "I'm sure she'd be interested in what I have to say."

The Sage of Six Paths had a request.

"Break the cycle of hate and violence."

Chapter 17: The subjugation of Amegakure [1]

Chapter Text

'I think about it all the time. If I was on the other side of the war, would we have a chance, Yahiko?'

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

A year ago, the Sage of six paths asked a girl for a favour - to end the war.

Two men sat with grim expressions in the Chikagaruke meeting room. Their faces were stiff as if unwilling to give away too much to the enemy. They both had two Anbu standing quietly behind them.

"It has been a few years since I've seen you, Kazekage," Raiden said with a polite smile.

"The last time I saw you, you were quite young, and now you are the Mizukage. How did the previous Mizukage die again?" Akito asked with a scoff.

Raiden was unbothered by his taunt.

The doors to the room opened, and they looked up to see her.

"My apologies for the delay," Yomi said as she walked in.

Raiden was the first to notice something was off about her. She seemed different, more mature than the girl he trained with. Had it really been that long since he last saw her? He noticed the two men standing behind her. He recognized the first, Kakuzu- even behind the oni mask, he was obviously the fierce guard dog of the Sozo Head. But who was the other?

Black spikey hair hid behind a white oni mask, a stark contrast to Kakuzu's black mask.

Yomi sat down, not minding the curious glances from Raiden. How long had it been since he saw her? Kakuzu handed out a file to everyone.

"I guess we should get to business. How are your forces?" she asked as she flipped through the files. "What's going on with their tailed beast?"

"Hanzo is keeping the Jinchuriki under tight security. We don't know who the host is right now."

Yomi turned to the file on Hanzo of the Salamander, the current leader of Amegakure.

"What's the problem?" she asked. "This is child's play. You should know who the Jinchuriki is by now." She scoffed. "Are you guys f*cking around?"

"The problem is the Jinchuriki changed recently. Furthermore, there has been a pesky group gathering to protect Amegakure."

Yomi turned to the next page.

The Akatsuki.

"You should know all about that; you used to have ties with them," Akito said with a mocking tone.

Yomi stared blankly at Yahiko's face. He hadn't changed.

"So your issue is a ragtag group of shinobi?" She scoffed again. "Fine, the attack day is still the same. We need to retrieve their Jinchuriki."

"And what's your plan after that? Surely you don't plan to keep it to yourself, do you?" Akito asked.

"That is exactly what I plan to do. I will become the Jinchuriki." Before they could object, she explained, "Chikagaruke has no Jinchuriki. We might as well take it. Do you need it or something?"

Akito choked. How could he take it? If he did, Konoha would be on his ass.

"Okay, that's settled. In that case, I will need a five-man Anbu team from both of you."

"You really think you can take down a kage with such meagre manpower?" Akito asked, perplexed.

"If I can't, I will die. It is fine either way."

Raiden couldn't help himself and chuckled. "That's fine; we will do as you've requested," he said. She hadn't changed a bit.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Underneath the Kage building, the doors to the lab opened with a metallic clang. A red-haired man in a lab coat walked in, clipboard in hand. He stopped abruptly as he noticed Kakuzu, unmasked, standing by one of the work-benches.

"Why are you here?" Sasori asked, raising an eyebrow.

"She asked me to check up on it," Kakuzu replied evenly.

Sasori nodded, walking over to one of the desks where a spread of thin, hair-like needles was laid out. He picked one up with delicate precision.

"These-" he began.

"Cells," Sasori said proudly. "I've been given free reign with one goal: make Chikagaruke indestructible."

Kakuzu picked one up curiously. "So if someone gets pricked by this?"

"It's like a parasite," Sasori explained. "It burrows into the skin and can be used to track and trace. It also allows you to self-destruct."

Kakuzu nodded, understanding the implications. This invention would save Yomi time and energy and ensure loyalty from those in power, or at least make them easier to control.

"I came to tell you about the expedition to Amegakure. You're a general, so you should get ready."

Sasori sighed. "Fine. When are we going?"

"Next week. She plans on replacing the Kage with Yahiko."

Sasori looked intrigued. "I thought they broke up?"

"I don't get it either. I doubt he would be happy to see her kill the Kage, but it's not my place to question her."

Sasori nodded in understanding. Since she woke up from chakra overload, she had been... different. Kakuzu struggled to see through her and understand her. Her eyes always felt too deep, and if he wasn't careful, he would get sucked in.

Sasori glanced at Kakuzu, his curiosity piqued. "Yomi's change-do you think it has something to do with the Akatsuki?"

Kakuzu shrugged. "Perhaps. All I know is that she has a plan, and she's determined to see it through."

Sasori leaned back, considering the implications. "Replacing the Kage with Yahiko will stir up Konoha. They'll be forced to act."

Kakuzu did not say much; he felt like she really did not want to go to war against konoha, but for some reason every step she took felt like it was pushing them to act.. or is there someone she wants to draw out?

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Yomi gasped, panting as she emerged from the water. Of course the person in the bath she emerged from almost jumped out in shock but he stopped himself after seeing her face.

