Linn Tractor history, Linn Manufacturing Corp., H.H. Linn, Truck Tractor, caterpillar, Holman Harry Linn, Morris, New York - (2024)

For nearly two decades the mighty Linn‘HafTrak’ was without peer. Approximately2,500 examples of the ‘torque monster from Morris’ were producedbetween 1917and 1948, and thanks to a rabid fan base, they remain popular today,attractinga crowd whenever the handful of remaining operational Linns are shownor operated.

AlthoughLinn's early tractors were visually similar to the logging tractorsmanufactured by his former employer, Alvin O. Lombard, the tracksystems differed enough that both men received US Patents on theirrespective designs; Lombard favored a rigid track - Linn a flexibleone. Clearly Linn's tractors were based on Lombard's concept, but aclose examination of the respective patents reveals no infringement, atleast where the tracks are concerned. If either inventor had botheredto apply for a patent on the overal design of the two units, the casewould not be so cut and dried.

H.H. Linn’s patented ‘Flexible Traction’units gave the Linntractor a distinct advantage over a conventional motor truck enablingit to traverse rock-strewn,muddy or hilly terrain previously inaccessible by a motor vehicle.Power wastransmitted to the ground via the rear crawler tracks which included aspring-loadedsteel triangle, pivoted at its apex, which allowed the track bed toflex andconform to the contour of whatever surface the Linn might encounter.

The Linn proved popular with loggers,miners, contractorsand municipalities, serving double duty as a road-building machineduring thesummer months and a snowplow during the winter. Under ideal conditionscompany literatureclaimed the Linn could travel up a 50% incline and some customers,particularlyBarrie, VT’s Vermont Marble Co. stated their Linns regularly carried a20-tonload up a 22% grade.

When equipped with skis a snow-going Linnroad train, (1 or2 Linn tractors towing from 10 to 16 log sleds) could increaseproductivity10-fold, with numerous North American logging and mining outfitstestifying totheir efficiency in Linn advertising. One Linn snow train, operated bythe HudsonBay Mining & Smelting Co., Ltd., pulled a 120 ton load from theirsupply depotto its Flin Flon, Manitoba/Saskatchewan, outpost and the Amtorg TradingCo.exported numerous Linns for use in the Russian province of Siberia.

Linns were also popular in warmer environs,a number ofunits were exported to the Middle East, as well as the Panama CanalZone wherethey were used for canal, roadway and railway maintenance. During the1930s Linnsequipped with 5-10 ton rock bodies were used by contractors engaged intheconstruction of the Bonneville, Chickamauga, Guntersville and GrandCoulee Dams and helped construct the Canadian Oil (Canol) oil pipelinein Alaska.

Linns were delivered fully-equipped, withthe customeroffered a vast assortment of bodies which included the standard 8-9yard dumpbody, side-tipping rock bodies from 5 to 15 yard capacity, andpurpose-builthaulers equipped with Gar Wood and St. Paul hydraulic hoists. A 25-yardmodel37-T flexible-tracked dumping semi-trailer was also offered, but therewere fewtakers.

Numerous New York municipalities owned Linnsnowplows, whichcould be equipped with their choice of snow-fighting equipmentmanufactured expresslyfor the Linn by Champion, Frink and Sergent. Early modelsequippedwith bi-lateral wing plows required from two to three operators, plusthedriver, but later units offered hydraulic control, allowing a Linn plowtooperate with just a single operator (plus the driver – a necessity asthe Linncould be a handful to drive in inclement weather).

Early Linns were equipped with 4-cylinderContinental Red Seal engines while later editions could be ordered witha widevariety of power-plantsranging from four- and six-cylinder Waukesha and Hercules gasolineengines to thesix-cylinder Cummins diesel torque monster. From 1929-on Linn was ownedbyAmerican LaFrance and a handful of Linn prototypes were equipped withAmerican-LaFranceV-12 gasoline engines. Early Linns were limited to a top speed of 5-6mph,although later units equipped with the big Hercules 6-cylinder couldreach a topspeed of 12 mph.

The firm’s swan-song was the 1939 Linn C-5convertibletractor truck, which could be operated as a standard Linn off-road oras a conventional truck (albeit withfront-wheel-drive) whileon the road. Unfortunately the C-5 came one decade too late as Linn’smaincustomers - municipal highway departments - were already bandoningtheir Linns in favorof more modernand versatile road-building and maintenance equipment offered by Walterand FWD,and shortly after War’s end, Linn quietly withdrew from business.

Linn's founder, Holman Harry Flannery, wasborn on May 7,1877* in Washburn,Aroostook County, Maine, to William J. and Lucretia A. (Currier)Flannery. Hisfather was a farmer in rural Washburn which was located just west ofthebetter-known communities of Caribou and Presque Isle, Maine. (*Hisburial records states he was born onMay 4, 1878.)

His mother, Lucretia A. Currier was born onDec. 4, 1852 at FortFairfield, AroostookCounty, Maine to Henry C. and Mary (Stevens) Currier (farmers)being the youngest of 8 children.

Hisparents’ marriage ended in divorce in 1883, andhis mother leftWashburn and moved to Old Town, Penobscot County, Maine(North of Bangor) to re-establish her life. In 1892she married a Scottish-born confectioner named Robert D. Linn (b. June,1850) and shortly after their marriage, 16-yo Holman left his father’sfarmto live with his mother and stepfather in Old Town, securing employmentas aweaver at the Old Town Woolen Co. Linn's meager income was supplementedby a part-time job at a local shoemaker where he became proficient atoperating a McKay leatherstitching machine.

Linn also joined Herbert Percy's Band and onholidays and weekends toured theregion providing musical entertainment to the culturally deprivedresidents of rural New England. The 1900 US census listshis name as Holman H. Flannery (occupation, musician), but shortlythereafter he changed his last nameto Linn. The Linn household also included Elery C. Currier(b. Jan. 1880)who was also listed as a stepson of Robert D. Linn – his occupationsalesman ofconfectionaries (aka Ellery C. Linn).

On one playing engagement in Berlin, NewHampshire, Linn became infatuated with a divorcee named Mrs.Edward Wheeler (Grace Goravilla Gayb. Nov. 9, 1870 in Tunbridge, Vermont to Orrin Albert and Estella J.[Richardson] Gay), and the two married on June 2, 1900. Grace wasa musician and singer and her enterprising husband decided to form aroadshow to showcase her considerable talents.

Performing canines were popular at the timeand within a few short months Linn had trained a number of pups toperform various tricks,with the performance augmented by the newlyweds singing thelatest popular songs accompanied by Grace's portable reed organ backedby scenic views projected by a magic lantern. Soon after Linn addedmotion pictures to the attractions, projecting such crowd favorites asthe Great Train Robbery (1903) and Uncle Tom's Cabin (1903).

In their early days 'The Linns and theirWonderful Educated Dogs andMonkeys' travelled by horse-drawn wagons, which was later acccompaniedby H.H. Linn's horseless carriage, which could be seen in return for a10¢ fee. As the size of the entourage increased Linn became engrossedwith building his own road locomotive and in 1906 designed a road goingvehicle which utilized two uprightBrennan gasolene enginesconnected via a jackshaft and bi-lateral chains to the two rearwheels. The road locomotive was constructed in the carriage shopof John Gould inOld Town, Maine and created a sensation wherever the Linn's performed.

By 1908 black face comedian G.E. Follette,wire artist Mavolio, and serio comic Princess Madeline had joinedLinn's entourage, necessitating an even larger road locomotive, whichwas nowtasked with hauling three trailers full of equipment. The seconditeration of Linn's road locomotive would be fully enclosed fortravelling during inclement weather and in the fall of 1909 hecommissioned the LombardTractor Co. of Waterville, Maine to construct it.

In 1908 Lombard had constructed agasolene-poweredprototype based on the a 5-ton Lombard steam tractor using arear-mounted50-hp Brennan engine powering the twin ‘lag beds’ or ‘lag tractortreads' (better known today asa 'Caterpillar treads'). The flywheel resided at therear of the engine, the front-mounted driveshaft delivering power to a2-speed transmission (2-forward, 1-reverse) that were connected to thesprockets via chain drive. Cooling was supplied by four cast-iron houseradiators with an expansion tank created from a wooden barrel. Unlike astandard Lombard steam tractor, the driver of the gas-powered Lombardsat at the very front of the vehicle directly above the frontwheels/skis.

Lombard constructeda second gasolene-poweredtractor in 1909 that was equipped with a Brennanhorizontally-opposed4-cylinder engine that fit between the two frame rails, allowing for aflat,continuousload floor. A third machine, based upon the second prototype,wasconstructed for H.H. Linn in late summer, the November 1909 issue ofAutomobile Dealer andRepairer providing the details:

“New Use for the Automobile.

“C. Lombard Company of Waterville, Me.,manufacturers of thefamous Lombard log hauler, has made one of the most unique arrangementsfor atraveling circus that has ever been seen. It is a car for the use ofthe H. H. Linndog show. A car 26 feet long and 6½ feet wide has beencompleted for the proprietor of the show, and is set over a gearsimilar tothat which propels the hauler. By means of this car, which is fitted upinto acomfortable traveling home, the carts containing the equipage of theshow will betaken from place to place. A Brennan 4-cylinder gasoline engine of 50horsepower propels the running gear, and the machine can travel overany kindof a road at the rate of four miles an hour. By means of a truck infrontturned by a work gear, the car can be steered, and it can also be runin thewinter time by placing runners in front instead of the wheels.

“The car is divided into two parts, theliving quarters andthe operating room. In the latter are repair kits, dynamos and all thatisnecessary for the mechanical part of the business. A dynamo capable offurnishing power for 150 sixteen candle power lights will supply theillumination for the car and also for the interior of the tent.”

A typical Dog Show performance was coveredin the August 8, 1912 issue of The Hour(Norwalk, CT):

“Linn's Dog Show

“The first performance of the Linn DogShowat the Capt. Lamb lot, Main street., last night, drew a large audienceand the satisfaction expressed afterwards indicates that the tenstswill be crowded tonight. The entertainment consists of moving pictures,illustrated songs and a skit introducing a musical specialty. Theperforming dogs do wonderful tricks, some of which have never been seenwith any other show. The outside show which precedes the regularperformance, attracted a large crowd. The wonderful dog which jumpsfrom a ladder 40 feet in height and is caught in a blanket, came in forhis share of the applause. The show is the quietest, cleanest and mostelaborately equipped of any which has ever visited town. Theappointments are all first class condition and the big tractor whichfurnishes power for the lights and draws the train from town to town,came in for it share of interest. The show will be seen tonight andtomorrow night when it will move to Fairfield. No afternoonperformances are given. The program is changed at every performance.”

Lombard constructed a secondmachine for Linn, the second, being a purpose-builtdemonstrator that Linn used to advertise Lombard tractors, as he hadnow taken a part-time position as a Lombard representative when his'Dog Show'was on haitus. Equipped with a single rear lag bed, the second vehiclelooked remarkably similar to the tractors that H.H. Linn would soonproduce under his own name, albeit Linn's would be quipped with a pairof lag beds for better stability.

Whileworking for Lombard, Linn (aka 'The Showman') spent hiswinters visiting New England logging camps where he demonstratedLombard's latest gas-engined tractors, providing much-needed feedbackto the Waterville factory as to improvements in future products.

Linn parted ways with the Lombardorganization in 1915 due to his displeasure with the fact that Lombardhad applied for a number of U.S. Patents on improvements suggested byLinn without giving him credit.

Linn resolved that he would build his owngasolene-powered caravan and in the summer of 1915 he commissionedSyracuse's Brennan Motor Co. to construct a prototype chassis whichincluded a new fully flexible track unit of Linn's design which allowedthe tracks to maintain full contact with the road surface regardless ofthe terrain.

The Linn's also decided to leave Maine forgood and in October of 1915 they purchased a home in the smallOtsego County, New York village of Morris, which was located 70 milessoutheast of Syracuse. The latest local celebrities were grantedpermission to house their animals and show equipment at the Town ofMorris fairgrounds during the winter and Linn set about completing hislatest caravan in a LynnKenyon's carriage shop.

The new caravan was completed by spring of1916 and the Linns embarked upon their annual tour of New York and NewEngland. Midway through their summer tour a serious outbreak ofPolio occured among Italian immigrants in the city of New York forcingthe NY State Health Department to enforce a travel ban in a number ofcounties boardering Westchester County and Manhattan. In the interestsof public health neighboring states quickly followed suit and theLinn's were forced to abandon the remained of their 1916 summer tour.They returned to Morris and Linn decided to embark upon the manufactureof his own tractor utilizing the new track system he had developed forhis latest caravan.

Linn found a number of willing investors inand around Morris and by late fall had made arrangements for theincporation of the Linn Manufacturing Corp. Original investors includedLynn Kenyon, R. R. Ripley, Dr. L.R. Morris and George Whitman, cashierof the Morris First National Bank, and the village fathers offered upan old abandonedgrist/lumber mill for a factory site.

Production of the prototype commencedin an old Morris machine shop located on Grove St. that January, theFebruary 22, 1917 issue of the Oneonta Starboasting:

“Linn Tractors Sold

“The Linn tractors are becoming verypopular after they havebeen seen working. Last week a representative of a state road firm wasinMorris witnessing demonstrations by the machine and were so wellpleased thatbefore they left they contracted for a machine to be delivered May 20,andwould have taken another of the could have gotten one, but the companyis notin shape to furnish it so soon. This makes five tractors that have beensoldand delivered as soon as they can be made. The shop will start up aboutMarch1, and will turn them out as fast as possible. As it looks now theywill haveto work some to make them as fast as the can sell them.”

The firm's incorporation was announced inthe trades that spring, the April 1917 issue of the Cycle andAutomobile TradeJournal giving the firm's location as Lincoln, Nebraska:

“Linn Mfg. Corp., Lincoln, Neb., organizedwith a capital of$50,000 to manufacture autos, tractors, etc. Incorporators are H.H.Linn, G. Whitman and L.R. Morris.”

The May 1917 issue of the same publication(Cycle and Automobile Trade Journal) offered the following correction:

“Linn Mfg. Corp., Morris, N.Y. has beenorganized with a capitalization of $50,000 to manufactured autos,tractors, etc. Weinadvertently stated in our last issue the company was located inLincoln, Neb. Incorporators: H.H. Linn, G. Whitman, and L.R. Morris.”

The old wooden mill was torn downand a modern 300' x 50' one story concrete block factory was erected inits place, the July 25, 1917 issue of the Oneonta Star reporting:

“Landmarks Razed

“The old saw and grist mills near the fairgrounds have beentorn down to make room for the new buildings of the Linn Tractorcompany. Thefoundations for the new buildings will be started this week.

“Fitch Gilbert of Gilbertsville purchasedaLinn tractor last week.”

The new factory was located adjacent toButternut Creek wher they constructed a hydroelectricgenerating plant that was powered by a 12' x 13' diameter 60 hp Fitzsteel overshot waterwheel whichwas hung by Linn's own hand. The excess power generated by Linn'shydroelectric plant was sold to the local municipality through theLinn-controlled Morris Electric Light and Power Company.

Unlike most manufacturing plants of it's daywhich featured stationary engine-driven shaft and beltpower tools, Linn's adoption of electric power created a much cleanerand safer factory environment, as each piece ofmachinery was powered by its own electric motor.

Linn exhibited a new Linn tractor at the1917 Oneonta Fair, the September 19, 1917 issue of the Oneonta Starreporting:

“At the Oneonta Fair

“A new Linn tractor out of the shop forthefirst time on Monday, is on exhibition at the Oneonta Fair this week,Ambrose Clarkof Cooperstown has bought this machine, the second one inside of amonth.”

The first production Linn tractor was soldto Charles Brook, a Mt. Upton logger; the second, to FitchGilbert, who used it to haul material from Gilbertsville to a hillsidetract where he was constructing a newsummer home.

By year's end adozen machines had been turned out and a grateful Linn held an openhouse for the citizens of Morris the following March, the March 27,1918 issue of the Oneonta Star reporting:

“Open Night at Tractor Plant

“Last Thursday night was visitors’ nightatthe Linn tractorplant and a large number of people took the opportunity to make theirfirstvisit to this busy place. The plant was running full blast and lightedfrom thelarge dynamo, which made it as light as day. The men were all busy attheirvarious machines and the wood workers were building trailers. Therewere six ofthem in various stages of completion, and six or seven tractors werebeingassembled, from completed ones down to just the frame. Many of thepeople weresurprised that such a large manufacturing institution was in theirmidst andthey did not know much about it. It is a big thing for Morris, and theyarevery busy turning out the machines and selling all they can make.”

Additional local pruchasers of Linnequipment appaered in the ‘Otsego County News’ column of the April3, 1918 edition of the Oneonta Star:

“Edmeston, Pittsfield and Exeter have eachpurchased a Linn Tractor to use on the highways.”

Less than two years after itsestablishmentincreased sales forced a recapitalization, the November 20, 1919issue of The Iron Age reporting:

“The Linn Tractor Corporation,Morris, N. Y., hasbeen incorporated with an active capital of $50,000 by H. H. Linn. G.Whitmanand R. R. Ripley, to manufacture motor tractors and parts.”

The tracks on the very first Linns sufferedfrom a poorly designedhollow-steel rollers whose wood cores crumbled under hard use.Theywere quickly replaced with solid Manganese rollers furnished by theTaylor-Wharton Iron and Steel Co. of Highbridge, New Jersey.

By late 1919 business had improved to thepoint where Linn hired a dedicated salesman, the ‘Otsego County News’column of theDecember 11, 1919issue of the Oneonta Star reporting:

“Engaged As Sales Agent

“The Linn Manufacturing corporation hasengaged Albert H.Nichols of this village (Morris) as sales agent to go on the road andsell theLinn Tractor. Mr. Nichols will make a good agent as he is familiar withtheworking of the machine, having been engaged in the plant when it firststarted,and for the past year has used one on the highways of this town assuperintendent of highways, and can demonstrate one in all itmovements.”

Although no mention of a snow plow is made,the Wednesday January 28, 1920 issue of theOneonta Star reported that a Linn tractor had cleared a 14-ft paththrough the snow:

“The experience over in the ButternutValleyshould beworthy of more than passing notice. As noted in ‘The Star’ ofyesterday, whenit became impossible for the trucks to carry the milk from Morris andvicinityto Mt. Upton, the shipping point, a Linn tractor was hitched to acouple ofroad machines and the highway was cleared to a width of 14 feet andtruck andother motor driven vehicles are passing over it. The cost was triflingcomparedwith the monetary value of the use of the highway.

“It is understood that the town ofDavenporthas purchasedone of the tractors for its use. It is not improbable that othertractors couldbe found along the Sidney, Cooperstown and Cobleskill highways whichcould beavailable for use in clearing the roads of snow during the wintermonths.”

Linn tractors were now frequently calledinto action whenever a major snowstorm struck the northeast, theFebruary 3, 1920 issue of the Oneonta Star reporting:

“To Continue Highway Work

“Progress Made On Otego Road Today

“Commissioner Youngman spent most of thedayyesterday witha force of men at work on the Otego road endeavoring to open it to autotraffic. Below the Plains schoolhouse a drift was encountered in thesmall cutand the tractor was thrown out of the roadway. It required some time toreplaceit and then the work was abandoned for the day. Last evening Mr.Thompson, who hashad some experience with the tractor, communicated with the Linntractor peopleat Morris and they advised mounting the front end on runners, which itwas saidwould aid in keeping the road machine on the roadway. This morning aneffortwill be made to rig the Linn Tractor of the town after this fashion andlaterin the day it probably will be in use again.”

The following day's paper (February 4, 1920Oneonta Star) provided additional details:

“Tractors Do The Work

“Otego Road Cleared To Nichols Farm andColliers Road toColliers

“Linn Tractor when equipped with runnersatfront doesexcellent work...

“With the Linn tractor mounted at thefrontupon runners andguided by the sturdy team of Charles E. Thompson of South Side and aheavy roadmachine in tow the state road from Oneonta-Otego was opened yesterdayin goodshape for light motor cars as far as the farm of Charles E. Nichols.Weatherpermitting, the town superintendent, aided by Mr. Thompson and othersof hisforce, will continue on this road today with every indication that itwill beopened to Otego and perhaps beyond. The tractor was kept in the roadwith thismeans of guidance and it performed admirably, demonstrating that thesnow canbe cleared from the highways in first class manner by this method. OfcourseOneonta delayed until the snow was packed in the roadway, whichrendered thetask extremely difficult.

“From the Pond Lily corner to the farmhouseof H.L. Day thesecond road machine was kept in motion during the greater part of theday whilethe contrivance was being rigged for guiding the tractor. Attached toit werethe teams of M.G. Keenan and Charles Nichols and they pulled true, andthedrifts in that section had been lowered when the tractor arrivedshortly after1 o’clock. The roadway is well packed where the snow could not be cutclose tothe macadam and while it was not deemed advisable to attempt to use thehighwaywith big trucks or motor buses, the light cars will make itcomparatively easy.Below the Day farm there were encountered few drifts and road is inquite goodcondition except in one stretch for a few rods were a bit of shovelingwill bedone early today.

“All engaged on this job were confidentthatsnow can becontrolled on the state roads in this section excepting in the event ofa severeblizzard. Snow fences erected at points where trouble is likely tooccur andwith the tractor ready as soon as any large snowfall occurs, it isbelievedthat the roads will be kept passable for the entire winter. Preparation should be made for the taskduring the coming summer.”

B.H. Baird, 786 Michigan St., San Francisco,California. Linn's west coast distributor,saw to it that the Linn was well-publicized in the region'sautomobile trades, its first appearance being in the February 15, 1920issue of Motor West:

“Linn Tractor Appears on Coast

“A newcomer in the tractor field on thePacific Coast is theLinn tractor. B.H. Baird, Pacific Coast distributor, has demonstratedthesemachines hauling sugar beets, plowing and logging with great success.Unlikemost tractors, the Linn has a carrying capacity of 5 tons on its ownbody. Itmight be more correctly termed a tractor truck, as the design issimilar to anautomobile truck with the exception of the rear self-laying track inplace ofwheels. The power plant is a 45 H.P. Red Seal Continental engine, andwith afour speed model 60 Brown-Lipe transmission and Brown-Lipe-Chapindifferentialthe Linn is one of the most powerful hauling propositions on the markettoday.The normal load for tractor and trailer is 16 tons over an 8 per centgrade.The maximum speed is 6 miles an hour.”

Now that production began to keep up withdemand, Linn began advertising in the national lumber trades, thefollowing - which appeared in the July 31, 1920 issue of AmericanLumberman - being representative of the advertisem*nt/articles thatwere popular at the time:

“An All Year Tractor

“An All Year Tractor More than once theTruck and TractorDepartment of the ‘American Lumberman’ has been asked where a machinecan beobtained of the track laying type which will operate winter and summerin mudsnow sand or any other such conditions. The Linn tractor made by theLinnManufacturing Corporation, Morris, N.Y., serves as a very good answerto thisquestion for it is so built that in the summer time front wheels,similar tomotor truck wheels, are used; but these wheels are removed in wintertime andsled runners substituted therefor. One lumberman in New York State usesa largefleet of Linn tractors the year around. He has found they work withequalfacility in the summer or in the winter. In the winter time ice roadsare builtand with the sled equipment the tractors proceed as dependably andsmoothly asduring the summer. The accompanying illustration shows a Linn tractorrigged upto show both sled and wheel steerage.”

By this time most of the parts used inLinn's patented tracklaying system were being supplied byTaylor-Wharton Iron and Steel Co. of Highbridge, New Jersey, andlike most early vehicles, the remainder was assembled from partssupplied by variousthird-parties, the only item manufactured in-house was its wooden cabwhich was hand-constructed by an old Swedish carpenter named GeorgeFisher.The August 15,1920 issue of the Commercial Car Journal provides the sources of manyof the Linn tractor's components:

“Linn Geared-to-the-Ground Tractor

“The Linn tractor, manufactured bythe LinnManufacturing Corp., Morris, N. Y., is a self-laying track machine andisespecially adapted to work on wood or lumber jobs, or heavyconstructioncontracts, because it can do the work of ten teams, and it can traveloverroadways in the woods and on soft ground where horses cannot go anddraw apaying load. The tractor is claimed to be able to pun four times itsown weightover ordinary roads, winter or summer. To perfect the traction power ofarevolving track, a flexible traction member was invented, which willadjust itselfat all times to any unevenness in the road or field which it mightencounter.This is an improvement over the rigid self-laying track as they oftenencounterspots or depressions and they have no traction at all. The constructionof thistrack has been simplified, as not a bolt or nut is used in thistraction memberaside from the hangers which carry the axles. The sprockets andtrack-links aresaid to have an unusually long wearing surface. The track link jointhas a15-16-in. hardened pin, 13 in. long, that floats and has bearings itsentirelength. The anti-friction rolls are of ample size and strength andcarry noweight on their axles.

“The Linn tractor is made of suchunits as aContinental, Red Seal engine, Bosch magneto, Schebler carburetor,Brown-Lipetransmission and Brown-Lipe-Chapin differential, and Sheldon front-axle.

“The four-cylinder, vertical, L head type,Continentalengine, has a bore and stroke of 4 1/4 x 5 1/2 in.,respectively.Engine speed is controlled by a Pierce governor. The crankshaftbearingsmeasure 3/4 in. front, in. middle, and 4 15/16 in. rear Gasoline is fedby gravityfrom a fuel tank having a capacity of 3054 gal. through a Schebler1/4-in.carburetor, which is equipped with a hotspot manifold. Ignition isthrough aBosch magneto. The splash and force feed system of lubrication includesaContinental, double-plunging oil pump and a Morris oil indicator on thedash.

“Cooling water is circulated over thecylinder head and valveseats by a centrifugal pump. The radiator is honeycomb type and is aMayo make.Cooling air is sent through the radiator by a large Oakes fan driven bya belt.

“The sliding gear transmission- systemwhichprovides fourspeeds forward and one reverse is the Brown-Lipe, fourspeed, Model 60transmission. This transmission provides the following speeds andnormal pullin lb.: First or low, 1 mile, 12,000 lb.; second, 2 mile, 8000 lb.;third, 4mile, 3500 lb., and fourth, 5 1/2 mile, 2000 lb. Differentialis aBrown-Lipe-Chapin and final drive is internal gear.

“The front axle is a Sheldon, equippedwith roller bearings and carrying two front wheels equipped with 36 x 5rubber tires.

“The length of a Linn tractor is198 in., width 74in., height 36 in., to the top of the cab, wheelbase 111 in., size ofbody, 9ft. by 5 ft. 4 in., outside turning radius ft., weight packed forshipment 9000lb.

“The price is $5000 f.o.b. Morris, N. Y. Afront sled forwinter use can be secured for $50 additional.”

TheLinn could be equipped with a wide variety of bodies and equipmentwhich included stake beds, fifth wheels, fuel tanks, and dump bodieswhich ranged in sizes from 5 to 15 yards. Purpose-builtLinn loggers and logging trailers could be equipped with racks forcarrying 4-foot pulp wood bolts or massive bunks for handling logs upto 16 feet in length. Most early Linn users were regional highwaydepartments with the next largest group being businesses involved intheharvesting or processing of timber, as evidenced by the following listof North American LinnTractorOwners &Users - circa 1920 - supplied by Rene Elliott:

Clark Estate, Cooperstown, N.Y.
Iroquois Farms, A. Treyl & Co., Livingston, Manor, N.Y.
Root Bros. Otego, N.Y.
Highway Supt. Town of Oneonta, Oneonta, N.Y.
J.J. Smith, Limestone, N.Y.
C.A. Goff & Sons, Kenwood, N.Y.
Highway Supt. Symra, N.Y.
C.W. Peak, Peaksville, N.Y.
Highway Supt., Edmonston, N.Y.
Highway Supt., Exeter, N.Y.
Highway Supt., Schuyler Lake, N.Y.
Highway Supt., Pittsfield, N.Y.
Highway Supt., New Berlin, N.Y.
Arthur Leighton Co., Cooks Falls, N.Y.
James Mfg. Co., Kane, Pa.
Vandilla Chemical Co., Olean, N.Y.
Fitzpatrick & Weller, Ellicottville, N.Y.
A.B. Smith Chemical Co., Red House, N.Y.
Oswayo Chemical Co., Genesee,Pa.
Highway Supt., Town of Middlefield, N.Y.
Highway Supt., Cooperstown, N.Y.
Highway Supv., Mr. Button, Town of Columbus, New Berlin, N.Y.
Highway Supt., Howard McPherson, Town of Bovina, Bovina Center, N.Y.
Highway Supt., Town of New Berlin, N.Y.
Corbett & Stewart, Corbett, N.Y.
E.R. Washburn, Franklinville, N.Y.
J.E. Cannan (Camp #7), Forestport, N.Y.
Oxford Basket Co., Oxford, N.Y.
Highway Supt., Town of Smithville, Smithville Flats, N.Y.
Highway Supt., McDonough, N.Y.
Highway Supt., Worchester, N.Y.
Wyman Chemical Co., Port Alleghany, N.Y.
Moyer & Pratt, Lyonsdale, N.Y.
Blount Lumber Co., Laconia, N.Y.
United Block Co., Crogan, N.Y.
United Block Co., Chaffee, N.Y.
Warner Sugar Refining Co., Roulette, Pa.
Highway Supt., Sidney, N.Y.
Highway Supt., Unadilla, N.Y.
B.H. Baird, 786 Michigan St., San Francisco, Cal.
Carter Oil Co., (Mr. Cooper) Parkersburg, W.Va.
Highway Supt., Town of Burlington, West Burlington, N.Y.
Clyesdale Motor Truck Co., Pearl St., Toronto, Can.
Potter, Burton Lumber Co., Fort Ann, N.Y.
A. Sherman Lumber Co., Potsdam, N.Y.
Young Bros., Lumber Mfrs., Elmira, N.Y.
Hugh Nawn Contracting Co., Gilboa N.Y.
C. Fred Johnson, (Mr. Burton) Johnson City, N.Y.
Charlotteville Creamery Co., Charlotteville, N.Y.
Mr. Geo. Polley, Andes, N.Y.
Baggs Machinery & Supply Co., Baggs, Wy.
L.L. Sornberger, Masonville, N.Y.
Mr. LaPorte, Brandreth, N.Y.
J.S. Avery, New Milford, Pa.
Dale Engineering Co., Mann Bldg., Utica, N.Y.
Dale Engineering Co., East Springfield, N.Y.
Brooklyn Cooperage Co., St. Regis Falls, N.Y.
Highway Supt., Town of Norwich, Norwich, N.Y.
Chas. P. Root, Gilbertsville, N.Y.
Highway Supt. (Mr. Robbins) Bainbridge, N.Y.
E.A. Schubert, Room 312 MacClain Bldg., Roanoke, Va.

A recent Linn purchase by the Durham LumberCo., of Brownsville, California was mentioned in the November 1920issue of The Timberman:

“Logging With Linn Tractor

“At its camps near Brownsville, Cal.,DurhamLumber Co. hasrecently installed a Linn tractor, the reports on which have beenfavorable.The Linn is a machine of the tractor-truck type. The track layingfeatures ofthe driving wheels insures a maximum of traction power on all kinds ofroads. TwoEconomy trailers go to make up the train and total load so movedaverages 3,600feet of green logs. Good time is made on the 24 mile haul on whichgrades of 15to 20 per cent are encountered. B.H. Baird of 786 Mission Street, SanFrancisco,is the western distributor for the Linn tractor.”