It's just yomi.

"Could you not do that again. You're going to give me a heart attack." He said with a groan. "You're lucky the others aren't here. What are you even doing here!?"

She looked up feeling a bit guilty. "I wanted to see you guys for a bit, you don't have to tell Yahiko I came."

Nagato looked at her as if annoyed. "Fine but you need to get up, you're sitting strangely."

"Oh sorry." She said getting up from his bath and stepping out. "Please enjoy your bath, young master."

He blushed fiercely. "Turn around!"

She did as told waiting for him to dress up. When he was more modest he cleared his throat letting her turn around again. His face was still dusted with light pink as he avoided her gaze.

"Go on, tell me."

She beamed sitting on the floor, he followed sitting across from her, his elbow on his thigh supporting his head.

She told him everything that had happened recently. About Sasori, about Chika and about her upcoming mission to Amegakure. He listened intently as usual, and then gave her an update on the Akatsuki.

Since the breakup with Yahiko she didn't really have anyone to talk to but Nagato never despised her for her decision so he was the one she talked to when she felt stifled.

"But enough about me, how is Jiraiya sensei doing? Is he back on missions?"

"I think he's ok, we haven't heard any news, he's probably peeking on some naked lady somewhere."

"Come on he's not that bad."

"You haven't seen him in a year, it's bad."

She chuckled at his words. "And Yahiko, is he..."

Nagato sighed, sensing her worry. "He's fine. He's been a bit more somber."

"That's good." Her face was a bit downcast.

Seeing her upset made him frown. "You know, you should move on, Yomi. You have the rest of your life ahead of you."

"Yeah, I know. I just really liked him, you know?"

"... I know this place is pretty gloomy, but I know an arcade nearby if you wanna play?"

Her eyes lit up at his suggestion. "Can we go?"

Nagato nodded. "Meet me outside and we can sneak off."

She smiled and rushed out through the window while he had to go through the front door past his teammates.

Outside, the streets of Amegakure were gloomy and wet. Yomi's heart raced with excitement as she waited for Nagato whi soon joined her, and they began their walk to the arcade.

The arcade was a hidden gem, nestled in a corner of the village where the bright neon lights and cheerful sounds stood in stark contrast to the otherwise serene atmosphere. As they stepped inside, Yomi's eyes widened with amazement. Rows of game machines, colorful screens, and the sounds of laughter and excitement filled the air.

"This place is amazing!" Yomi exclaimed, she had never been somewhere like this.

Nagato smiled, pleased to see her so happy. "I thought you'd like it. Let's go play some games."

They started with a racing game, their competitive spirits kicking in as they tried to outdo each other. Yomi's laughter echoed through the arcade as she narrowly beat Nagato in a close race.

"You're pretty good at this," Nagato admitted, grinning.

"Just lucky, I guess," she replied, beaming with joy.

Next, they moved on to a claw machine. Yomi's eyes sparkled as she tried to grab a stuffed animal. After a few failed attempts, she finally succeeded, pulling out a cute, plush fox.

"Look, Nagato! I got it!" she cheered, holding up her prize.

"Nice job," he said, genuinely happy for her ruffling her hair.

The more they played, the more relaxed and carefree Yomi got, at least she could forget her worries for a little while.

At one point, they found themselves at a photo booth.

"Should we take some pictures?" Nagato asked, she was more than willing.

He slipped them into his sleeves for safe keeping.

Soon enough they had to return. Yomi and Nagato made their way back through the rain-soaked streets of Amegakure in a significantly better mood than when they arrived.

"Thanks for bringing me here, Nagato," Yomi said, her voice soft and sincere.

Nagato looked at her, his eyes filled with warmth. "Baka. You could have gone when you wanted, I didn't do much."

"Still.. you're a really good friend, Nagato."

He heart ached the word 'friend' but he smiled regardless despite his unspoken feelings. "Damn right I am."

"Nagato, do you think things will ever go back to the way they were?" she asked.

He paused, considering his words carefully. "I don't think so, Yomi."

She smiled dryly. When she woke up from her coma, things were different, she couldn't deny it, she was different. She wasn't someone who could be with Yahiko anymore.

The soft patter of the rain filled the silence between them. Yomi turned to face him, the rain making her hair cling to her face. She looked up at Nagato, her eyes wide and sincere. "I really mean it, Nagato. You're a wonderful friend."

He took a step closer, his hand gently brushing a wet strand of hair away from her face. The world seemed to hold its breath as he leaned in, his heart pounding in his chest. Their faces were inches apart.

Yomi stepped back with a playful grin. "You know, we should do this more often. It's nice to just have fun."

Nagato's heart ached as he forced a smile, the moment slipping away. "Yeah, we should."

She gave him one last smile, and she disappeared from his grasp.

Nagato stood there for a moment, the rain washing over him, mingling with the bittersweet longing in his heart.

Was that her answer?


Rēbørn - A Naruto Fanfiction - aaliswalker (2024)


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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.