Bylate 1920 Linn's growing backlog oforderssignaled the need for additional capital and the Taylor-WhartonIron and Steel Co., one of the firm's primary suppliers,stepped up to the plate. Taylor-Wharton's directors bought up asubstantialportion of outstanding Linn shares for $175 per share, which providedLinn's original Morris-based investors a substantial return on their$100 investment. H.H. Linn, who held a substantial number ofshares, was retained as plant superintendent while Taylor-Wharton'spresident,George R. Hanks, became Linn's president as well, theDecember 8, 1920 issue of the Oneonta Star reporting:

“Linn Tractor Corporation

“Widely Known Morris Manufacturing ConcernUnder New Management – Stock Sells at $175

“Morris, Dec. 7. – The Linn TractorCorporation, which wasestablished here several years ago and by steady growth has become theleadingmanufacturing industry of the Butternuts Valley, was reorganized onFridaylast. Much new capital from New York City and vicinity has becomeinterested inthe enterprise and the new investors have purchased the stock of localmen, whoin the beginning aided in putting the business afloat. The formerstockholdershave disposed of their holdings at $175 per share, which is now beingpaid; andin addition to this sum, the old stockholders will receive a dividendof 11percent, payable January 15, from the business of the past 11 months,bringingthe actual selling price up to $186 per share.

“Satisfactory as this is from a businessstandpoint, theresidents of Morris are even more gratified to know that the businesswill becontinued in this village and that the output will be greatly enlarged.It is agood business, paying good wages; and additional men are being put towork.

“The following are the officers of thereorganized company:

“President, T.R. Hanks, president of theTaylor-Wharton Ironand Steel company of High Bridge, N.J.; first vice president, H.H. LinnofMorris; second vice president, H.H. Salmon jr., of Garden City, L.I.;secretary, R.G. Thatch of New York City; Treasurer, George Whitman ofMorris;Superintendent, H.H. Linn.”

Adirondack lumber and paper companies wereamongst the first businesses outside of Otsego County to embrace theLinn, the ‘Otsego County News’ column of theJanuary 6, 1921 issueof the Oneonta Star reporting on a recent demonstration in New YorkState's 'North Country':

“To Demonstrate Linn Tractor

“H.H. Linn, superintendent of the LinnTractor corporation,and Earl Southern and Ralph Porter, employees, left last Friday for alumbercamp in the Adirondacks, where they will demonstrate the efficiency ofthe Linntractor to interested parties in that section. Tractors have alreadybeenplaced in several lumber camps up north and are giving satisfactoryservice,according to reports.

“The tractor plant here was closed for afewdays last weekbut is now running again.”

Loggersused Linn tractors toreplace teams of draft horses which had been used for over a century tohaul sleds of harvested timber out of the inaccessible backwoods of theAdirondack and Catskill mountains. Linns were often called upon to haula half-dozen or more leds, which were often equipped with asled-mounted shanty at the rear (aka caboose) which contained a potbelly stove to keep the operators warm (and alive) in case of blizzardor mechanical breakdown.

Although the reorganization was old news, itwas reported to the trade in the February 1, 1921 issue of the ChiltonTractor Journal:

“Linn TractorCorp., Morris, N. Y.,hasrecentlyundergone a reorganization. The following are officers of thereorganizedcompany: President, T. R. Hanks, Taylor-Wharton Iron & Steel Co.,HighBridge, N. J.; first vice-president, H. H. Linn, Morris, N. Y.; secondvice-president, H. H. Salmon, Jr., Garden City, L. I., N. Y.;secretary, R. G.Thatch, New York City; treasurer, George Whitman, Morris, N. Y.;superintendent, H. H. Linn.”

The February 1921 issue of The Timbermanreported on a recent sale to a Hawaiian sugar plantation:

“Linn Tractor Invades Hawaii

“B.H. Baird, distributor of the Linntractor, San Francisco,spent the latter part of January in Hawaii in connection with theinstallationof a 65 H.P. Linn sold there for use on a large sugar plantation. Themachineis to be used in hauling supplies to and from the plantation over roadswhichhave been rendered impassable by ordinary means of transportation.”

A classified ad in the May 21, 1921 issue ofthe Olean TimesHerald reveals Olean, New York's Vandalia Chemical Co. owned a fleet ofthree Linns:

“For Sale – Three Linn Tractors, models1918and 1919, allin good repair. Also a number of wagon trailers for use with same.Property canbe seen at the plant of Vandalia Chemical Co., Vandalia, N.Y.”

Without mentioning it by name, the May 31,1921 issue of Pulp and PaperMagazine reported that a Linn tractor had recently completed anefficiency test with Quebec's St. Maurice Paper Co.:

“Successful Tractor Test On Timber

“The St. Maurice Paper Co. of CapMadeleineP.Q., haverecently completed a test of Tractor Efficiency in the movement of logs- attheir operations carried on at St. Donat, which is located 35 milesnorth of St.Agathe des Monts, Quebec. The test was carried on over woods roads -newlyopened this season - and over a governing grade of 18 per cent. It wasfoundpossible to continually haul three trailers over this four mile routeand move180 logs on each trip, and with a minimum of four round trips each day,a totalof 720 logs a day, and by the same schedule 4,320 logs per week. It isestimated that with one tractor and three trailers to each train (9trailers inall) one of these tractors can accomplish the work of 12 teams. Thetrailersused were not special equipment but were built complete by the StMaurice PaperCo. in their blacksmith shop at St. Donat. They are of the conventionaltype ofheavy duty sled as manufactured by the Adams Wagon Co. at Woodstock,with butslight changes made for purpose of proper tracking with tractor oncurves.

“During the entire test the tractor wasoperated by anemployee of the St. Maurice Paper Co. The machine used in this test wasdeveloped in the timber hauling business in the Catskill mountains andisprobably the only heavy duty tractor developed purely to meetrequirements ofthe timber producer. The St. Maurice Paper Company have placed aninitial orderfor one of these machines.”

B.H. Baird, Linn's west coastrepresentative, successfuly place a Linn tractor into service in anAlaskan Gold mining operation, the June 1921 issue of The Timbermanreporting:

“Linn Tractor In Alaska

“B.H. Baird, San Francisco distributor forLinn tractors,has recently shipped a late model Linn to Fairbanks Gold Dredging Co.,ofFairbanks, Alaska, where it will be used for hauling wood and oil overroadsimpassable to an ordinary truck because of snow and ice conditions. Thetractorwas equipped with extra wide flanged front wheels and these will bereplaced bysled runners when snow is unusually heavy.”

Northern New York's 'snowbelt' - which isconcentrated along the TugHill plateau, a geographic feature that extends east from Lake Ontariointo the AdirondackMountains -averages moresnowfall than any other section of New York State. WhileLinns had been used in downstate New York tohelp traverse snow-bound roads, no mention of a snowplow-equipped Linncan be found prior to the winter of 1920-1921 when Jefferson County'sF.W. Carpenter, owner of the Black River Bus Lines,placed a Linn into service as a dedicated snow plow using an all-steelV-blade plow manufactured in the tire and machine shop of CarlH. Frink, of Clayton, New York. Carpenter's plow was not Frink'sfirst, as one year earlier he had constructed a similar apparatusfor Fred I. Dailey'sClayton to Watertown bus line.

The news did not escape H.H. Linn whoimmediately set about constructing his own prototype V-blade plowout of wood. Once tested, he made arrangements with theMarathon, New York plant of the Good Roads Machinery Co. (headquarteredin Kennett Square, Pennsylvania) to supply Linn with a plow designedspecificallyfor use with the Linn. Five years later Linn chose to partner with CarlH.Frink, who by that time was manufacturing a line of plows far superiorto the Champion.

The Linn's rear tracks could be fitted with3 different styles of tread (aka grousers or creepers); 1) Rubber Pad -cushioned for everyday use on paved, poured or brick roadways; 2) Ice -agressive metal feet that provided traction on glare ice; and 3) StateRoad - a less-agressive metal pad that provided sure footing in mud,dirt, or snow.

The February 7, 1922 issue of the OneontaStar reported on a unique arrangement where a group of Cobleskillresidents purchased a Linn which was then rented out to thecash-strapped municipality at $20 per day:

“Cobleskill Buys Linn Tractor

“Herbert Sweet, superintendent of highwaysin Cobleskill, wentto Morris last week where he purchased a Linn tractor for road work for$5,900.The transaction was financed by 10 men of the town and will not causeany raisein tax rate. The town will pay $20 per day for each day the machine isin useand considering the power of the machine this in considered cheaperthan tohire horses. Thus the machine will pay for itself. The tractor arrivedinCobleskill Friday.”

The ‘Morris Events’ column of the March 22,1922 issue ofthe Oneonta Star reported that a Linn tractor had successfully towed an'engine house' 3 1/2 miles from Morris up Patrick Hill to its new home:

“An Old Landmark Gone

“The old engine house building which hasstood for so manyyears near the creek bridge on Main street and which was recentlypurchased byDavid Fenton, was hitched behind a Linn tractor on day last week andwas hauledon log runners up the state road. It is now located part way up PatrickHill onthe farm recently purchased by Mr. Fenton, to be used by him as aresidence.”

The March 27, 1922 issue of the Oneonta Starreported on the purchase of a new Linn tractor by the Town of Tompkins,Delaware County, New York:

“Tompkins Buys Tractor

“The Tompkins town board at a meetingFridayvoted to buy onthe lease plan a Linn tractor equipped with a hydraulic hoist and dumpfor useon both the dirt roads and on new highway construction. The rental of$20 foreach day of actual use is applied on the purchase price of $5,800.”

The ‘Jefferson News Jots’ column of theApril 17, 1922 issueof the Oneonta Star reported on the purchase of a Linn by the ScoharieCounty, New York town of Jefferson:

“Linn Tractor for Road Use

“Drive Home Linn Tractor

“Superintendent F.D. Hubbell,Superintendentof Highways,F.H. Foote and George Fitzpatrick went to Morris Wednesday, and onThursdaydrove a Linn tractor home, which the town board recently purchased foruse onthe road.”

The acquisition of the Town of Jefferson'sLinn involvedanother creative fininacing scheme, the ‘Latest Vicinity Notes’ columnof the April 22, 1922 issue of the Oneonta Star reporting:

“Twelve public spirited citizens ofJefferson have signed anote whereby it is possible for the township authorities to secure aLinn tractor. Town and state join in the rental price and eventuallytherent pays for the machine.”

The June 21, 1922 issue of the Oneonta Starannounced Linn was constructing a small addition to the factory:

“Building a Storehouse.

“The Linn Tractor corporation arebuilding a lumber shed and store-house on the vacant lot across theroad from the tractor plant for their use.”

A display ad placed by the BerskshireGarage, the local Linn distributor, in the January 20,1923 issue of the North Adams Transcript (Mass.) encouraged localresidents to come out and take a look atthe vehicle:


“For the Linn Tractor which will arrive intown on Sundaynight or Monday morning. The Linn Tractor is a heavy duty, heavyhaulingmachine of track-laying type. This tractor has been purchased by Vad’sExpressto run between North Adams, Williamstown, Pownal and Bennington,Vermont.

“For information, specifications andcatalogues apply toBerkshire Garage, Telephone 1490.”

The April 16, 1924 issue of the Oneonta Starreported that a Linn tractor was being demonstrated in Syracuse, NewYork:

“Tractor To Syracuse

“The Linn Tractor Corporation have sentone of their tractors to Syracuse Tuesday morning, which is to be usedfordemonstration purposes there.”

The May 21, 1924 issue of the Oneonta Starreveals H.H. Linn was demonstrating a tractor to another Tug Hillcommunity:

“Demonstrating Tractor

“H.H. Linn is in Denmark, Lewis County,thisweek demonstrating the Linn tractor in competition with other makes.”

The January 7, 1925 issue of the OneontaStar reports that Linn had sold a pair of tractors equipped withChampion snowplows:

“Tractors With Show Plows.

“The Linn Tractor corporation soldtwo tractors last week with snow plow attachments. One to the town ofOtsego and oneto Plattsburg.”

Another Champion-equipped Linn tractorhelped plow a roadway following a mid-January snow storm, the January19, 1925 issue of the Oneonta Star reporting:

“Franklin Road Open

“Town Superintendent Conklin, with LinnTractor Plow, Does Trick

“The Oneonta End of the Franklin turnpikeroad is open, TownSuperintendent Conklin having finished a good job on the highwaySaturday nightand with the Linn tractor plow, recently purchased, plowed out the roadwell.Drifts of no mean dimensions are always encountered when there aredriftsanywhere between the Dye home and the watering trough and in thatstretch ithas been impracticable to secure turning out places, so that personstravelingover the road should be alert to see that no one else has entered the‘tunnel’ahead. At all other points on the road is open full width so that notrouble inturning out is experienced. Safety first should be the motto of all whouse the highway.”

The February 18, 1925 issue of the OneontaStar reported a sale to the Delaware County, New York town ofHarpersfield:

“Harpersfield Buys Tractor.

“It is currently reported that the town ofHarpersfield purchased a Linn tractor for delivery in the spring.”

The March 19, 1925 issue of the Oneonta Starreported on another sale to a Delaware County municipality:

“Linn Tractors Sold

“The town board of Franklin at a meetinglast week voted to buy a Linn tractor for work on the highway at a costof $6,600. All butone or two towns of the nineteen in Delaware county now haveaLinntractor. The report says the tractors save expense of teams and areefficient bothin summer and winter, and are believed by many to be the best tractoron themarket.”

To aid the sales of Linn snow-fightingequipment, the factory produced a 2-reel short which featured theLinn in action, the April 2, 1925 issue of the Oneonta Star reportingon a recent screening:

“Clearing Belden Hill

“Excellent Movies of Linn Tractor WorkingDuring Heavy Snows of Past Winter Shown at Theatre.

“In conjunction with the picture programshown at the Oneonta theatre last evening were two reels depicting thework done inclearing the heavy snows of the past winter from Belden Hill by Linntractors.Not only because of the particular interest of Oneonta and vicinitypeople inpictures of territory which they know well was the picture appreciated,but aswell because of the work of the Linn tractor made at Morris, which hasahost of friends throughout the vicinity where the powers of thatmachine areparticularly well known.

“The film was of two reels and showing theLinn tractor with its special plows arriving on the scene at BeldenHill, which wasblocked with snow. The main ‘V’ type plow opened the roadway throughthe deepestdrifts while the side wings were operated by the members of the crew ofthemachine to make a double pathway through the drifts.

“There was very little shoveling as iscommon with most road plows, the big Linn with its weighted body makingits way into thedeepest of the snow and plowing steadily along with scarcely a pause.And due tothe fact that the plow operated to push the snow on both sides therewas notendency to sideslipping as is common with many plows of other types.

“Following the Linn plow over Belden was asizable string of motor cars pointing its own lesson, that highwaysmust be kept openduring the winter months for the accommodation of an increasing numberofmotorists who find use of the roads imperative. And the picture alsoshows that withthe Linn tractor, this work is easy.”

Once H.H. Linn became successful heencouraged his extended family to relocate to the Morris area and by1920 his step-brother Elery C. Linn had begun working for the Linncompany. The passing of his step-father was annoucned in the ‘OtsegoCounty News’ column of the April16, 1925 issue of the Oneonta Star:

“Attended Funeral of Robert Linn

“The funeral of Robert Linn, who died atEdmeston, was held at that place Saturday afternoon and was quitelargely attended byMorris people. Among them were Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Linn, Mr. and Mrs.CharlesGage, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lull, Miss Helen Colvin, Rev. and Mrs. F.G.Leonard.

“Mr. Linn was a former resident of thisplace and moved to Edmeston after the death of his wife. He was thefather of H.H. Linn ofMorris and E.C. Linn, formerly of Morris and Edmeston, but now ofSaranacLake. Rev. F.G. Leonard assisted the Edmeston clergyman at the funeralservices.

“Sell Another Tractor

“The Linn Tractor corporation deliveredoneof its tractors to the town of German Flats last week.”

The July 22, 1925 issue of the Oneonta Starannounced the sale of one of the firm's first 100-hp 6-cylinderWaukesha-equipped machines:

“A Powerful Machine

“The Linn Tractor corporation have justturned out a new six cylinder 100-horse power tractor. It is a powerfulmachine.”

The September 23, 1925 issue of the OneontaStar reported on the sale of a crane and shovel equipped Linn to acustomer in Florida:

“Sold A Tractor To Go To Florida

“The Linn Tractor Corporation had ondisplayat the State Fair last week their tractors, one of them equipped with acrane andshovel for road work. This one is sold to parties who will ship it toOrlando,Fla. The Linn tractors are becoming famous all over the country.”

In 1925 H.H. Linn commenced construction ofa $17,000 private coach dubbed the 'Linn Haven' for use as a mobileoffice while he traversedthe country drumming up attention for the Linn tractor. The September30, 1925 issue of the Oneonta Star provided details on the vehicle'sconstruction:

“Best In The World

“H.H. Linn of Morris To Tour South in Oneof Finest Motor Coaches on Highways.

“Selling The Best Tractor

“Sumptuously Furnished Body on Safeway SixWheel Coach Allows Combination of Pleasure With Trip in Interest ofLinn Tractor,Manufactured at Morris – Bus Weighs Seven Tons and Will Cost $17,000

“Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Linn of Morris willleaveabout November 10 for a winter trip through the South, combiningbusiness withpleasure and since Mr. Linn will establish agencies for the besttractor in theworld, the Linn Tractor made at Morris, it is only fitting that thetrip should bemade in one of the most sumptuously equipped Pullman busses on thehighway. Thechassis is to be the Safe-Way Six wheel type, costing about $7,000, andthebody will cost about $9,000. This will bring the total cost of theseven tonequipage to about $17,000.

“And before any extended description ofthenew Pullman is given it might be well to tell about the travelingbungalow in whichMr. Linn visited Otsego county in 1907-1908. At that time he owned aponycircus, and had an especially equipped vehicle, quite as much of anadvanced stepin those days as is the splendid coach in which he will travel and livethiswinter.

“The machine was built to hisspecification,and the chassis was 30 feet long. It was powered by a 100 horse-powermotor which gavea road speed of four or five miles an hour. The car steered on fourwheels.

“But the rear two wheels were not round.The rear traveledon tracks similar to those in use as driving wheels on the Linn tractoroftoday.

“The body was made by a ship cabinbuilder, and the bus wasfitted with a ship stove, refrigerator, and other conveniences. Aboutthe onlyobstacle to traveling wherever business led was the fact that the bodywas toohigh for many of the bridges in use at the time, and detours weresometimesnecessary.

“Description of the Latest Bus.

“And now for a description of the Pullmantype bus in which the trip this winter will be made:

“After much deliberation and investigationof the larger motor busses, Mr. Linn decided on the purchase of theSafe-Way sixwheel chassis manufactured by the Safe Way Coach company ofPhiladelphia. Itis powered by a six cylinder 110 horsepower motor and has a wheelbaseof165 Inches.

“Two complete driving axles of theinvertedworm type and four driving wheels are located at the rear of thechassis. The axlesare connected at the center with a very large torque tube of slidingsleevetype, allowing perfect action of the long side, three stage springswhichconnect the (missing text) frame pivoted at the spring center, making averyflexible driving unit and giving each tire of the four rear wheels itproportionate share of the load as well as of the drive.

“The very latest Westinghouse air brakes,operating internal expanding shoes are used on all four driving wheels.Emergency brakesare manually operated.

“The chassis was driven from the factoryatPhiladelphia to Cleveland, Ohio, a distance of approximately 500 miles,in less thantwo days by Charles E. Gage of Morris to the Schaefer Coach works,where thespecial body is now being built according to specifications of Mr. Linn.

“The body is 23 feet six inches in lengthback of the cowl and seven feet seven inches wide inside. It isequipped with twocomplete lighting systems, the regular equipment connected with themotor and aspecial Delco 12 volt system to supply current for the icelessrefrigerator,cooking utensils, electric fans, and other conveniences.

“A Presto-Lite three-burner stove isinstalled in the very complete kitchenette, which has extensivecupboard space, and paddedcompartments for dishes and for the utensils for cooking three squaremeals a day.There is plenty of room provided for serving the meals.

“The latest type of Pullman beds, equippedwith air mattresses, a shower bath with hot and cold water, lavatory,sanitarytoilet, clothes closets, and extra storage space have also beenprovided. Allwindows are large and provided with plate glass and fine copperscreening.

“The Pullman beds and five comfortablewicker chairs areupholstered in genuine taupe leather. With the bed folded, the coachwill seat16 people comfortably.

“A brown khaki canvas 25 by 12 feetfastened to the baggagerail on the top of the coach will provide a comfortable perch when thelowerends of the canvas are supported on for small tent poles. Movingpictureequipment with camera and projector and radio apparatus of latest typewillalso be included.

“Ofcourse, as those who know Mr. Linn and his ability as asalesman and of the Linn organization as manufacturers are well aware,thismost luxurious motor coach is not wholly a pleasure vehicle. It is theintention of Mr. Linn enroute to establish agencies for the Linntractor, which is fast becoming famous as an economical hauling unitand which isadapted to all kinds of heavy work, both winter and summer.

“Mr. Linn will be accompanies by Mrs. Linnand Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gage, also of Morris, Mr. Gage acting as hisdriver.”

AfterLinn sold his share in the firm to the Republic Motor Truck Co. in1927, he traveled up anddown the eastern seaboard in his coach which continued to be manned byhischauffeur and personal steward, Charles E. Gage.

AfterLinn's untimely 1937 passing his estate soldthe coach to Purcel Kingsley of Cohoes, New York, whose Hudson RiverNight Line operated a showboat steamship called the Buccaneer. Kingsleymodified it into a roving billboard/shuttle equipped with a searchlight and sound system in which he picked up customers for KateParson's "Show Boat Revue”a risqué burlesque that took place onboard the Buccaneer once it leftit* mooring at Manhattan’s Battery Park. During Franklin DelanoRoosevelt's 1932 presidential campaign, the Linn Haven ferried thefuture President and his entourage around Manhattan.

In1948 ownership of the Linn Haven passed to Hollis M. Briggs of Troy,NewYork, who used the vehicle for private excursions. The vehicle wasretired in 1962, and was purchased a decade later by automobilecollector John Rich. The vehicle was recently purchased at Kruse’s Fallauction in Scottsdale, Arizona and currently resides in the Martincollection in Houston Texas. Kruse advertised the vehicle was used byFranklin Delano Roosevelt in 1932, and was used in the production ofShowboat. It has sleeping quarters, a kitchen and a stage on the back.

Aftera reported 5-year restoration the bus sold for $58,000 at Kruse’s 1998Spring auction in Auburn, Indiana. It crossed the block later that yearat Kruse’s Fall Auburn auction where it sold for $81,000. Nine yearslater it made an appearance at Kruse’s 2007 Fall auction in Auburnwhere it was hammered sold at $155,000, purchased by a Houston, Texascollector named Martin.

The firm’s exhibit at the 1925 Morris Fairwas covered inthe October 7, 1925 issue of the Oneonta Star:

“Linn Tractor Lifts Itself

“The Linn tractor makers, whose factory isclosed by theentrance to the grounds, makes as usual a fine exhibit. One of the bignewsix-cylinder machines, weighing 14,000 pounds is within a fencedenclosure andby the use of cables lifts itself by its own engine several feet fromtheground at frequent intervals. It is a spectacular stunt and interestsmany.

“The company has on display one of its bigpowerful motorson chassis but uncovered and its every feature indicates powerabundant. It hastwo new features designed by the Waukesha Motor Company which arenotable. Oneis a device which introduces hot air into the carburetor until theenginebecome heated and the other is to secure anchorage on the block abovethecompression chamber with which guards against the ganger ofdisplacementsometimes encountered with high power motors.

“There is also shown one of the latestimproved snow plows attached to the big sixcylinder 100 horse power chassis with longer and higher side wingsenabling it to clear the snow from ahighway 18 feet in width.”

Uponits introduction the Waukesha-powered 6-cylinder Linn - which had anadvertised top speed of 7 1/2 mph - was called the‘County & Township Special.’ The Waukesha-powered 4-cylinder modelwas renamed the 'Contractors Special' and the benifits of itsshuttleshift (4gears forward - 4in reverse) and 360 degree pivoting driver's seat highlighted inpromotiional materials.

The ‘Dexter News’ column of the February 16,1926, issue of the Kennebec Journal (Augusta, Maine) reported on a Linnthat had recently arrived for a demonstration in the home territory ofits chief competitor, Lombard:

“The Linn Tractor arrived Monday fromMorris, N.Y., and willbe used at once for road breaking, a snow storm coming for the purposeof thedemonstration. Oniel Stedman, of Morris, N.Y., a former employee of Fay&Scotts, arrived to demonstrate the ability of the tractor as a roadbreaker.”

The ‘Latest from Otego” column in the March6, 1926 issue of the Oneonta Star revealed the Town ahd just purchaseda Linn:

“Buys Linn Tractor

“Leon Gardner, highway superintendent, wasin Morris thefirst of the week and brought back the new Linn tractor which has beenpurchased for the town.”

The ‘Town News” column of the March 8, 1926issue of the Oneonta Star reported on a planned demonstration of aChampion-equipped Linn:

“At the meeting of the town board of thetown of Maryland…H.E. Whiteside of Oneonta, a representative of the Good Roads MachineryCompany of Marathon, requested consent of the board to demonstrate asnowplowwhich is designed by the Linn tractor people and manufactured by theG.R.Machinery Company at Marathon. This snow plow, which is known as theLinn snowplow, is used in conjunction with the Linn tractor, which is in servicein thistown at the present time.”

Linnpresident, George B. Hanks, made a presentation before the OneontaRotary Club on March 25, 1926, which was covered in the next day'sOneonta Star:

“The Linn Tractor

“Rotarians Hear of Capabilities of MachineManufactured atMorris and See Movies of it at Work

“G.B. Hanks of New York City, president ofthe LinnManufacturing Corporation of Morris, was the speaker at the Rotaryluncheonyesterday noon at the Elks club and after speaking briefly of thecharacteristics of the Linn tractor, moving pictures were shown ofseveral ofthose machines hard at work on a construction job. The meeting was aninstructive one and a number of interesting facts were brought out byMr. Hanksin his address and through the pictures.

“In his talk, he said that H.H. Linn haddesigned thetractor, not only for heaving hauling, but for heavy hauling undersevereconditions and said that he was confident that Mr. Linn had had thegreatestexperience in this line of any automotive engineer. Mr. Hanksemphasized thatthe tractor was not built to sell and that the constructional detailswere notchanged to reduce sales resistance: rather that the company built themfrom theexperience of Mr. Linn, confident that greatest satisfaction wouldresult fromthat course.

“He emphasized the fact that the tractormust not only havea powerful motor, but must be able to place a large part of it upon theground,where it would be of service. He remarked upon the importance of thetread ofthe Linn tractor, 3,500 pounds of manganese steel being used in thedrivingparts of every machine.

“The pictures shown were taken by theTaylorWharton Iron and Steel company of High Bridge, N.J., which suppliesthis material,and depicted Linn tractors at work, hauling a load of 65,000 ponds inonescene and in another two steel girders, 76 feet long.

“In another part of the picture two Linnmachines were shown hauling a load of 60 tons, the burden being carried19 miles overrough, muddy, and winding highway.”

The April 2, 1926 issue of the Oneonta Starreported on another impassable road reopened by a snowplow-equippedLinn:

“Mt. Vision-Hartwick Road Open

“The highway from Mt. Vision to Hartwickwasopened on Tuesday. A large snowplow was attached to a Linn tractorowned by thetown of Laurens. The work was done through the efforts of the recentlyorganized Otego Valley Auto club.”

The 'DelawareCounty News' column of the April 23,1926 issue of the Oneonta Star reveals the town of Bovina (an earlyLinn tractor purchaser) were still using their now 7-year-old Linn:

“Driving Linn Tractor

“M.R. Lyon west to Bovina Center Tuesday,where he has employment with the highway superintendent of the town ofBovina,driving a Linn tractor for the summer.”

The Dexter News column of the April 29, 1926issue of the Daily Kennebec Journal (Augusta, Maine) reported on ahighway that had been passable through the use of a Linn:

“The Linn tractor has opened the roadbetween this town and Dover-Foxcroft, much to the satisfaction of manybusiness men who makethe trip through here weekly.

“The road was said to be in very goodcondition Tuesday, but it is expected that as soon as the frost startsthere may be a fewplaces that will worry the motorist, but on the whole it is consideredthat theroad will be passable and will drain in a few days now that the driftsarecleared from the roadway.”

TheJune 28, 1926 issue of the Oneonta Star annoucned that H.H. Linn andhis entourage were making a tour of Maine and Quebec where they hopedto establish additional Linn distributors:

“To Tour Maine and Canada

“Messrs. Linn and Gage with Wives LeavingToday for Six Weeks in Pullman Bus.

“Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Linn and Mr. and Mrs.C.E. Gage, all ofMorris, leave that village today in the sumptuous Pullman but which Mr.Linndesigned and had built according to his specifications and costing some$17,000and in which the two couples toured through the south to Florida lastwinter,and have as their objective cities in Maine and thence to Canada, whereatvarious places it is planned to establish agencies for the Linntractor. Theyplan to be gone about six weeks and with the Pullman of the highwaysequippedwith every convenience they will occupy it much of the time during thetrip,stopping at hotels only when they find it more convenient or desirable.

“The Linn tractor has many uses but itevershines morebrightly than when in use in big lumbering operations where thetraveling ispoor and there are big logs to handle. Many of them are now in use bysome ofthe big lumbering firms in both Maine and Canada, but Mr. Linn isconfidentthat this branch of the business can be largely increased and it isunderstoodto be his plan to establish agencies at certain central points so thatthebusiness can be more expeditiously and satisfactorily cared for.

“The big Pullman with its 125 horse powermotor and everyequipment from electric lights to lavatories and to a complete radioreceivingset has been put into first class condition for the trip and with itslarderwell stocked the members of the party are anticipating much pleasure aswell asa successful trip from a business standpoint.”

TheAugust 12, 1926 issue of the DailyKennebec Journal (Augusta, Maine) reveals that the Linn company plannedon investing in a Bangor to Portland (ME) to Boston (MA) air service:

“The Maine Aerial Service Inc. whichoperates an aviationschool at Bangor, and which contemplates the establishment of an airservicebetween Bangor, Portland and Boston will probably add three newairplanes to itssquadron soon. This was the report of Lieut. Fred W. Rowell, secretaryandtreasurer of the company who stopped in Portland while on his way fromMitchellField to Bangor. Lieut. Rowell was assured by the Linn Tractor CompanyofMorris, N.Y. that they would buy three planes for the Bangor company,as theyhave expressed much interest in the enterprise.”

TheOctober 22, 1926 issue of the Oneonta Star reported that Mussen'sLimited, Linn's Canadian distributor, had delivered a reported 30 Linntractors to Canadian logging and mining operators:

“Linn Tractors In Snow

“Mussen of Montreal Uses About 30 TractorsMade In Morris for Logging

“B. Taylor, representing Mussen ofMontreal,Canada, passed through Oneonta last evening on his way from Morris tothat city,having visited Morris to be certain that three tractors ordered by thatfirmwould be shipped at once for use in Canadian logging operations thiswinter. TheMussen firm has nearly 30 Linn tractors in use in its Canadianoperations andhas found no other hauling equipment that will do the work.

“The three tractors mentioned are to beshipped from Morris Monday so that they will reach Montreal and Quebecas soon as possible.They are to be used on northern logging operations, the last boat totheisland being made November 16. And it frequently happens that the boatscannot make the last scheduled dates. The island is completely isolatedduring thewinter and until the next April, giving an idea of the conditions underwhichthe Linn tractors are performing very satisfactorily.”

“The Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Couseda Linn logging train to carry supplies on the ice of Hudson Bay to Ft.Churchill. Herethe caboose served as the actual sleeping quarters for the crew.”

After a half-decade at Linn Mfg.'s helm,GeorgeB. Hanks, realized further capital would be needed to successfullycompete against its competitors, such as F.W.D. and Walter, which weregrowing in popularity yearafter year. Inquiries were made and Alma, Michigan's RepublicMotor TruckCorp. seemed eager to get into the 'crawler business'. In addition tofresh capital the acquisition provided access toRepublic'swell-established world-wide dealer network which included12 factorybranches, 105 direct USdistributorsand 49 overseas agents in 25 foreign countries

Republic's $1,250,000 all-cash offer wasaccepted by the Hanks-controlled Linn Mfg. Corp. board on August 9,1927 and thenews was released to the trade via the August 13, 1927 issue of TheAutomobile /Automotive Industries:

“Republic Purchases Linn Tractor Plant

“ALMA, MICH., Aug. 9 –Republic Motor TruckCo., Inc., haspurchased the entire capital stock of the Linn Mfg. Corp., Morris, N.Y.,tractor manufacturer, and is now the sole owner of that company,including itsplant, equipment, goodwill and exclusive selling rights. The operationof theLinn company will be continued at Morris as a division of Republic. Thepresentpersonnel also will be maintained. Announcement of the purchase wasmade inChicago by O. W. Hayes, president of Republic, following a meeting intheoffices of M. Rothschild, chairman of the Republic board.

“The Linn Mfg. Corp. has been building aspecial type oftractor since 1916. The Linn tractor is a heavy hauling machine,equipped witheither a 75 hp, or 100 hp. engine. It resembles a heavy motor truckexcept thatrevolving tracks take the place of rear wheels. The motor and frontwheels areidentical with those of any heavy duty truck.”

TheSeptember 17, 1927 issue of The Automobile /Automotive Industries reported that Republic planned on offering a newissue of $1,250,000 ten-year 6 ½ per cent bonds to finance theacquisition:

“Republic Issues Bonds to Expand Linn Sales

“NEW YORK, Sept. 18 – Nationaldistributionof Linn tractors is contemplated by Republic Motor Truck Co., Inc.,which has justannounced a new issue of $1,250,000 ten-year 6 ½ per cent collateraltrust sinkingfund gold debentures in connection with the purchase of all the issuedandoutstanding capital stock of the Linn Mfg. Corp. of Morris. N. Y.

“Sale of Linn tractors has hitherto beenabout 90 per cent confined to New York State. In view of theconsolidation, distributionwill be effected through 12 factory branches , 105 direct factorydistributorsin the United States, and 49 in 25 foreign countries, in addition todealersappointed by distributors.

“Debentures are priced at 95% andinterest,to yield over 6% per cent. Nondetachable stock purchase warrants areattached to each$1,000 debenture, entitling the holder to purchase common stock invaryingamounts up to June 30, 1930, at prices from $5 to $7.50 per share.”

The October 15, 1927 issue of AutomotiveIndustries reported that Linn would retain its current salesorganization within New York state:

“Outlines Linn Sales Plan

ALMA, MICH., Oct. 12-Distribution of theLinn tractor line, recently acquired by the Republic Motor Truck Co.,will be through theregular Republic dealer organization, except for New York State, wherethe Linncompany developed an extensive selling group which will continue tofunction.The Linn company will continue manufacturing operations at Morris, N.Y., as adivision of Republic and the present personnel will continue, accordingto O. W.Hayes, president of Republic.”

UnderRepublic, Linn continued to relay their latest sales propoganda toOtsego County residents as evidenced by the following item in theDecember 22, 1927 issue of the Oneonta Star:

“Linn Tractors Do The Job

“Move Fifteen Ton Boulder Down AndesMountain to Foundation

“The much talked about boulder is at restonits foundationat Andes and was brought down the mountain in just a little less than aweekand placed. The work of getting it loaded was the longest process asthedrawing of it took only about four hours, it being drawn by the twolarge Linntractors belonging to the town of Andes. Harry Larkin, townsuperintendent ofhighways, did the job, assisted by Andrew Coulter and they are to becomplimented on their work as there were several here to look the jobover andmost of them were afraid to tackle it by contract. There were noaccidents ortrouble of any kind and these men will now be in line to move anythingthat isloose so if you are thinking of moving anything smaller than amountain, seethese men before doing so.”

H.H.Linn retained an executive position in the Republic-controlled Linnorganization (as a vice-president) and, based on the following article,is believed to be an active participant in the organization, theJanuary 29, 1928 issueof the Billings Gazette (MT) reporting:

“Factory Head Makes Western Tour in BusBuilt Like Pullman,

“When H.H. Linn recently decided to make atrip from his homeat Morris, N. Y., to the west coast he didn't pick up a time table andfind outwhen the next westbound train left. He merely called in his chauffeurand told himto oil and grease his private car - a de luxe bus which is literally ahighwayPullman.

“This private bus is luxuriously equippedwith all theconveniences of transcontinental trains, and Mr. Linn has found it muchmore tohis liking for long distance traveling than railroads. Two comfortabledouble beds of the folding variety providesleeping accommodations for Mr. and Mrs. Linn, as well as for thechauffeur andhis wife. Electric power is furnished by a generator for lights, aswell as foran efficient refrigerating plant, electric fan, electric heater—andalso for aneight-tube radio which keeps the travelers In touch with affairs backeast. Aminiature bathroom, including shower, bath completes the homelikecomforts.Comfortable reclining chairs afford relaxation against travel fatigue.

“The rear end of the bus is equipped foroffice work, withdesk, typewriter and files, here Mr. Linn conducts his business eachday,maintaining constant touch with his home office.

“Mr. Linn is vice president of the LinnManufacturingcorporation, at Morris, N. Y., manufacturers of Linn tractors. The Linncompanywas recently acquired by the Republic Motor Truck company, Inc., ofAlma.Mich., and is now a division of that company. Mr. Linn is making a tourof thewest in the interests of his company. He is the original designer andInventorof the Linn tractor, which combines the outstanding features of thetractorwith those of the heavy-duty truck.

“Republic-Linn factory branches arelocatedon the westcoast at Los Angeles, San Francisco and Portland, and Mr. Linn iscalling oneach of these branches during his tour. He left New York State inNovember, 1927,stopping at Indianapolis, St. Louis, Tulsa, El Paso, and Phoenix.

“Mr. Linn is an ardent advocate of modemmethods oftransportation. In addition to his private bus, he operates twospecially builtautomobiles, and also personally flies a Stinson-Detroiter airplaneequippedwith a Wright whirlwind engine.”

The Linn was mentioned in Lewis C. Dibble’scolumn, ‘DibbleGabble’ in the April 19, 1928 issue of Motor Age:

“The way two Linn tractors performed inupper Michigan,recently, in clearing the roads of veritable mountains of snow isgiving O.E.Hayes, president of Republic Truck, a great deal of satisfaction.”

Coincidingwith the sale to Republic, Linn entered into an arrangementwith the Frink Snow Plow Co. of Clayton, NewYork to supply the tractormanufacturer with specially-designed snowplows. Upuntil that time Frink's plow used asingle, full-height, non-elevating wing on the driver's side forpushing the snow farther back along the tractor. For the Linn, Frinkdeveloped abi-lateral wing set-up which was controlled by as many as threeoperators riding in the Linn'sequipment bed which was equipped with three steering wheels, one foreand two aft. The front-mounted wheelat the center operated a baffle plate which rode along the roadway justbeneath thecentral-V-blade; the left and right steering wheels at the rearcontrolled the angleand elevation of the 12-foot long, two foot high side blades.

Shortlythereafter the steerable baffle plate (and its operator) wasabandoned, the plate becoming a permanent part of the V-plowassembly. With the plow priced at $1,550 a fully equipped 1929Linn-Frink snow plow was priced between $8,500 and$10,500, f.o.b. Morris, N.Y.

Frink's main competitor was the Sargent, ahydraulic V-plow with bi-lateral wings manufactured by the Maine SteelProductsCo. of South Portland, Maine. Priced at $2,090 complete, the larger andheavier Sargent was the plow of choice in New England, and theadditional cost could be quickly offset by the savings in manpower asthe Sargent could be run with a single operator - the Frink requiredtwo.

Dwindling sales in their home market forcedLinn's chief competitor, the Lombard Tractor& Truck Co. of Waterville, Maine, to seek a buyer in late 1928. Inan ironic twist of fate (Lombard being the very same firm that onceemployed H.H. Linn as asalesman), Linn Mfg. purchased Lombard's good will and assets from H.J.Charles, Lombard'scurrent owner, the December 20,1928 issue of American Machinistreporting:

“The Lombard Tractor& Truck Corporation of Waterville, Me., had merged with the LinnManufacturing Co., Morris, N.Y. Officers have been elected as follows:President, G.R. Hanks, who is also vice-president of Taylor-WhartonIron and Steel Co., N.J.; vice-president, George Whitman; treasurer,H.J. Charles, Waterville, Me.; secretary Lincoln Johnson, New York. Theboard ofdirectors consists of: J.A. Bowers, vice-president, New York Trust Co.;W.F.McQuire, formerly of the Wayne Pump Co., New York; C.H. Jones, GeorgeWhiteman, JohnWare, G.R. Hanks, D.E. Stalter, and S.T. Callaway.”

Following the acquisition Linn’sofficers were as follows: G.R.Hanks, president (also v-pres.of Taylor Wharton Iron & Steel Co.); George Whitman,vice-president; H.J. Charles, treasurer (former pres. of Lombard); andLincoln Johnson, treasurer.

Shortly thereafter Republic merged with theAmerican-LaFrance Foamite Corp., forming the LaFrance-Republic Corp.,the 'News of the Industry' column of the April 13,1929 issue ofAutomotive Industries reporting:

“Truck Firms Unite

“American-LaFrance and Republic Merged

“The boards of directors of the RepublicMotor Truck Co., Inc. Alma, Mich., and the commercial truck division ofthe American-LaFrance & Foamite Corp. have approved an agreementconsolidating these two companies, it was annoucned yesterday.

“This agreement is subject to ratificationby the stockholders at a special meeting called for May 15.

“The consolidation of these companies,whichalso includes the Linn Manufacturing Corp., of Morris, N.Y., a RepublicTruck subsidiary, brings together two of the oldest and best-knowntruck companies in the industry.

“The consolidated company will be know asthe LaFrance-Republic Corp. Charles B. Rose, president ofAmerican-LaFrance & Foamite Corp. will be president.”

Automotive Industries 'News of the Industry'column of May 25, 1929 annnounced the completed merger to the trade:

“Republic- LaFrance Combine Completed;Products of NewCompanies Cover Entire Motor Truck Field

“Detroit, May 22 -The consolidation of theRepublic MotorTruck Co., Inc., and its wholly owned subsidiary, the Linn Mfg. Corp.with thecommercial truck division of the American-LaFrance and Foamite Corp.,wascompleted a few days ago at a meeting held in the law office of Clark,Klein, Ferris,Cook & Williams, Detroit, and hereafter the new corporation will beknownas the LaFrance-Republic Corp.

“The sales subsidiary will be known as theLaFrance-RepublicSales Corp. Preliminary details of this merger were announced inAutomotiveIndustries, April 13.

“The combined facilities of the newcorporation make one ofthe strongest companies in the motor truck and tractor field. It hasmanybranches throughout the country and a large number of distributors,bothdomestic and export. The line of heavy trucks manufactured byAmerican-LaFrance and the lighter Republic vehicles gives the new companycoverage overthe entire motor truck field.

“The balance sheet shows a ratio ofcurrentassets andliabilities of seven to one. The officers are: Joseph A. Bower,chairman of theboard; Charles B. Rose, president; George R. Hanks, Franklin T. Pierce,OrleyM. Canter and Thomas M. House, vice-presidents; Glenn S. Crisp,secretary, andRalph W. Stark, treasurer.”

As the corporate structure presented aboveindicates, H.H. Linn was effectively stripped of his management dutiesat Linn's Morris plant, and he took the opportunity to start anotherbusiness.

The Linn Trailer Corporation was organized inlate 1929 and capitalized at$100,000 – The officers of the firm were: H.H. Linn, president; E.W.Wheeler, vice-president ; C.J. Smith, treasurer, and H.W. Naylor,secretary.

All four men had been either investors in oremployees of the Linn Mfg. Co.Originally from Boston, Edward William Wheeler had served as LinnManufacturing’s chief engineer and purchasing agent. C.J. Smith wascashier of the First National Bank of Morris (N.Y.) and Howard WingNaylor was the founder of the H.W. Naylor Co., a veterinarypharmaceutical manufacturer which is still in business today at attorney D.J. Kilkenny served as the new firm’s attorney.

The firm's product was an innovative one-wheeledautomobiletrailer that Linn had seen on a recent trip to France. It was currentlybeing manufactured by a French manufacturer*, and Linn acquired alicense to manufacture the trailer in the United States.

(*I was unable to locate the name of the Frenchfirm, the most likelycandidate was Chaigneau, a bicycle manufacturer who is known to havemanufactured single-wheeled trailers in Suresnes, a western suburb ofParis.)

William W. Capron., the Secretary of Oneonta’sChamber of Commerce was alsogiven credit for bringing the Linn Trailer Corporation to Oneonta. TheJune 30 1929 Oneonta Daily Star reported:

“A fund is beingrailed by the Chamber of Commerce to purchase a site for the proposedLinn Trailer factory.”

Linn applied for a US patent for his trailer onSeptember, 10, 1930 and onJuly 31, 1934 was awarded Patent No.1968046 for his one-wheeledtrailer, which he dubbed the "U-Can-Back" auto trailer. Advertisingstated that the “New Linn Trailer … Backs Correctly With the Car.”Literature stated that the trailer had a weight capacity of 800 pounds,a remarkable amount considering its small size and single tire.

The November 30, 1929 Oneonta Daily Starannounced that:“Work has beencompleted on construction of the Linn Trailer factory at West End” Thearticle went on to state that the modern 50 x 150 ft steel and brickstructure had been built by local contractors and included “individualmotors for all machines”. The article also stated that due to localinterest a further $25,000 in stock was being made available to localinvestors.

The April-13-1930 issue of the Daily Star stated:

“The finalapproval of specifications for the mass production trailer which is tobe built at the West End plant of the Linn Trailer company is now beinggiven and it is expected that within a few weeks the factory will beestablished on a definite schedule.”

Theoutward appearance of the Linn changed little during its two decades ofproduction save for the subsititution of cast steel wheels for theoriginally wooden-spoked rims - heavy duty Linns were equipped withtwo-piece steel rims and baloon tires somtime in the late 1920s.However notable inprovements were made under the skin, particularly inregards to power, speed and carrying capacity.Linn's distinctive, yetantiquated all-wood cab was remain the sole offering until 1939 when anall-metalcab, supplied by the Orrville Metal Specialty Co. ofOrrville, Ohio, was offered as a n ectra-cost option.

One welcome change was the reversingtransmission which allowed anoperator to run the Linn in reverse from a running-board mounted seat -using the same gears forward as back - which somewhat compensated forits ungainly 30-foot turning radius. Another time saver was theintroduction of the self-dumping tailgate which was offered as standardequipment on Linn 5-yd dump bodies.

In 1930 Linn Mfg. Corp.built a one-offpurpose-built tractor-trailer to deliver Linn tractors, called theLinn Transporter. Constructed of mostly off-the shelf Linn components,the mostly conventional tow vehicle featured a heavy dutyMeade-Morrison Winch mounted atthe rear of the extra-wide cab which included a sleeping compartmentthat extended over the winch. behind the winch was a massive fifthwheel to which was attahced a drop-frame gooseneck trailer manufacturedby Oneonta's Linn Trailer Corp. Equipped with bi-lateral 50-gal. fueltanks, the Transporter could cruise at a reported 40 mph whenloaded up with a trailer and a new Linn tractor. The original6-cylinder Wauksha was replaced by a Cummins Diesel powerplant in 1935.Rene Elliot reports that the Transporter was retired in 1936 and soldit to the Musson Bros., an Otsego county tree surgeon, who equipped itwith an articulated boom cherry-picker boom.

The June4, 1930 issue of the Oneonta Star reports that Linn salesmen weretreated to airplane rides on H.H. Linn's Stinson bi-plane whileattending a sales conference at the factory:

“Linn Tractor Salesmen Enjoy AirplaneFlights

“Pilot Carlton J. Hinman has been busy thepast two or threedays with the Stinson planes of H.H. Linn of Morris, meeting salesmenof theLinn tractor company of that village arriving to attend a salesconferencewhich was held Monday and Tuesday. One party was met by plane atAlbany, andyesterday afternoon Mr. Hinman flew to Morris in Mr. Linns’ cabinbiplane andreturned to Oneonta with his monoplane, leaving the biplane at the Linnfieldin Morris.

“A number of the guests availed themselvesof the invitationextended by Mr. Linn to enjoy a flight from the local airport.”

Inthe following month H.H. Linn took his bi-plane on a business trip toMain, the July 17, 1930 issue of the Oneonta Star reporting:

“Linn Makes Flying Trip to Maine ToInspectTractors

“Harry H. Linn of the Linn TrailerCorporation and the LinnManufacturing Corporation at Morris, hopped off from the Morris airportyesterday afternoon aboard his Stinson bi-plane, on a non-stop flighttoMorridgewock, Maine. Carlton J. Hinman of the Oneonta airport was thepilot andthey hoped to reach their destination before sundown.

“Mr. Linn made the trip for the purpose ofinspecting afleet of Linn tractors, having 14 tractors engaged on one job. Mr. Linnafterinspecting the tractors will return and hoped when he departed to beable toreturn late today or tomorrow at the latest.”

Fora number of years Linn tractors had equipped their rear-dump bodieswith hoists manufactured by Gar Wood's St. Paul Hydraulic Hoist Co.,the October 13, 1930 issue of the Oneonta Star covered a recentbusiness trip to St. Paul's parent company's Pittsburgh factory salesbranch:

“At Pittsburgh Mr. Linn conferred withofficials of the WoodHydraulic Hoist company who are building a heavy duty hoist for theLinntractor and with several large tractor users, and the return to Morriswas madeuneventfully yesterday.”

A subsequent trip was made to Wood's Detroitheadquarters, the November 5, 1930 issue of the Oneonta Star reporting:

“One Hop From Detroit

“H.H. Linn returned yesterday afternoonfromDetroit, Mich.,where he had been on a short business trip for the Linn Tractor CompanyatMorris with the Wood Hydraulic Hoist company, who are now developing anewheavy duty hoist.

“With Carlton J. Hinman as his pilot, andflying his Stinsonmonoplane, the trip was made to Detroit Monday and the return trip wasmade inone hop, requiring only five hours and a half.”

TheJuly 19, 1930 issue of Automotive Industries reported that A.W. Nelson,Linn's west coast representative would be traveling to Russia:

“Nelson Goes To Russia

“A.W. Nelson, western representative oftheLinnManufacturing Co., division of LaFrance-Republic, is being sent toRussia forfour months by his company. He will be attached to Amtorg Trading Corp.andwill advise Russian engineers on maintenance and operations of Linntractortrucks on various construction jobs.”

The January 27, 1931issue of the Oneonta Star records that the Otsego county Town ofWestford had purchased a new Linn snow plow outfit:

“Town Buys Snow Plow

“John Lynes of the town board and RoadCommissioner MartinPickard were in Morris last week where they purchased of the LinnTractor company a snow plow to be used on Westford roads.”

American-LaFrance's takeover of Republiccoincidedwith a period of ill-health for H.H. Linn. Recently diagnosed withdiabetes, Linnembarking on a30-month sabatical where he traveled across the United Statesand Canada in the 'Linn Haven'. By 1931 he had grown bored oftravelling and returned home to oversee the activities of his trailercompany. He also returned to work at the tractor company serving asspokesman and consulting engineer.

Approximately two-thirds of the 2,500Linn tractors built between 1917 and 1935 were sold for highwaymaintenance or construction. Justas sales of Linn tractors to municipalities plummetted following theonsetof the Depression, sales to contractors engaged in Federal projectsincreased as a direct result of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's'New Deal' Public Works Administration. Between 1933 and 1936 severalhundredLinntractors were purchased by contractors engaged in projects overseen bythe Army Corps of Engineers, U. S. Bureau ofPublicRoads and Tennessee Valley Authority. Some of the larger projectincluded theconstruction of the Bonneville, Chickamauga and Grand Coulee Dams.MississippiRiver levees and the trans-Alaskan Canadian Oil (Canol) pipeline.

The August 1932 issue of The Timbermanreported on a recent sale of Linn tractors in the Dakotas:

“Homestead Mining Company Standardizes OnLinn Tractors For Logging Service

“On the long haul over rough roads in thepine country, Linntractors asks no favors. Homestake Mining Co., of Nemo, South Dakota,which ownsa billion feet of Ponderosa pine in the Black Hills, used for miningpurposesand sale to the trade, has found the Linn one of the best investmentsever madefor long distance transportation of logs. The first unit was purchasedin 1928.The following year another unit was purchased together with fourLinn-Wheelerwagons. In the pine centers of the Inland Empire and along the road ofsouthernOregon the Linn tractor is increasing its list of users.”

Bythe early 1930s Frink-equipped Walter Motor Truck Co. had become thesnowplow of choice in the Northeast, even Gould & Bridges, Morris,New York's Linndistributor had taken on a Walter franchise. By this time Linnwas offering a Sargent hydraulic Hi-Wing snow plow outfit, manufacturedby the Maine Steel Products Co. of South Portland, ME, an article in a1932 issue of Road and Streets reporting:

“New Linn-Sargent Hi-Wing Plow

“The LinnManufacturing Corporation, Morris, N.Y., has announced a new Sargent hydraulically operated snow plowdesignedespecially for use with the Linn, to enable the Linn to apply itsmassive powerfor snow removal. Three levers lift the V and control the wings andboth endsof the wing push arms. The power comes from a hydraulic pump mounted onthepower take-off of the tractor. The wings may be kept flat for planingor slopedup for setting back the banks. Whatever their position at the top ofthe lift,they are always flat when on the ground. They can also be folded in outoftraffic or lifted so high that an automobile can pass under them.

“There is no piping between the tractorandthe plow. Theplow and wings can be demounted by pulling ten separate pins. TheSargentSuper-suction cutter bars, which are patented, enable the plow to cutclean,and the shape of the V makes it "lift" the snow and penetratewith maximum ease. The hook-up is so designed that the plow cannot'jack-knife.' The big hydraulic jacks are powerful enough to lift thewingsagainst snow without stopping the tractor, so that the wing man cankeep thewing and nose in constant balance when plowing side banks of varyingheights.”

The July 15, 1933 issue of the Oneonta Starreported on H.H. Linn's recent trip to oversee a tractor demonstrationin Jeffries, Mississippi:

“H.H. Linn of the Linn Tractor Corporationflew to Jeffries,Miss., where for several days he will demonstrate the power andadaptability ofthe Linn tractor to the construction of levees along the MississippiRiver.”

The December 14, 1933 issue of the DailyInter Lake(Kalispell, Montana) reveals Linn tractors were used in Montana loggingoperations:

“Linn Tractors Are Being Prepared ForWinterWork

“The Linn tractors used by Mr. Kelly,logging contractor forS. Somers Lumber company have been brought in from Dayton, where theywere inoperation during the summer, and are being requisitioned for winterwork in thetown of Marion, where Mr. Kelly has been logging recently.

“The Linns have a caterpillar drive andhaul1500 feet at aload, or as much as an ordinary freight car. These immense loads aremadepossible by the use of trailers in summer or sleds in winter, in winterthefront wheels are replaced with runners for operation in snow.

“Mr. Kelley expects to run the trailers intwo eight-hourshifts per day. The logs will be taken to Marion, where they will beloaded oncars on the Marion branch of the Great Northern.

“The caterpillar drive gives the Linngreattraction underalmost any road conditions, and it is said that they operated with easeonroads where a two-wheel drive truck would bog down.”

By 1934 Cummins' Diesel-equipped Linns(introduced in 1933) were making gains on their gasoline-enginedbretheren thanks to articles like the following that Cummins placed inthe trades such as the following which appeared in Diesel Power:

“A common belief exists that a Dieseltruckengine is a hardstarter. But this is not true. It has been found that a well-adjustedmotorplus a good battery makes starting as easy as with any gas engine. Toillustrate: On one test a Cummins Diesel-powered snow plow manufacturedby theLinnTractor Company was left out overnight in subzero weather. Thefollowingmorning the engine responded to the starter instantly. The engine didnotemploy any electrical heating elements.”

In the Fall of 1934 Manitoba's God's LakeGold Mines Ltd. made an addition to their existing fleet of Linns, theOctober 29, 1934 Winnipeg Tribune (Winnipeg,Manitoba) reporting:

“Big Freighting Job

“Gods Lake Gold will have a big freightingjob on its handsthis winter. Some 5,000 tons will be taken in over the tractor road,and thetractor fleet will be increased from four to seven Linn tractors.

“The company will spend some $750,000 thiswinter and springin its freighting and various phases of development.”

In a 1977 conversation with historian RobertC. Ackerson, Carl Smith, a longtime member of the Linn Mfg. salesforce, recalled a 1935 incident that made him realize the days of theLinn tractor wer numbered. Smith had accompanied the Morris Linnagent, Percy Gould, toWindsor, New York where he hoped to sell some tractors to somecontractors constructing an earthen dam across theChenango River. They were joined by Linn Mfg.'s chief productdemonstrator, Rupert ‘Dynamite’ Hunt, at the construction site.Smith recalled the scene as follows:

“‘Dynamite’ and his tractor were down inthecreek bed and he wasn’t doing very much… that’s when I first saw thosegreat LaTourneau tractors with their giant tires. They were scooping up dirtall overthe place and dumping their loads as fast as their wheels could turn.All thistime Dynamite was sitting in the creek bed doing nothing except movinganoccasional load of mud… I could visualize then that the Linn Companywas going tolose out...”

And lose out they did, as Gould exitedthe meeting with the contractors he called out to Hunt:

“’Dynamite’ take that tractor out ofthere,lock it up and get my car. We’re going home.”

Despite several years of increased sales dueto President Roosevelt'sestablishment of the Public Works Administration, increased competitionfrom higher capacityearthmoving equipment manufactured byLa Tourneau andEuclid eventually brought Linn's contractor sales to a standstill. Inthesnow removal field competition was just as fierce and one municipalityafter another were trading in their Linns on four wheel drive equipmentmanufactured by Walter and FWD.

In 1933 a redesigned (or moreappropriately redesignated) Linn lineup - Model A, Model B andModel T - was introduced. The Model A was the same 10-toncapacity tractor Linn had been manufacturing for almost twodecades - albeit with more powerful engines supplied by Hercules andCummins.

The Model B, or "L-37"as it was later designated, was a 20-ton capacity tractor which setupon anall-new heavy-duty frame specifically designed for the mining andconstruction industry. The Model B Linn cameequipped with a forged I-beam front axle with two-piece cast rims and9.75 x 20-inch 12-ply balloon tires. Also included was a 15 inchclutch, heavy duty four-or five-speed transmissions (which held 14.5quarts ofoil) and a double reduction rear axle at the rear of the bogie.

The Model T Linns were military variants ofthe Model B constructed in the hopes ofwinning potentially lucrative government contracts.

In June of 1933 the US Army evaluated a V-12equipped Model T Linnfor use as a cross-country heavy equipment transporter at its Aberdeen,Marylandproving grounds. Weighing in at 18,230 pounds, the purpose-built Linnwas fittedwith American-LaFrance’s 240-hp 754 cu. in. V-12 engine, which provideda pullingcapacity of 8 1/2 tons (with a drawbar), or a combined carryingcapacity of 81/2 tons while pulling an additional 7 1/2 tons.

Late in the year Linn supplied the Army witha second Linn,designated the Model T-3, which shared the same basic specificationsand V-12engine of the earlier model, but featured an enclosed cab, amidship-mounted winch,and a steel cargo body with top bows and tarpaulin.

However, the Linn’s numerous drawbacks,whichincluded an average cross-country speed of only 2 mph (20 mph over thehighway), turning circle of 65feet (unlike a regular crawler the Linn lacked the capacity of brakingthe inside track to assist inturning), and excessive noise caused by unlubricated tracks andun-muffledengine quickly put the T-3 Linns out of contention.

In July of 1934 Linn delivered the T-3’ssuccessor, the T-6,to the Army’s Aberdeen proving grounds for another evaluation. The T-6 featured a redesigned track systemthat allowed it to turn around in only 36 feet, half the diameterneeded by theT-3. The T-6’s extra-wide frame now fully encompassed the trackassembly, whichwas connected via a new 5-speed transmission to the 174-hp 935 cu. in.Herculesengine. The road wheels of the redesigned 14-inch wide tracks (i.e.,the wheelswhich rolled over the track as it lay still against the ground) werefilled bya smaller wheels-on-a-track assembly which moved around its own idlerand rollerassembly just as the outer track did. The re-engineered tracksincreased theT-6’s cross-country speed to 10 mph, although its highway speed wasslightlyreduced (15 mph) when compared to the 1933 Linn T-3. Unfortunately there-engineered tracks were even noisier than its predecessor and despiteitsincreased carrying capacity and maneuverability the government did notapprovethe T-6 for production.

In 1935 Oneonta'sLinn Trailer Co. developed atracked trailer with a 25 ydside-dumping body to be towed behind a standard Linn tractor for theEaston Car & Construction Co. of Easton, Pennsylvania - it wastheonly known sale of such a unit, which was listed in the Linn catalog asthe Model37-T tracked trailer.

The February 17, 1936 issue of theMiddletown Times Herald(Middletown, N.Y.) reported on a new Linn snow fighter that had beenpurchased by the Sullivan county town of Bethel:

“Ride New Snow Plow

“White Lake – A dozen farmers living onoutlying roads along which snowplows previously had been unable to makeprogress came outFriday at midnight and rode for several hours on the body of the newten-ton Linntractor plow which was delivered to Bethel township last Thursday justin timefor the heavy snowstorm. Supervisor John F. Obermeyer accompanied thenew plowon its rounds. It opened farm roads which had not been broken throughallwinter.”

Apparently the Orange County village ofMiddleton had also recently purchased a Linn, the February 29, 1936issue of the Middletown Times Herald(Middletown, N.Y.) reporting:

“Public Works Dept. Tests Snow Tractor

“Fourteen men, four trucks and a graderwereassigned to snow and ice removal and clearance of catch basins in citystreetstoday by Commissioner Justin P. Gates of the Department of publicWorks.Meanwhile department employees made test runs with the new Linntractor-truck plow inseveral streets in the Randall tract in the South end of town, tofamiliarizethemselves with its operation.

“Tests revealed the apparatus insatisfactory working condition, Commissioner Gates reported. With itsfront V-plow it iscapable of clearing a twelve-foot lane, and with side-wings, atwenty-two footlane.”

Duringthe 1930s Linn took a number of used Linns in on trade, which allowedcash-strapped municipalities to purchase a re-furbished tractor at asubstantial discount. One such unit, equipped with a Frink plowingoutfit was sold to the Monroe County, New York town of Perinton in 1937for $2,950.00, a quarter of the cost of a brand-new Linn-Frink outfit.

For many years H.H Linn had been interestedin private aviation, and owned a small fleet of airplanes that wereused forpromoting his tractor and trailer businesses. By 1928 he had investedin the Maine Aerial Service of Bangor, Maine and foundedthe H.H. LinnAirplane Corp., of Caribou, Maine. He constructed his ownairport inMorris, New York, and at one time or another owned a Travel Air E-4000(bi-plane),a Cessna AW, a Mono Monarch, a Stinson SB1 (biplane) and acustom-orderedStinson M-219 monoplane. When asked about his investments in aviationin 1929 Linn stated:

“"The time is near when our country willbeas mighty on the wings as it is now on the wheels... There’s one greatadventure I find inflying, I can leave home shortly after luncheon, flyto New York, spend2 ½ hours in business and get back home again in time for diner, Iwonderwhat George Washington would say about that?”

H.H. Linn was a passenger in thecustom-built 4-passenger Stinson M-219 monoplane when tragedy struck onJuly 3,1937. The event made thefront page of the July 4, 1937 Syracuse Herald:

“Three Killed As Plane Dives To Fiery Ruin

Arthur Hansen, Foreman for I.B.M., SoleSurvivor With Severe Burns; Capt Stead Is Pilot; Other Victims AreHolman H. Linn and Mrs. DorotheaHansen

“Special Dispatch to The Herald

“Oneonta, July 3. — Three persons died inflames and a fourth wasgravely injured today when a Syracuse-bound airplane crashed and burnedat aprivate landing field owned by Holman H. Linn, 12 miles from here.

“The dead are:

MR LINN, 60, of Morris, Otsego County,founder of the LinnManufacturing Company, trailer manufacturers, and owner of thefour-passengercabin monoplane.

CAPT. GEORGE STEAD. 43, of Norwich, ArmyAir Corps reserve flier andpilot of the plane.

MRS. DOROTHEA HANSEN, 30, of Endicott.

“Mrs. Hanson's husband. Arthur 34, foremanof the assemblydepartment of the International Business Machines Corporation atEndicott, theonly occupant who succeeded in escaping from the blazing plane, wasreported inserious condition at the Mary Bassett Hospital at Cooperstown. Theaccidentoccurred at what is known as Patrick's Hill, when the motor stalledafter theplane had attained an altitude of approximately 300 feet.

“State Police said that Pilot Stead swungthe ship about andstarted to nose down after the motor had stalled. The motor startedagain, andStead resumed his course. The plane struck a tree at the edge of aclearing andcame down in a mass of flames, State police said. The Hansens had beenvisitingMrs. Hansen's father Charles G. Stone, superintendent of the Linnfactory, andhad gone along for a ride when Linn and Stead set out for Syracuse on abriefbusiness trip. State police said that person in the Linn home expressedbeliefthat Linn had intended to come to Syracuse to purchase an automobile.

“The crash occurred at 2:30 o’clockSaturday afternoon. Onlymeager official reports were available for several hours after theaccident.Lieut. J.J. Warner of State Police at Sidney said the first reportreceived bytroopers came in a telephone call from Private Edwin Wheeler of theFourthSignal Corps Field detachment from Mitchell Field. A State policepatrol wasdispatched to the scene over traffic-clogged highways. Meanwhile, theMorrisFire Department was summoned. A water pump truck was unable to reachthe sceneuntil a tractor was used to haul the truck up the hill to the wreckage.Theplane was destroyed by flames. State police were forced to wait severalhoursuntil the wreckage cooled in order to recover the charred bodies of thevictims.

“According to State police, Linn, Steadand Mrs. Hansen weretrapped in the cabin while Hansen apparently leaped from the flamingplane,collapsing after running a few feet. He was picked up by George Wetman,whor*sides near the scene. Wetman placed Hansen in an automobile and droveto thehospital at Cooperstown.

“From the other side of the valley, Mrs.Linn, driving homefrom Morris, saw the takeoff and the crash. ‘I knew immediately whathadhappened,’ she said later, ‘I drove to the field, but there was nothingI coulddo, so I went into the house. Mr. Linn always used an airplane on hisbusinesstrips,’ she added.

“Another eye-witness was Lee Bryant,Oneonta vacuum cleanersalesman, who said he was driving past the field on his way to anappointmentat the Linn home. Bryant found Hansen, the sole survivor, wanderingabout nearthe wrecked and burning plane, and led him off the field.

“‘I saw the plane flying low over theroad,’ Bryant said. ‘Ithought he (the pilot) was doing tricks so I stopped to see the fun. Hestuckthe plane’s nose in the air, then dipped down into a hollow as heapparentlytried to pick up speed.’

“‘His wing tip caught a small tree on theedge of the hilland the place catapulted through the air to the ground 100 feet away.It burstright into flames. I could see them in there but couldn’t do anythingaboutit.’

“Dr. Norman Getman. coroner, permitted theremoval of thebodies to an undertaking establishment in Morris. Meanwhile, statepoliceguarded the burned plane pending the arrival from Buffalo of JohnSomers,Department of Commerce inspector. Somers flew from Buffalo to Sidney,near thecrash scene.

“Linn, a native of Washburn, Me., came toMorris in 1917,and subsequently established his trailer manufacturing business.Several yearsago he constructed a hangar and field on ‘Patrick's Hill’ near his hometofacilitate his use of airplanes in business trips.

“Captain Stead was a widely-known pilot.Heserved in the World War, and as Linn's private pilot had flown the Linnplane to manyparts of the East and Midwest. At the Municipal Airport at Amboy, nearSyracuse, officials said that the Lynn plane had made numerous stopsthere.”

Afterthe funeral, Linn’s widow and theTrailer Company’sboard of directors asked Arthur R. Perkins, the head of the UnadillaTrailerCo. of New Berlin, New York to take over the day-to-day management ofthe Linn Trailer Co. Unfortunately sales of Linn tractors were in asteady decline and little could be done to turn the Morris plantaround. Upon hearing the news, Linn's friend and businesspartner, GeorgeWhiteman, put the situation in perspective:

“The success of the Linn ManufacturingCorporation and Linn tractors as machines was entirely due to theinventive genius and headwork of H.H. Linn. He was the brains and founder of the company.”

Without Linn, who had returned to the Morrisfirm bearinghis name in 1931 as vice-president in charge of engineering, the LinnManufacturing Company continued its downward slide.

Shortlythereafter LinnMfg. Corp. officials hired consulting engineer, Philip W. Sloan, todesign a new model they hoped would save the company. Sloan's solutionwas an innovative vehicle, designated the Linn C-5,that company officials hoped would bridge the gap between the truck andcrawler-tractor. Sloan had been the chief engineer of the Schacht TruckCo. ofCincinnati, Ohio, and many of the components of the C-5 were sourcedfrom the recently shuttered Ohio truck manufacturer.

While theC-5 appeared to be a standard cab-over-engine (COE) truck at the front(albeit with double tires) , thedrive assembly at the back was unique, in that both a half-trackmechanism and a conventional rear axle were fitted. Itfeatured both front wheel and track drivewith a pairof wheels mounted behind the crawler. On hard surfaces it could operateas afront-drive truck. In rough terrain hydraulics raised the rear wheelsand lowered the tracks providing tremendous pulling power on all typesof surfaces.

The new Linn was announced to the trade inthe 1939 issue of Public Works:

“Linn Announces New Type of Haulage Unit

“The Linn Manufacturing Corporation,Morris, New York, has announced a new type of haulage unit, known asthe Model C-S,which can be instantly converted from track to wheel operation, or viceversa, merely by throwing a control lever mounted at the driver'sposition.

“Body capacity is five tons, and thechassis weight, with cab, is 11,500 lbs. The engine is a 6-cylinderHerculesrated at 105 hp. Operating on dual pneumatic tired wheels, the vehiclehas seveninches of road clearance under the traction unit.

“In this position, the drive is on thefront wheels; the traction unit idling, and merely revolving should ithit anobstruction. The load distribution is equal on front and rear wheels,with a maximum speed of 35 m.p.h. When track operation is desired, theoperator merelypushes the control lever and the rear wheels are raised hydraulically.The wheelscan be raised to allow nine inches of road clearance, or they can beallowedto trail or float behind the traction unit.

“In hauling from pits, for example, theC-5 will come up out of the pit unaided with its own load, and on itsowntracks at 12 m.p.h.; and when it reaches good road. It can roll away at35m.p.h. on rubber. In addition, it will do those jobs requiring steadytrackoperation, or others requiring only wheel operation. If hauling is tobe over goodroads for any protracted period, the entire traction unit is readilyremoved andstored.

“Timken roller bearings carry the upperends of the spiral screw shafts and cutless rubber bearings are used atthelower ends of the shafts which are subject to abrading action of thesand and water.

In March of 1939 a prototype Linn C-5 wasdelivered to theUS Army’s Aberdeen, Maryland proving grounds for evaluation as apotential155mm artillery prime mover. Rated for 5-tons carrying capacity, theC-5 waspowered by a 104-hp, 478 cu. in. Hercules inline 6-cylinder engine thatpassedpower to either the front axles or the 18” wide pair of rear tracks viaa Spicer transfercase and Fuller 5-speed transmission. The 17,760 pound Linn C-5 was 94incheswide, 94 inches high and 20 feet long with dual 12-ply 8.25 x 20-in.tiresmounted at all four corners.

The April 22, 1939 issue of AutomotiveIndustries revealed that Linn intended to manufacture the C-5 in afactory located at 1000 Military Avenue, KenwoodStation, Buffalo, New York, that had been recently vacated by theFowler& Union Horse Nail Co.:

“Linn Mfg. Co. to Make Tractors in Buffalo

“The Linn Mfg. Corp., producer of heavyduty tractors, will begin operations in Buffalo, N. Y., in about twomonths.The company, which will move its manufacturing facilities from itspresent locationin Morris, N.Y., has taken over a plant formerly occupied by the Fowler& Union Horse Nail Co. The property consists of 7½ acres and amodern one-storyfactory with 77,000 sq. ft. of floor space.

“In addition to the 40 carloads ofequipment and machinery that it will move to Buffalo from Morris, theLinn Co.will purchase about $100,000 worth of new machinery and equipment.

“The company recently has added to itslineof heavy tractors a tractor-truck which may be used for highway orcross-country operation. The president of the concern is Franklin R.Van Rensselaer.”

The handful of C-5's that hadbeen sold to the public were experiencing their own problems and itsoon became apparent that further testing should have preceededcustomer deliveries. The September 27, 1939 death of Wallace J. Childs,chairman of American-LaFrance (and the C-5's main benefactor) onlyserved to compound the problems, and the Buffalo plant was quicklyabandoned with C-5 production returning to Morris.

A significant number of early C-5 purchaserswere so disatisfied with their 'CaTruks' that Linn tookthem back and refunded their money. These included five C-5 loggingunitspurchased by the U.S.ForestryService for use near Concord, Massachusetts,as well as a road maintenance unit purchased by the Green County, NewYork, Town of Jewett.

Among the main complaints of faileddrivetrain components others complained of the unsettlingfeeling experienced when the rearwheels were replaced by the tracks at speed. The C-5-specific tracksystem enjoyed significantly less grip than a standard Linn L-37 andwhen used on snow thesmaller cleat openings quickly clogged up with snow and ice, causing aloss of traction.

Sloanalso modified the C-5 layout, movingthe motor 18 inches forward to improveweight distribution and reduce heat build-up in the cab. The moveforward resulted in a revised front-end whose louvered nosepiece triedto concealthe re-mounted engine and radiator as best as it could.

Sloan's marginally-revisedLinn C-5 returned to the Aberdeen proving grounds in September of 1940.Unfortunately, it continued to be plagued by its rough ride(even when on wheels), low maximum speed, and the inability totow a 155mm gun, the Army's chief requirement. Consequently nomilitary orders for the C-5 ensued and production of the C-5 was put onhaitusfor the duration of the war, with the total number produced from1939-1947 estimated at fewer than 30 examples.

ErnestLeigh Portner reports that several rotary plows were tried on Linntractors. The 'Snow King', a light railway plow which featured dualoutboardpaddlewheels fed by a central V-blade plow - seen to the right - wasconstructed by the Rotary Snowplow Co. ofMinneapolis, Minnesota. The second, constructed in 1940 by the RomeGrader Co., of Rome, NewYork,featured an articulating rotary blower mounted in front of aV-blade plow. Portner's father, whoheld asnow removal contract with Oneida County, tested the prototype, whichultimately proved unsuccessful due to its slow speed and inability togo through hard-packed snow.

A handful of refurbished Linn L-37-typetractorswould play an important role in the development of the Gradalltelesoping excavator. In 1941 Ray and Koop Ferwerda, principalsof Cleveland, Ohio'sFerwerda-Werba-Ferwerda construction company, commenced construction ofa telesoping boom excavator (considered the very 1st Gradall)using a governmentsurplusdump truck chassis. They continued to improve the design during theWar and in late 1943 commenced construction of a second prototype usingaused Linn tractor as its carrier - the finished product debutingas the Gradall on May 6, 1944.

Threemore secondhand Linn L-37s served ascarriers for the next 3 Gradall prototypes, after which the Ferwerdabrothers sold the rights to manufacture the Gradall to Cleveland'sWarner & Swasey Co. Although Warner & Swasey had tested theGradall on a Linn C-5 CaTruk carrier, its dual-tired axles were toowide for Ohio regulations and they determined that a low-priced Gradallunit - built on a cheap Army surplus truck instead of an expensive LinnC-5 - would be more attractive to potential dealers andcustomers.Consequently the first production Warner & Swasey-builtGradall, theM2400, debuted in 1946, mounted - like most early units - on an Armysurplus 6x6truck.

In late 1944 Linn created a pair oflong-wheelbase Linn L-37tractors which were equipped with a hydraulic platform lifts topped offwith aninflatable rubber cushion that would serve as tow vehicles for disabledB-29bombers. Two Linns were required to lift each B-29 - the pair joinedtogether by detachable braces that kept the tractors operating inunison.Testing commenced on the specially-outfitted Linns at the US Naval AirStationat Patuxent River, Maryland in early 1945, but the end of the warcaused the entireprogram (20 pairs of tractors were reportedly on the books) to becancelled.

During the War a used Linn tractors could bepurchesed for pennies on the dollar, as evidenced by a June 27, 1944classified ad that appeared in the Harrisburg Evening News (Harrisburg,Penn.):

“Tractors For Sale

“3 Linn tractors – 5 cu. yd. dump bodies,St. Paul hoists, 100 h.p. Waukesha motors, Reconditioned caterpillartracks and solidrubber on front, avoiding tire trouble and costly delays. Ready to goto work. Price$2,000, f.o.b. Buffalo, our yard. Charles Rossow Contracting Co., 343WinslowAve, Buffalo, 11, NY.”

AtWar's end the Linn Mfg. Corp. found itself with a handful of returnedC-5 CaTruks and a large parts inventory. Nobody was interested inpurchasing a new C-5, albeit a used one, so some clever minds decidedto rebuild the remaining C-5's into a seemingly all-new model, the C-6.By removing the rear axle and substituting a conventional front end forthe dual-tired front-wheel-drive unit the C-5 became the C-6.

Linn supplied a C-6 to the U.S. Navyfor evaluation, but once again no orders were forthcoming. C-6 saleswere disappointing save for 25 units delivered to the InternationalHoist & Derrick Co. for use in the Russian oil fields. The lastunits were completed in 1948 with an estimated 30 Linn C-6's havingbeen assembled to date.

American-LaFranceclosed down the Linn shops in December of 1949 and its assets wereliquidated at a December 15, 1949 auction. Harold Mills, Linn's formertreasurer, and Maurice Bridges, a partner in Gould & Bridges,Morris' Linnand Walter distributor, boughtthe Linn factory and most ofthe parts and equipment for pennies on the dollar.

Millsand Bridges constructed two final C-6's from parts on hand hwich weresold to the former Seattle, Washington Linn distributor, andmanaged a Linn parts and service facility for most of the next decade,callingit quits in 1959.

In the November 8, 1998 issue of theSchenectady Sunday Gazette (Schenectady, N.Y.) reporter Alan Ginzburgpublished an informative interview with Richmondville, New York Linncollector Charles Bilby:

“Old Workhorse: Slow-moving Linn TractorBoasted Rugged Power

“By Alan Ginsburg, Gazette Reporter © 1998 Schenectady Daily Gazette

“Richmondville - Charlie Bilby primes withgasoline each of the six cylinders of the 170 horsepower engine of the1935 LinnTractor, climbs into the cab and presses the starter button.Theclank and clangof the engine echo throughout the valley, jolting the tractor's ninetons ofiron and steel.

‘That's the greatest thrill, hearing thatengine turn over,’ Bilby says.

“Grasping the iron steering wheel withbothhands, he engages the clutch, shifts into first gear and steps on theaccelerator.The Linn lurches forward as the clattering roller chain turns the track.

“‘You can feel the power when you step onthe gas,’ says Bilby, noting that though the Linn's top speed is onlyabout 8 mph, itsengine produces a powerful surge of energy.

“Yet the Linn ‘half-track,’ as it waslaterdubbed -- with its front wheels and rear bulldozer-like tracks --wasn't made forspeed. It was built for power and strength, for hauling tons rock,marble,road construction materials, and for plowing unpaved rural roads.

“In its heyday, this hybrid truck andtrack-driven machine was the workhorse of the construction industry,used in building dams,in copper mining, in marble quarries and logging. The LinnTractorwas also used on farms -- with up to five plows attached -- to plowfields.

“Flexible track

“The Linn Tractor, says Bilby, was aprecursor of earth movers manufactured by Caterpillar and other firmsthat improved onLinn's traction unit design, with is flexible track system for easytravelover difficult terrain.

“Designed by Holman Harry Linn, who formedthe Linn Manufacturing Co. in 1917 in Morris, Ostego County, the LinnTractorwas custom-built machine with an average retail price of$20,000.Inits early years, the Linn was powered by gasoline. Later modelswereavailable with diesel engines. Linns were equipped with four and sixcylinderWaukesha engines, six cylinder Cummins diesel engines and laterHercules engines.

“While earlier engines would acceleratetheLinn to about 8 mph, the Hercules increased it to 12 mph. Linntransmissionsprovided four speeds both forward and backward.

“‘You could get any type of body youwanted,’ says Bilby, ‘a dump body that could empty from the rear or theside, withmetal-and-wooden boxes that could carry 8 to 15 yards of material.’

“The Linns are about 25 feet long and 7feetwide. Many of the Linns were used in the logging industry, wheresled-typeskis replaced the front wheels in winter and logs loaded in a train oftrailers were pulled by the tractor.

“Standard colors were green and black,withsome available in yellow, red, black and orange. The slogan for LinnTractorswas, ‘Carry a pay-load using but one set of tracks.’

“In 1927, the Republic Motor Truck Corp.,aMichigan-based firm, purchased Linn Manufacturing and continued tooperate it inMorris as a subsidiary while retaining its name.

“During the 1930s and 1940s, the LinnTractor was used in construction of dams, such as the Grand Coulee Damon the ColumbiaRiver in Washington state, for maintenance work on the waterway in thePanamaCanal Zone and in many Tennessee Valley Authority projects. Linns alsowereextensively used in the logging industry in the Adirondacks.

“Lasting impression

“Bilby, a maintenance employee at theStateUniversity of New York College at Cobleskill, says his fascination withthe Linntractor began when he was a youngster watching the machine plow snowalong theback roads of Schoharie County.

“‘I still remember seeing the Linn comingdown the road from a long wayoff, and even after it was out of sight, you could hear the roar of theengine and the clatter of the track,’ he says.

“His father was a ‘wing man’ on a Linn.Huddled against winter's cold winds in a small shed attached to thedump box andoutfitted with a kerosene heater, Bilby's father raised and lowered thewing plowswith control levers. The levers were later modified to operate fromthe cab.

“‘When they were plowing with the wingsout,it stretched about 21 feet wide, the average road was probably narrowerbetweenstone walls,’ Bilby says.

“Cleats were attached to the tracks toprevent sliding on the snow- and ice-covered roads. It took two men twodays tofasten the cleats.

“‘It was quite a sight to see,’ saysBilby,who recalls watching the Linn clear the high snowdrifts. After eachattemptto dislodge deep layers of hard-packed snow with the front-mountedV-plow,the driver would back up and buck against the drift, back and forthuntil awide path opened.

“Never forgetting those early images oftheLinn Tractor in action, Bilby, whose longtime hobby is restoring earlygas-poweredengines, found his first Linn about 11 years ago, a 1924 machineabandoned by atown highway department. He restored it and has taken the Linn toexhibitions of vehicles and machinery of yesteryear.

“Bilby has accumulated a dozen LinnTractors-- built between 1924 to 1946 -- most of them once used by town highwaydepartments in Schoharie and several other nearby counties. He foundthem intown barns, garages, landfills, fields, in various stages of rust andcorrosion. He restored the engines on a few and replaced parts andadjusted thetracks so they would operate.

“‘I talked with some of the old guys whor*membered the Linn plowing theirs towns and some knew where they endedup, and when Ifound one, No matter how rusted or busted up it was, I'd offer to takeit offtheir hands.’

“Delicate job

“One of the Linns, he says, was buriednearly 2 feet in the ground. ‘We had to dig it out and jack it upand put blocks underit until we could free it. I just hate to see them end up in thejunkyard.’

“Recently, he restored a 1935 Linn for atown in Sullivan County in exchange for two other Linns -- a 1933gas-powered and a 1946diesel-powered Linn, with metal cab and body.

“Restoring the 1935 Linn took two yearsandthe help of his nephew Rob Bilby, who restored the tractor's electricalsystem.

“‘The engine was a lot worse than Ithought,’ says Bilby. ‘The valves were rusted shut, pistons stuck sotight you couldn't get themout.’

“After failing to free the pistons withsolvent, he dislodged them by using a 20 ton hydraulic jack thatsqueezed a plugagainst the pistons to drive them through the cylinders. Thoughhe had toreplace the piston rings and make new head gaskets, the bearings simplyneededa good cleaning.

“Bilby ordered some engine parts from amanin Ohio who maintains an inventory of parts used in Linn engines:others hefabricated or found in the scrap yard. Bilby has the technicalmanuals,including drawings and diagrams, for repairing the tractors.

“Bilby also repaired the hydraulic systemthat operates the plow, mounted new side lights, replaced thewindshield and back windowof the cab, mounted new tires. He cleaned and adjusted the trackmechanisms and repainted the metal parts black.

“He then replaced rotted wooden doors,roofslats of the cab and dump body with white oak planks and painted themgreen, the Linn'soriginal color. He had a new decal printed for the side of the cab, tomatch the original company logo.

“Linn Manufacturing stopped making thetractors in the early 1950s, but would accept used tractors as tradefor highway equipment,such as sanders and snow plows, Bilby said.

“‘The company would cut the engine fromtherest of the tractor, rebuild it and sell it for use at power plant,’ hesaid,noting he has several of the engines, two that were used in sawmills,one thatoperated a ski tow and another that operated a water pump that madesnow at a skiresort.

“Passed by

“‘The Linn was just a good idea in itstime,’ says Bilby. ‘They were outmoded when country roads wereblack-topped andfour-wheel-drive, rubber-tire trucks came along that could plow andtravel much faster.’

“Meredith McNeil, professor ofa*griculturalengineering at SUNY Cobleskill, who also has a special interest inLinns, agreed.

“‘Time finally outran the Linncompany. They built a machine that served the logging, constructionindustry and highwayindustry at a time when speed wasn't important. The Linn was slow butruggedbeyond belief. But in the late 1940s and early 1950s, America reallybegan to move technologically. So, speed-wise, the Linn Tractor wasoutdated’.

“What made the Linn last, says McNeil, wasthe track system. ‘It had what you would call a fairly large footprint--the amount of area that contacted the ground, which meant it couldcarry somepretty big loads.’

“Bilby says he's still looking for Linnstoadd to his collection and continues to comb the countryside for rustingmachineryin former town landfills, barns and junkyards. He also checks outreported sightings of Linn Tractors by folks who have seen his restored1924Linn Tractor at a gas-up or antique car exhibit.

“Ernie Benson of Worcester recalls what itwas like seeing a Linn plowing the roadway from Dorloo to Hyndsville inSchoharie Countyin the winter of 1945, when he was 7.

“Stopping by to admire Bilby's restorationof the 1935 Linn Tractor and hearing the start, brought back memoriesfor Benson of thethrill of watching the tractor plow through the snow.

“‘It was awesome,’ says Benson, ‘It was anawful winter that year, lots of snow, the Linn just came down that dirtroad loaded withrock to give it ballast, and it just kept pushing against the snow,back andforth until the road was cleared. For a young boy, it was quite asightto see, something you'd never forget.’”

Althoughthey were relatively unknown outside of Central New York, most highwaydepartments located in New York State's snowbelt used a Linn tractorfor highway maintenance during the summer and snowplowing during thewinter. One Morris resident summed up the experience of many tohistorian Robert C. Ackerson in 1977:

“When we head theLinns pass byin the night we knew the roads would be clear in the morning.”

(Our subject - Linn Mfg. Corp. wasunrelatedto the Escanaba, Mich. firm of the same name.)

©2014 Mark Theobald for with special thanks toFredW. Crismon, Ernest Leigh Portner, Rene Elliott and Alan Ginsburg

Pictures arecontinued on the next page - click here for more!

Appendix 1 - A.O. Lombard, H.H. Linn, LinnMfg. Corp, LinnTrailer Corp., G.R. Hanks and P.W. Sloan US Patents:

US674737 – Logging Engine - ‎Filed Nov 9,1900 - ‎Issued May21, 1901 to Alvin O. Lombard

US854364 – Log Hauler - ‎Filed Nov 22, 1905- ‎Issued May21, 1907 to Alvin O. Lombard

US945560 – Machine for Making Roads - ‎FiledJun 26, 1909 -‎Issued Jan 4, 1910 to Alvin O. Lombard

US955601 – Sled for Carrying Logs - ‎FiledJul 3, 1909 -‎Issued Apr 19, 1910 to Alvin O. Lombard

US1234355 – Tractor Truck - ‎Filed Apr 22,1916 - ‎IssuedJul 24, 1917 to Alvin O. Lombard

US1270531 - Tractor - ‎Filed Dec 1, 1916 -‎Issued Jun 25,1918 to Holman Harry Linn

US1521454 – Creeper - Filed Jul 30, 1921 -‎Issued Dec 30,1924 to Holman Harry Linn

US1685676 – Tractor - ‎Filed May 13, 1924 -‎Issued Sep 25,1928 to Holman Harry Linn assigned to Linn Mfg. Corp.

US1701979 – Snow Plow - ‎Filed Nov 17, 1926- ‎Issued Feb12, 1929 to Holman Harry Linn assigned to Linn Mfg. Corp.

US1835506 – Universal Joint - ‎Filed Apr 2,1928 - ‎IssuedDec 8, 1931 to Holman Harry Linn assigned to Linn Mfg. Corp.

US1685641 – Vehicle Drive - ‎Filed Apr 2,1928 - ‎Issued Sep25, 1928 to Holman Harry Linn assigned to Linn Mfg. Corp.

US1794630 – Construction for AutomobileTrailers - ‎FiledAug 20, 1928 - ‎Issued Mar 3, 1931 to Holman Harry Linn assigned toLinn TrailerCorp.

US1809344 – Tractor - ‎Filed Aug 27, 1928 -‎Issued Jun 9,1931 to Holman Harry Linn assigned to Linn Mfg. Corp.

US1835506 – Universal Joint - ‎Filed Apr 2,1928 - ‎IssuedDec 8, 1931 to Holman Harry Linn assigned to Linn Mfg. Corp.

US1858154 – Tractor - ‎Filed Dec 11, 1928 -‎Issued May 10,1932 to George R. Hanks assigned to Linn Mfg. Corp.

US1877516 – Head Casting for Radiators -‎Filed Oct 8, 1930- ‎Issued Sep 13, 1932 to Holman Harry Linn assigned to Linn Mfg. Corp.

US1895387 – Logging Bolster - ‎Filed Feb 20,1930 - ‎IssuedJan 24, 1933 to Holman Harry Linn assigned to Linn Mfg. Corp.

US1903629 – Vehicle Brake - ‎Filed Apr 2,1928 - ‎Issued Apr11, 1933 to Holman Harry Linn assigned to Linn Mfg. Corp.

US1915325 – Automobile Trailer Construction- ‎Filed Oct 29,1929 - ‎Issued Jun 27, 1933 to Holman Harry Linn assigned to LinnTrailer Corp.

US1953051 – Trailer Construction - ‎‎FiledOct 1, 1930 -‎Issued Mar 27, 1934 to Holman Harry Linn assigned to Linn Trailer Corp.

US1953053 – Trailer Construction - ‎FiledFeb 14, 1931 -‎Issued Mar 27, 1934 to Holman Harry Linn assigned to Linn Trailer Corp.

US1953052 – Trailer Construction - ‎FiledFeb 14, 1931 -‎Issued Mar 27, 1934 to Holman Harry Linn assigned to Linn Trailer Corp.

US1954637 – Vehicle Construction - Grant -‎Filed Jun 4,1931 - ‎Issued Apr 10, 1934 to Holman Harry Linn assigned to LinnTrailer Corp.

US1959168 – Vehicle Construction - ‎FiledNov 10, 1931 -‎Issued May 15, 1934 to Holman Harry Linn assigned to Linn Trailer Corp.

US1968046 – Trailer Construction - ‎FiledSep 10, 1930 -‎Issued Jul 31, 1934 to Holman Harry Linn assigned to Linn Trailer Corp.

US2023330 – Gate Control For Dump Vehicles -‎Filed Dec 10,1930 - ‎Issued Dec 3, 1935 to Holman Harry Linn assigned to Linn Mfg.Corp.

US2027989 – Dump Body For Vehicles - ‎FiledSep 30, 1931 -‎Issued Jan 14, 1936 to Holman Harry Linn assigned to Linn Mfg. Corp.

US2070015 – Track Trailer - ‎Filed Mar 25,1935 - ‎IssuedFeb 9, 1937 to Holman Harry Linn assigned to Linn Mfg. Corp.

US2341883 – Convertible Vehicle - ‎Filed Jul13, 1940 -‎Issued Feb 15, 1944 to Philip W. Sloan assigned to Linn Mfg. Corp.

Appendix 2 Linn Videos:

Appendix 2 Lombard Videos:


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Linn Tractor history, Linn Manufacturing Corp., H.H. Linn, Truck
Tractor, caterpillar, Holman Harry Linn, Morris, New York - (2024)


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